• Fishing News Awards guests raise over £2k for charity

    Fishing News Awards guests raise over £2k for charity

    21st May 2024

    The Fishing News Awards took place recently on 8 May in Aberdeen and our charity partner for the awards evening was once again the Fishermen’s Mission, in recognition of the invaluable work they do around our coasts. At the end…

  • Pollack: the case for an ecosystem approach

    Pollack: the case for an ecosystem approach

    30th April 2024

    A new paper from the Cornish Fish Producers’ Organisation argues that a more holistic approach to pollack management could provide stability and a long-term future for the fishery By The Cornish FPO The 2024 zero TAC for pollack in area…

  • New processing venture for small MSC haddock

    New processing venture for small MSC haddock

    29th April 2024

    Trinity Seafoods, a new collaboration between three major players in the Scottish seafood sector – Denholm Seafoods, The Don Fishing Company and Seafood Ecosse – plans to create a new, highly automated business that it hopes will allow both UK…

  • ‘What a mess!’: North Sea sandeel ban escalates into row with EU

    ‘What a mess!’: North Sea sandeel ban escalates into row with EU

    25th April 2024

    Last week saw two high-level political challenges to the UK’s implementation of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement with the EU – highlighting, says the NFFO, the UK government’s failure to achieve a ‘joined-up’ fisheries policy that recognises the key role…

  • ‘Disappointed’: No appeal against Scottish economic link ruling

    ‘Disappointed’: No appeal against Scottish economic link ruling

    24th April 2024

    The two Scottish POs that lost their legal challenge to the Scottish government’s new economic link conditions, requiring Scottish vessels to land 55% of their catches in Scotland by 2025, have confirmed they will not appeal against the decision. The…

  • Seafood ignored in food security debate

    Seafood ignored in food security debate

    22nd April 2024

    Industry leaders have called for the fishing industry to be given a much higher priority as a vital element in national food security, and for political parties to include a strategy for fisheries in their manifestos ahead of the general…

  • First steps towards Welsh Crab and Lobster FMP

    First steps towards Welsh Crab and Lobster FMP

    18th April 2024

    ‘Nothing is ruled in, and nothing ruled out’ at the start of the process to develop a Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) for crab and lobster in Welsh waters. Wales is already unique among the four UK nations in having developed…

  • More Defra support for SW pollack fleet

    More Defra support for SW pollack fleet

    17th April 2024

    In a surprise announcement last week, Defra confirmed that it was putting in place an additional package of compensation and support for inshore pollack vessels impacted by the zero TAC for area VII pollack that came into effect on 1…

  • Peterhead shout auction up for debate

    Peterhead shout auction up for debate

    16th April 2024

    The evolution of the whitefish industry took a further step last week, with Peterhead Port Authority (PPA) confirming that it is seeking views on changes to the traditional shout auction that still operates in the fishmarket, potentially with the introduction…

  • Brexit ‘has hit seafood exports to EU’

    Brexit ‘has hit seafood exports to EU’

    15th April 2024

    Brexit has added ‘considerable’ burdens for Scottish seafood traders, and while trade with the EU is manageable, it is ‘sub-optimal’ at present, according to Seafood Scotland. It says there are a number of additional trade barriers which hampered trade ‘significantly’…

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