The Scottish Fisheries Museum has teamed up with Netherlands-based charitable foundation By The Ocean We Unite to screen an insightful and moving environmental documentary.

On Friday, 2 October from 7-9pm, the museum invites you to join it for an online screening of An Ocean Story, the feature-length documentary by Sander Van Weert featuring National Geographic explorer-in-residence and president/chair of Mission Blue Sylvia Earle, president of Iceland Guðni Jóhannesson and the UN secretary-general’s special envoy for the ocean Peter Thomson.

At the World Ocean Summit 2018, filmmaker Sander Van Weert, aquatic biologist Nanne van Hoytema and founder of By The Ocean We Unite Thomas van Thiel talked to key players in the fields of politics, environmental research and commerce to explore what people, businesses and politicians can do to save our fragile ocean ecosystem. The interviews are interspersed with visits to people fighting to ensure the livelihoods of all those who depend on the ocean.

Scottish Fisheries Museum events officer Andrea Elder said: “The marine environment is at the forefront of our minds, and that is reflected in our Sea Change exhibition. We think it is important that innovative films like An Ocean Story are screened to show the impact of the threats our waters face, so fishing can continue to be sustainable into the future.”

Following the screening, there will be an exclusive conversation facilitated by the museum, so virtual attendees can discuss the themes explored in the film.

This event forms part of a programme of activities linked to Sea Change, the marine environment-themed 50th anniversary Scottish Fisheries Museum exhibition, which is now on an extended run until the end of the year after the original dates were cut short by the temporary museum closure necessitated by the pandemic. The exhibition can also be seen online at: 

Tickets for the online film screening cost £5 and can be obtained from the Scottish Fisheries Museum Eventbrite page at:

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