
  • Landings obligation double u-turn shock

    Landings obligation double u-turn shock

    11th December 2015

    ***As Fishing News hit its press deadline, it was understood that intensive efforts were being made at all levels to reverse the shock decision taken by the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament to fully enforce the demersal landing obligation…

  • Commercial fishing: Looking back to 1945

    Commercial fishing: Looking back to 1945

    10th December 2015

    This week Fishing News looks back to 1945, a year that saw the country struggling to recover as the Second World War came to an end. In a stark reflection of the economic and political climate, Fishing News is also at one…

  • Trials positive on plaice survival

    9th December 2015

    Trials to assess survival rates of discarded plaice have shown significant numbers of the species do survive after being caught and discarded, reports Tim Oliver. Above: Handling of discards is one of several factors that influence survival rates. (Photograph courtesy of…

  • Boat of the Week 03.12.15 – Guardian Angell LK 272

    Boat of the Week 03.12.15 – Guardian Angell LK 272

    7th December 2015

    Each week we’ll be bringing you our pick of Boat of the Week taken from Fishing News. Every image has been photographed by editor David Linkie while at sea. Name: Guardian Angell LK 272 LOA: 26m Built: Parkol Marine Engineering…

  • Quotas allocation challenge thrashed out in High Court

    Quotas allocation challenge thrashed out in High Court

    4th December 2015

    A ruling on a Greenpeace challenge to the UK quota allocation system could be made before the end of the year, reports Tim Oliver. The case could be referred to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for clarification of elements…

  • Where are they now? Fishing vessels from years gone by

    Where are they now? Fishing vessels from years gone by

    3rd December 2015

    Our ‘Where are they now?’ feature provides brief histories, including build details, of a varied selection of fishing vessels from years gone by. Some of these vessels continue to perform successfully today, under different names to the ones they were…

  • SAGB Crustacean Committee Meeting

    SAGB Crustacean Committee Meeting

    2nd December 2015

    While at the Bournemouth Skipper Expo on October 30, Fishing News attended the Crustacean Committee meeting chaired by Sarah Clarke, chair of the Crustacean Society, David Jarrad, director of the Shellfish Association of Great Britain (SAGB) and Dr Colin Bannister,…

  • Boat of the Week 26.11.15 – Kirkella H 7

    Boat of the Week 26.11.15 – Kirkella H 7

    30th November 2015

    Each week we’ll be bringing you our pick of Boat of the Week taken from Fishing News. Every image has been photographed by editor David Linkie while at sea. Name: Kirkella H 7 LOA: 86.1m Built: Tersan Shipyard Yalova Turkey…

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