15 November 2018SFF annual dinner – opportunities must be seized and challenges overcomeby Tracey Parsons
13 November 2018Public Notice: Shrimp Permit Byelaw 2018 Amendment – vessel named on a shrimp permit must not be used unless it has a fully functioning electronic monitoring deviceby Tracey Parsons
6 November 2018Public Notice (Cornwall): Application for a Section 36 consent to generate up to 40 MW of energy from temporary floating offshore windfarm structures 16km off St Ives Headby Tracey Parsons
6 November 2018Public Notice (Hull): Notice of Acceptance of an Application for a Development Consent Order (improvements to the A63 and connecting side roads in Hull between Ropery Street and the Market Place/Queen Street junction)by Tracey Parsons
31 October 2018Public Notice (Norfolk): Notice publicising a proposed application for a development consent order relating to construction and operation of an offshore wind farm located approximately 73km from the coast of Norfolkby Tracey Parsons