
  • Fishermen buy-in to shark by-watch

    Fishermen buy-in to shark by-watch

    16th February 2016

    Designed from the outset as a bottom-up initiative, instead of the more familiar top-down approach, the second phase of the CEFAS-led Shark By-Watch UK project builds on the success of its initial research, which saw commercial fishermen gather biological data…

  • Innovative shrimp gear makes UK debut

    16th February 2016

    A new type of shrimp gear, claimed to have far less impact on the seabed, has arrived in the Wash, reports John Worrall. Above: The SeeWing beam maintains a lower trawl front-end profile. The SeeWing has been acquired in a…

  • Boat of the Week 11.02.16 – Resolute BF 50

    Boat of the Week 11.02.16 – Resolute BF 50

    15th February 2016

    Each week we’ll be bringing you our pick of Boat of the Week taken from Fishing News. Every image has been photographed by editor David Linkie while at sea. Name: Resolute BF 50 LOA: 64m Built: West Contractors AS Ølensvåg…

  • Lobster fishing on Lady K

    Lobster fishing on Lady K

    12th February 2016

    The Cyfish 33 Lady K K1 rounded Weather Ness shortly after midday and powered in towards the ferry pier at Rapness. Above: The Cyfish 33 Lady K powers into Rapness pier. Having left Pierowall harbour at 4am, skipper Heddle Costie and…

  • Ports in the Past: Pittenweem

    Ports in the Past: Pittenweem

    11th February 2016

    Located on the East Neuk of Fife, on the north shore of the Firth of Forth, Pittenweem harbour has a longstanding tradition of fishing. The inshore prawn trawlers and creel boats that fish from Pittenweem today are a long way…

  • Fishing in Orkney: Part 3 – Westray

    Fishing in Orkney: Part 3 – Westray

    10th February 2016

    This is the third, and final, part of the Fishing News Orkney feature by David Linkie. Catch up on parts one and two if you missed them! Fishing of key importance on Westray Although less than 10 miles long and…

  • Simpsons named best in UK for fish and chips

    Simpsons named best in UK for fish and chips

    9th February 2016

    The National Fish and Chip Awards, sponsored by Seafish and widely considered the ‘Oscars’ of the fish-frying industry, attracted over 600 attendees this year to the Lancaster London Hotel on 20 January. Now in its 28th year, the prestigious ceremony…

  • Boat of the Week 04.02.16 – J-Sea E 333

    Boat of the Week 04.02.16 – J-Sea E 333

    8th February 2016

    Each week we’ll be bringing you our pick of Boat of the Week taken from Fishing News. Every image has been photographed by editor David Linkie while at sea. Name: J-Sea E 333 LOA: 13.95m Built: Newbury Engineering Newhaven 2011…

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