An interesting range of readers’ photographs were sent to Fishing News in 2018 for inclusion in this informal feature.
The high quality of images received made selecting the six shortlisted photographs shown on this page particularly challenging for the Fishing News team.
By common consensus, the overall winner was ‘Waiting for the tide’, taken by Clifford Craven, who will receive a cheque for £100.
Thanks to all readers who sent in their photographs, and please keep them coming for 2019.

Waiting for the tide. (Clifford Craven)

The Whalsay midwater trawler Antares LK 419 pumping herring. (George Williamson)

The Peterhead pair-seiner Lapwing preparing to take fish onboard on a bonny summer’s night. (Peter Bruce)

Tobermory skipper Alasdair MacLean’s creel boat Dawn Treader OB 461 on a fresh day, west of Ardmore Point, North Mull, with the Cairns of Coll on the horizon. (Nic Davies)

Sunset at Burra. (Bobby Williamson)

The pelagic vessel Altaire LK 429 turning away from Shetland to fish North Sea herring. (Ivan Reid)