Test your fishing knowledge against that of our expert question setters for your chance to win £100

Enter by filling in your answers on our online form here!

Alternatively, write your answers on the pages of the latest issue of Fishing News and add your name and address at the bottom of the page, and post to: Fishing News Christmas Quiz, Kelsey Publishing Ltd, The Granary, Downs Court, Yalding Hill, Yalding, Maidstone, Kent, ME 18 6AL.

The person with the highest number of correct answers will win £100 and a Fishing News beanie hat – and there are also beanie hats for six runners-up. (In the event of a tie, the winner’s name will be drawn at random.)

The closing date is 10 January. The answers will appear in the 19 January issue.

Enter the Fishing News Prize Quiz now!

Our thanks to Dr Jim Ellis, who once again set our fisheries science questions. Dr Ellis is director of the Cefas Fisheries International Centre of Excellence (cefas.co.uk/ icoe/fisheries/) and one of the authors of the Fish Atlas of the Celtic Sea, North Sea and Baltic Sea.