In place of the usual table donations to the Fishermen’s Mission at the awards evening, a Just Giving page has been created to allow those who wish to make a donation this year to do so. Kelsey Media has started the ball rolling with a donation of £1,000.
Alison Godfrey, the Mission’s director of business development, said: “Fishing News has always been a friend and support to the Fishermen’s Mission – from printing our news to spreading the word about our GetSeaFit programme and helping us to raise funds.
“The Fishing News Awards has always been a great occasion, and very much enjoyed by our port staff who attend. As well as being a chance to get to know people, the guests always generously donate to us, and these gifts are vital.
“In the past three months, we have dispersed more than £250,000 to fishermen and their families who are in real need of support. Along with other charities, we have very little fundraising income at the moment, and this is a wonderfully generous gesture from our friends. For all the fishermen out there, please remember: wherever you are, we are here to help.”
If you feel able to make a donation this year, please go to:
For more details on the Fishing News Awards 2020, click here