
  • SFF hustings sets out fisheries manifestos

    SFF hustings sets out fisheries manifestos

    20th June 2024

    Held a stone’s throw from Holyrood, the hustings organised by the SFF last week provided an opportunity to ask Scotland’s political parties about issues where Westminster retains powers, and hear them spell out what their parties would do to support…

  • Pollack: the case for an ecosystem approach

    Pollack: the case for an ecosystem approach

    30th April 2024

    A new paper from the Cornish Fish Producers’ Organisation argues that a more holistic approach to pollack management could provide stability and a long-term future for the fishery By The Cornish FPO The 2024 zero TAC for pollack in area…

  • Kiwi innovations set for UK trials

    Kiwi innovations set for UK trials

    24th January 2024

    Two gear technologists from New Zealand completed a whistle-stop tour of the UK at the end of last month, discussing the potential uses of their novel codend technology – which has now become widespread in the Kiwi fishing industry –…

  • Credit union offers funding solution for fishermen

    Credit union offers funding solution for fishermen

    29th December 2023

    Alternative source of short-terms loans to bridge FaSS grant waiting period The Fisheries and Seafood Fund (FaSS) has provided huge benefits for many small-scale fishermen, providing significant grant aid towards a host of vessel and safety improvements. For many boat…

  • Christmas cracker crews

    Christmas cracker crews

    25th December 2023

    Ashore for Christmas? For Hull trawlermen, Yuletide trips were often an obligation – and were fraught with added danger. By Alec Gill Christmas was a time of conflict within Hull’s trawling industry. The clash was between love and money. Trawlermen…

  • Fishing and the law. Collisions: what happens next?

    Fishing and the law. Collisions: what happens next?

    1st December 2023

    Advice for fishermen from specialist marine law firm Bartons By Jo Plummery Collisions, as we know them, may well be consigned to the history books once autonomous navigation becomes the norm for commercial vessels. Until then, collisions will still be…

  • Flavours of the future: innovations to preserve taste and reduce waste

    Flavours of the future: innovations to preserve taste and reduce waste

    17th October 2023

    With the UK Seafood Innovation Fund’s latest research and development projects underway, Fishing News is delving into some of the innovations that the fund has supported. This week: how two different supply chain innovations could help feed the UK’s appetite…

  • Prolific LK 986 Boat Review

    Prolific LK 986 Boat Review

    2nd October 2023

    The latest addition to Shetland’s whitefish fleet, the 24.9m stern trawler Prolific LK 986, arrived alongside at Lerwick just before midnight on 6 July, after a 3,500-mile, 17-day delivery trip from Croatia. The new vessel joins her identical sistership Copious…

  • Whelk Fisheries: Solving the whelk riddle

    Whelk Fisheries: Solving the whelk riddle

    27th September 2023

    An insight into the research revolutionising how we approach whelk fisheries – part of one of the collaborative shellfish Fisheries Industry Science Partnerships By Jack Walker and Fiona Birch Once a popular street food in the bustling alleyways of Victorian…

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