
  • New issue: Fishing News 26.10.17

    New issue: Fishing News 26.10.17

    24th October 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Lifeboat launch delays ‘risking lives’ • New Asteria for Isle of Skye owners • BOTW: Sapphire II PZ 115 • Eastbourne fishermen secure EU funding for new berthing and landing complex…

  • Lifeboat launch delays ‘risking lives’

    Lifeboat launch delays ‘risking lives’

    23rd October 2017

    MPs ask minister to review Coastguard operations. Calls are growing for a review of MCA Search and Rescue operations, amid concerns that delays in launching lifeboats are costing fishermen’s lives. Two experienced lifeboat helmsmen voiced their concerns following the recent…

  • Explaining industry reality to the public

    Explaining industry reality to the public

    19th October 2017

    An Essex catamaran designer and former fisherman has written a condensed history of the UK fishing industry. The article explains the structure of the industry, and sets out management policies over the past 40 years and the adverse effect they…

  • Boat of the Week: Charles Edward FE 385

    Boat of the Week: Charles Edward FE 385

    18th October 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Charles Edward FE 385 LOA: 14.95m Built: Robert Hus St Malo France 1987 Type: Scalloper Home port: Brixham/Plymouth We’ll be back next week with our latest boat…

  • Extremely rare catch for Handa Isle off Tory Island

    Extremely rare catch for Handa Isle off Tory Island

    18th October 2017

    This unusual catch came aboard the crabber Handa Isle while fishing for brown crab at the start of the month, reports Pauric Gallagher. Above: This toothed rock crab is only the third recorded catch in Irish waters. The crab has been identified…

  • New issue: Fishing News 19.10.17

    New issue: Fishing News 19.10.17

    18th October 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Brexit Fisheries Bill early next year says minister • Extremely rare catch for Handa Isle off Tory Island • BOTW: Charles Edward FE 385 • Explaining industry reality to the public…

  • Brexit Fisheries Bill early next year says minister

    Brexit Fisheries Bill early next year says minister

    16th October 2017

    Call for debate on effort control v quotas. UK fisheries minister George Eustice gave an upbeat assessment last week of the prospects for the UK fishing industry after Brexit, reports Tim Oliver. Above: UK Fisheries Minister George Eustice addressing the NFFO’s…

  • Channel cuttle fishery starts early and strongly

    Channel cuttle fishery starts early and strongly

    9th October 2017

    ‘Black Gold’ attracts a large fleet of visiting vessels to Brixham. Above: The Looe-owned trawler Guiding Light III heads in to Brixham after fishing cuttles… The autumn and early winter cuttlefish season off the coast of South Devon started with a…

  • A monumental effort to get a memorial to lost fishermen in North Shields

    A monumental effort to get a memorial to lost fishermen in North Shields

    9th October 2017

    Hundreds of people turned out at North Shields on Sunday, 24 September, to witness the unveiling of a lasting memorial to lost fishermen. Above: An appropriately dramatic sunrise on unveiling day. The completed sculpture, named Fiddler’s Green, was finally revealed to…

  • New issue: Fishing News 12.10.17

    New issue: Fishing News 12.10.17

    9th October 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • Anger at berried lobster landings ban in England • Feature: Channel cuttle fishery starts early and strongly • BOTW: Horizon DA 77 • Rebuilt fast potter Eventide joins Riptide at Bridlington…

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