
  • Win My Fishing Life: A Story of the Sea by Ashley Mullenger

    Win My Fishing Life: A Story of the Sea by Ashley Mullenger

    23rd July 2024

    Ashley Mullenger, aka ‘The Female Fisherman’ to her many Instagram followers, takes the reader on three journeys in My Fishing Life: A Story of the Sea and you can experience these journeys, too, with our latest competition to give away THREE copies…

  • My Fishing Life: A Story of the Sea by Ashley Mullenger

    My Fishing Life: A Story of the Sea by Ashley Mullenger

    23rd July 2024

    Ashley Mullenger aka ‘The Female Fisherman’ to her many Instagram followers, takes the reader on three journeys in her new book, My Fishing Life. Two of these are deliveries of boats of which she is part-owner, one from the Western…

  • New Community Catch standard seeks input

    New Community Catch standard seeks input

    22nd July 2024

    Community Catch is a new initiative designed to help small-scale fishermen – defined as those working on vessels under 2.4m – around the world to reach new markets. A not-for-profit body, it is supported by Marks and Spencer amongst others.…

  • SFF hustings sets out fisheries manifestos

    SFF hustings sets out fisheries manifestos

    20th June 2024

    Held a stone’s throw from Holyrood, the hustings organised by the SFF last week provided an opportunity to ask Scotland’s political parties about issues where Westminster retains powers, and hear them spell out what their parties would do to support…

  • Cornish FPO sets out pre-election stall

    Cornish FPO sets out pre-election stall

    17th June 2024

    The Cornish FPO published last week a detailed analysis and take-down of issues around the increase in blanket marine conservation measures. ‘Setting the national security balance: food, energy and nature’. The PO argues that ensuring food security, the future of…

  • Black bream: New research into the state of the stock

    Black bream: New research into the state of the stock

    7th June 2024

    Black bream is increasingly important to both gill-netters and rod and line vessels in the Channel, as well as being a popular angling fish – but although catch rates are reported to be rising, little is known about the state…

  • 12 Silk Handkerchiefs: Remembering Hull’s safety pioneers

    12 Silk Handkerchiefs: Remembering Hull’s safety pioneers

    30th May 2024

    The Seafarer’s Charity hosted a stunning performance on 16 May of 12 Silk Handkerchiefs, a narrated and musical commemoration of the Triple Trawler Tragedy that rocked Hull in 1968. Held on the bank of the river Thames, the event followed…

  • Pollack: the case for an ecosystem approach

    Pollack: the case for an ecosystem approach

    30th April 2024

    A new paper from the Cornish Fish Producers’ Organisation argues that a more holistic approach to pollack management could provide stability and a long-term future for the fishery By The Cornish FPO The 2024 zero TAC for pollack in area…

  • Fisheries and climate: Climate impacts on stock shifts

    Fisheries and climate: Climate impacts on stock shifts

    27th February 2024

    Why the thermal niche is a key consideration in fish stock management By DR RICHARD KIRBY In my previous article about the recent return of bluefin tuna to UK seas (FN, 18 January, ‘Why are bluefin back in UK seas?’),…


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