
  • Boat News

    3rd February 2016

    Dave Linkie gives a round up of the latest boat news across the UK… Fraserburgh skipper orders 24m trawler with Whitby yard – Fraserburgh skipper Stephen West, of MB Good Design LLP, has placed an order for a new design of…

  • Fishing in Orkney: Part 1

    Fishing in Orkney: Part 1

    3rd February 2016

    A combination of shellfish and whitefish, landed by a mixed fleet of some 60 locally-owned +9m creel boats, scallopers and trawlers, are of vital socio-economic importance to local communities on the Orkney Islands, situated some 40 miles to the north…

  • 23 English MCZs announced in second round

    23 English MCZs announced in second round

    2nd February 2016

    DEFRA has designated another 23 marine conservation zones (MCZs) in English waters, reports Tim Oliver They will bring the total number of MCZs to 50, and cover more than 7,886sq miles. This is more than a fifth of English waters…

  • Boat of the Week 28.01.16 – Colmcille G 186

    Boat of the Week 28.01.16 – Colmcille G 186

    1st February 2016

    Each week we’ll be bringing you our pick of Boat of the Week taken from Fishing News. Every image has been photographed by editor David Linkie while at sea. Name: Colmcille G 186 LOA: 27.35m Built: Vestværftet ApS Hvide Sande…

  • New boat: Audacious DA 14

    New boat: Audacious DA 14

    29th January 2016

    Mooney Boats complete Danish-designed 25.6m twin-rig prawn freezer trawler for Clogherhead. The custom-designed 25.6m multi-rig prawn freezer trawler Audacious DA 14 berthed at her home port of Clogherhead on 22 December, after being completed ahead of schedule for brothers David and…

  • Fishmarkets of Yesteryear: Brixham

    Fishmarkets of Yesteryear: Brixham

    28th January 2016

    Martin Johns looks back on former fishmarkets at Brixham. Situated on the South Devon coast, in close proximity to Berry Head, Brixham has long been a key fishmarket of both local and national importance. Today, as one of the main…

  • New whitefish trawler for Westray

    27th January 2016

    Westray skipper Tommy Tulloch is scheduled to take delivery of a new 28m single-rig whitefish trawler in September 2017. To be built by Vestværftet ApS at Hvide Sande, Denmark, skipper Tommy Tulloch’s new command will be the first new whitefish…

  • Oil prices fall to their lowest level for 12 years

    26th January 2016

    Fuel, the one common dominator across the UK fleet, continued to drop in price the week before last when Brent crude oil, used as an international benchmark, sold at under $30 per barrel for the first time since 2004, reports David…

  • Book: The Naked Shore of the North Sea by Tom Blass

    Book: The Naked Shore of the North Sea by Tom Blass

    26th January 2016

    As well as news, features and nostalgia about the commercial fishing industry, we also like to let you know about great new books that could be of interest. Enjoy this extract from Tom Blass’ The Naked Shore of the North…

  • Second fish auction for Lowestoft

    25th January 2016

    Lowestoft skipper Steve Wightman has started a second auction at the East Anglia port, reports Mick Harrod. Steve Wightman is a third-generation fisherman, and skippers the family-owned inshore boat Georgie Girl LT 1042, predominantly long-lining from Lowestoft. Steve said that…

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