
  • Squid diaries – part 5

    Squid diaries – part 5

    19th January 2017

    Phil Lockley cautions: “This will cost you!” Above: Have those jigs ‘caught’ me, or is that the range of gear I need? Through two years of lost fishing time (from arthritis), a recent replacement knee means that I am now ‘titanium-rich’…

  • Ports in the Past: Ullapool of yesteryear

    Ports in the Past: Ullapool of yesteryear

    5th January 2017

    For more than 20 years, the Scottish west coast port of Ullapool was one of the busiest landing centres in the UK on a seasonal basis. Ullapool’s rise to prominence coincided with the growth of mackerel fishing, when a large…

  • Squid diaries – part 4

    Squid diaries – part 4

    30th December 2016

    Phil Lockley asks: “What have top-up cards got to do with squidding?” Regarding the layout and style of my squid gear, each year I have a new idea. Some go right and some are a complete flop. And the same…

  • Isle of Man king scallop fishery in focus – P2

    Isle of Man king scallop fishery in focus – P2

    21st December 2016

    A second selection of photographs taken by Darren Purves, depicting action from the Isle of Man king scallop fishery last month. Since the start of the season on 1 November, local and visiting skippers and crews have regularly had to…

  • Squid diaries – part 3

    Squid diaries – part 3

    21st December 2016

    Phil Lockley recalls mistakes-a-plenty. I hope that hints given here may shorten your learning curve; either on technique or from using the wrong gear. On many days I have lost money by making unnecessary mistakes. Buying ‘cheap’ gear is the…

  • The Isle of Man king scallop fishery in focus – P1

    The Isle of Man king scallop fishery in focus – P1

    12th December 2016

    Within a few hours of the seasonal Isle of Man king scallop season opening at the beginning of last month, almost inevitably weather conditions in the middle of the Irish Sea deteriorated to provide challenging conditions for crews. The traditional…

  • Encouraging outlook for Irish Sea Nephrops fishery

    Encouraging outlook for Irish Sea Nephrops fishery

    5th December 2016

    The Irish Sea prawn fishery is showing encouraging present and future signs. Above: The Kilkeel inshore prawn trawlers Jack the Lad and Children’s Hope in Eyemouth last month. Following above-average fishing on the traditional prawn grounds on the western side of…

  • Mersea oyster-dredging match: staying native

    Mersea oyster-dredging match: staying native

    27th October 2016

    Essex oysters were once all about Ostrea edulis, the native flat oyster found in huge quantities in the creeks of that serrated coast where the water quality and nutrient levels were just right, reports John Worrall Above: Gracie found millpond…

  • Commercial fishing in Hastings

    Commercial fishing in Hastings

    18th October 2016

    Located on the south coast of Sussex, Hastings is home to the UK’s largest beach-launched fleet and fishing community, reports John Periam Above: Stan Pepper and Robert Ball working on their nets at Hastings – this always attracts a lot of interest…

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