
  • Boat of the week: Delta Dawn SY 788

    Boat of the week: Delta Dawn SY 788

    5th December 2016

    Each week we bring you the boat of the week, taken from Fishing News. Name: Delta Dawn SY 788 LOA: 12m Built: Anderson Marine/Peterhead & BlueWater Boats/Plymouth 2016 Type: Vivier-potter Home port: Kallin Grimsay We’ll be back next week with our latest boat focus. Got some…

  • New issue: Fishing News 24.11.16

    New issue: Fishing News 24.11.16

    23rd November 2016

    THIS WEEK IN FISHING NEWS YOU WILL FIND:   • Daily catch limit imposed for Isle of Man scallop fishery • Newlyn beamer Algrie refurbished in Holland • MSC ‘no’ to pulse trawls • Fishing News joins the Young Fisherman of…

  • Sunderland Marine publish safety guide for new entrants

    Sunderland Marine publish safety guide for new entrants

    3rd November 2016

    Sunderland Marine, one of the world’s leading insurers to the fishing industry, has published a new safety guide aimed primarily at young people joining fishing vessels for the first time. Called Safe Out, Safe Home: A Safety Guide for New Fishing Crew, the new graphic-novel-style guide is designed…

  • UK’S top 10 fish and chips restaurants announced

    UK’S top 10 fish and chips restaurants announced

    2nd November 2016

    The UK’s top 10 fish and chip restaurants for the 2017 National Fish & Chip Awards, organised by Seafish, were announced recently. On being shortlisted, the 10 businesses will now compete for the Independent Fish and Chip Restaurant of the Year Award and aim to claim to the title…

  • Cuttles make £4/kg at Brixham

    Cuttles make £4/kg at Brixham

    2nd November 2016

    Cuttlefish were making over £4 per kg on Brixham fishmarket a couple of weeks ago, reports Tim Oliver. “That’s an unheard of price, it’s a prime fish price,” said SWFPO chief executive Jim Portus. The high prices follow Brixham’s first £1m week (Fishing News,…

  • Several unsuccessful fisheries causing hardship for inshore fishermen

    Several unsuccessful fisheries causing hardship for inshore fishermen

    2nd November 2016

    Inshore fishermen on the west and north-west coasts of Ireland are facing a bleak winter due to the failures of both the shrimp and velvet crab fisheries, reports Pauric Gallagher. This was compounded by the failure of brown crabs to arrive in any quantity inshore on the north-west…

  • New issue: Fishing News 10.11.16

    New issue: Fishing News 10.11.16

    1st November 2016

    This Week In Fishing News You Will Find: • New boat profile of Kings Cross PD 365 • Review of the Bournemouth Skipper Expo 2016 • Safety: ‘Crew must wear PFDs by law’ MAIB tells MCA • News for scallop fishing…

  • Increased 2017 mackerel TAC announced

    Increased 2017 mackerel TAC announced

    1st November 2016

    Pelagic fishermen in Britain and Ireland will have increased catching opportunities for north-east Atlantic mackerel in 2017, following an agreement reached at the Coastal State negotiations between the EU, Norway and the Faroe Islands in Clonakilty, reports David Linkie. Under the agreement, which follows scientific…

  • Isle of Man: new management measures for scallop fishery

    Isle of Man: new management measures for scallop fishery

    28th October 2016

    Vessel licenses reduced from 156 to 88 New measures to ensure the sustainability of the Isle of Man king scallop fishery, including the introduction of an inshore marine zoning plan, are to be introduced, the Isle of Man government announced…

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