6 August 2020Public Notice (East Anglia): Notice of application to make a non-material change to the East Anglia Three Offshore Wind Farm Order 2017by Fishing News
4 March 2020Public Notice (IFCA byelaws): Application to replace the Fish, Mollusc and Crustacea Minimum Size Emergency Byelaws 2019by Fishing News
12 February 2020Public Notice (Scotland): Application for safety zones for the Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) Offshore Wind Farm during construction and major maintenanceby Fishing News
27 November 2019Public Notice (North East): Application for the Havhingsten fibre optic telecommunication cable landing at Seaton Sluice, Whitley Bayby Fishing News
23 October 2019Public Notice (North West): Application for Havhingsten fibre optic telecommunication cable landing at Squires Gate Lane, Blackpoolby Fishing News