
  • MMO under fire over bass fishing applications

    MMO under fire over bass fishing applications

    15th May 2017

    The MMO has rejected 261 applications for authorisations to fish bass under the new 2017 regulations, reports Tim Oliver. It received 661 applications, of which 377 had been approved and 261 rejected as of 8 May, while 23 were still…

  • Littlehampton Lifeboats: An illustrated history

    Littlehampton Lifeboats: An illustrated history

    12th May 2017

    A new book on the history of Littlehampton lifeboats recounts the history from its opening in the late 19th century to the present day, reports John Periam. Littlehampton lifeboat station was closed after the First World War but was reopened…

  • Rethink on Macduff harbour watchmen

    Rethink on Macduff harbour watchmen

    12th May 2017

    Aberdeenshire Council has delayed its contentious decision to scrap night watchmen at Macduff harbour, following widespread opposition from local fishermen, the Harbour Advisory Board and the Scottish White Fish Producers Association, reports David Linkie. Above: Reliance II landing 450 boxes of…

  • New scallop rules in Scottish waters

    New scallop rules in Scottish waters

    11th May 2017

    Marine Scotland is introducing new king scallop landing regulations that will come into effect on Thursday, 1 June, 2017. A plan to introduce new controls was announced in 2015, but they were delayed because provisions covering remote electronic monitoring (REM)…

  • Blast at Scots government in mackerel quota dispute

    Blast at Scots government in mackerel quota dispute

    10th May 2017

    A Scottish PO chief says the Scottish government’s withholding of 12% of the 2017 Scottish mackerel quota from the pelagic sector is the wrong way to encourage more domestic landings, reports Tim Oliver. Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing told the…

  • Boat of the Week: Manuel Laura FH 725

    Boat of the Week: Manuel Laura FH 725

    10th May 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Manuel Laura FH 725 LOA: 36m Built: Astilleros Armon SA Virgo 2004 Type: Twin-rig whitefish trawler Home port: Milford Haven/Various We’ll be back next week with…

  • New issue: Fishing News 11.05.17

    New issue: Fishing News 11.05.17

    9th May 2017

    This week in Fishing News you will find: • ‘Discards ban will tie up boats in February’ • Rethink on Macduff harbour watchmen • Boat of the Week: Manuel Laura FH 725 • Sam of Ladram joins waterdance fleet at…

  • ‘Discards ban will tie up boats in February’

    ‘Discards ban will tie up boats in February’

    8th May 2017

    A minister has warned that a way must be found to implement the landing obligation that does not tie up fishing vessels as early as February, reports Tim Oliver. Scottish fisheries minister Fergus Ewing said the most problematic area of…

  • Ground-breaking new whitefish vessel ordered

    Ground-breaking new whitefish vessel ordered

    2nd May 2017

    A completely new design of 34.5m fly-shooter/twin-rig trawler, featuring electric deck machinery, is to be built by Thecla Bodewes Shipyards, Harlingen, for Katwijk owner Maarten van Duijn. Designed in conjunction with Ove Kristensen of Vestværftet ApS to combine high speeds…

  • Boat of the Week: Spindrift BA 220

    Boat of the Week: Spindrift BA 220

    2nd May 2017

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Spindrift BA 220 LOA: 17m Built: Alexander Noble & Sons Ltd Girvan 1974 Type: Prawn trawler Home port: Troon We’ll be back next week with our…

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