
  • Further funding for North of Tyne FLAG

    Further funding for North of Tyne FLAG

    12th April 2018

    Three Northumberland-based fishing projects have recently received European Maritime and Fisheries Funding (EMFF) that will be used to provide new or protect existing facilities in which local fishermen store their catch. Gary Little, skipper and owner of the fishing vessel…

  • FISHERIES SCIENCE – your chance to ask Hannah Fennell

    FISHERIES SCIENCE – your chance to ask Hannah Fennell

    5th April 2018

    Fishing News is pleased to announce the launch of a new, monthly feature focused on answering scientific questions sent in by readers. It will be run by researcher Hannah Fennell and will focus on the science of fish and the fishing industry. If you have…

  • Shetland owners order new 75m midwater trawler Charisma

    Shetland owners order new 75m midwater trawler Charisma

    22nd March 2018

    Whalsay skipper Davie Hutchison and partners of the Charisma Fishing Company have signed a contract with Karstensens Shipyard to design and build a 75m midwater trawler for delivery in November 2019, reports David Linkie Of 75m LOA, breadth moulded 15.3m…

  • Stranded lobsters rescued

    Stranded lobsters rescued

    16th March 2018

    Fishermen and their families, together with volunteers from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and members of the general public, rescued over 5,000 lobsters washed ashore on the Holderness coast by extremely heavy seas associated with the ‘Beast From The East’ and Storm…

  • New Lincolnshire Cat

    New Lincolnshire Cat

    7th March 2018

    One of a kind – so far. John Worrall reports. You need a new boat, a catamaran, as big as possible under 10 metres. It needs to able to work from a heavily-tidal creek, to haul 700-800 pots a day,…

  • Southend fisherman Paul Gilson

    Southend fisherman Paul Gilson

    2nd March 2018

    A man dedicated to seeing the fishing industry survive. Having spent a lifetime fishing from the Essex coast at Southend, Paul Gilson is determined to see the survival of the industry he loves so much, reports John Periam. Above: Paul returning…

  • Potting on Seahouses shellfish catamaran Standsure

    Potting on Seahouses shellfish catamaran Standsure

    15th January 2018

    This selection of images taken onboard Seahouses skipper Jonathan Dawson’s potting catamaran Standsure BK 552 was taken by photographer Gareth Easton. Eighteen months ago he put on the exhibition ‘Images from the North Sea’, following a trip on the Peterhead…

  • The origins of the present day Cornish sardine fishery

    The origins of the present day Cornish sardine fishery

    5th January 2018

    After a trip on the Scottish purse seiner Lunar Bow in 1980, years later a Cornish fisherman pioneered the present fishery for Cornish sardines. Above: By the time he got the Prevail, Nutty Noah continued to develop what became today’s ring…

  • Newlyn beam trawler St Georges re-engined at Whitby

    Newlyn beam trawler St Georges re-engined at Whitby

    27th December 2017

    The 31m registered length beam trawler St Georges PZ 1053 started fishing again earlier this month from Newlyn, following an extensive engineroom renewal project and general refurbishment. The work was carried out by Parkol Marine Engineering at Whitby before the vessel…

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