With a new record set for the number of nominations for this year’s Fishing News Awards, it’s been a busy few weeks assessing all of the nominees and drawing up the shortlists. The quality of the nominations this year led to some difficult decisions, with many more deserving candidates in some categories than could be shortlisted.

We are delighted to now be able to reveal the 2023 shortlists and open the voting for this year’s awards. This year, seven of the categories will be decided by Fishing News readers – so once you’ve read the shortlists, it’s over to you!

Click here to place your vote for your favourite in each category.

The remaining three categories – Boat of the Year, the Sustainability Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award – will be decided by a panel of judges drawn from the fishing industry.

Voting closes at midnight on Monday, 10 April.


This award will go to a UK- or Ireland-based fisherman in the under-10m sector who has demonstrated exceptional commitment to the industry in 2022, demonstrating skill, determination, leadership ability and adaptability to change.

Richard Grains

Shetland fisherman Richard Grains started his career on whitefish trawlers before deciding to buy his own vessel in 2007.

Having worked his way up through gradually larger boats, he now fishes mainly for crab and lobster on the Valentia LK 21, a brand-new creel vessel which he took delivery of last year.

With no family history in fishing, Richard says it was the freedom that attracted him to a career in the industry.

“There’s no other fishermen in my family at all,” he told Fishing News. “I have a love for the sea. From a young age I was working a few pots from a very small boat, while still at school. I’ve always wanted to do it, and to have my own boat – that’s what I aspired to do.”

Richard’s is the only creel boat fishing out of the small port of Collafirth in Northmavine at the north of the Shetland mainland, and he also provides employment opportunities for the local community.

“I have a young local lad from the same village as myself – he has been with me for a year now. Prior to that, I had another young local lad, and he was with me for between four and five years.”

Richard, who was described in his nomination as showing ‘perseverance and adaptability’, says he feels ‘honoured’ to have been nominated for the award.

Ted Hook

Ted Hook traded West Wales for West Dorset some 15 years ago, and fishes out of West Bay on the Denis Swire trawler Immy PZ 110, mainly targeting Dover sole, cuttlefish and plaice.

“As a kid I used to go winkle-picking, then started getting on the boats, then eventually bought my own boat,” he told FN. “I used to fish out of Milford and Saundersfoot in Tenby.”

Ted’s career has now spanned more than two decades. “I’ve always fished. I went full-time fishing when I was about 14. It’s all I’ve ever done.”

However, last year was perhaps the toughest yet for Ted, who had to overcome a series of issues with the MCA in relation to the new under-15m safety code (Fishing News, 16 June, 2022, ‘Classic Denis Swire design detained’).

That fact was not overlooked in his nomination, where Ted was described as having been ‘through the ringer’ but being ‘as keen as ever’ to make up for lost time.

“I absolutely love the job,” he said. “But this last year nearly finished me. It’s been a fight, but I still love the job, and plan to fish until I retire. Fishing is a way of life. I like the uncertainty, and every day is different.”

On hearing of his nomination, Ted said: “It’s a bit of a shock, really. I’m completely taken by surprise.”


To be awarded to a UK- or Ireland-based demersal, pelagic or shellfish fisherman, working in the over-10m sector, who has made an outstanding contribution to the industry in 2022.

Sponsored by Peterhead Port Authority

Alan Addison

Portsoy-based Alan Addison skippers the Venture IV BF 326. After following both his grandfather and father into the industry, Alan skippered his first vessel at just 21 years of age.

“I was only 20 when I passed my class one ticket,” he told FN. “At the time I was the youngest person to pass. I didn’t actually have enough sea time. I had to go back to sea before I could actually claim my ticket.”

After gaining experience beam-trawling on Dutch vessels, Alan returned home, firstly going onboard with John Buchan before joining Peter Smith as a relief skipper on various vessels.

“I was part of the generation of skippers that pioneered and developed the deep-water fishery west of the Hebrides and Shetland,” he said. Alan was heavily involved with the SWFPA in lobbying to oppose calls for a ban on deepwater fishing over 200m.

Twenty-two years ago Alan joined up with Mark Lovie and the Venture Fishing Company Ltd, owner of the new Venture IV.

“I have been fishing now for 37 years,” he said. “I still enjoy it. Every day is different, every haul is different. I enjoy the freedom.”

On hearing of his nomination, Alan said: “I am happy and proud. Somebody has taken the time, and has thought I’m worth some recognition.”

Richard Carroll

With more than 30 years in the industry behind him, Richard Carroll’s love for the job hasn’t diminished.

“I absolutely love fishing,” he told FN. “I’ve got a month off now, but I can’t wait to get back to sea.”

Richard’s career began out of Newquay, following in the footsteps of his father. “My dad was a fisherman. I wasn’t doing great at school, and back then we were allowed to leave at a younger age – so I went fishing.”

Following an early career on deck, while also playing rugby for Cornwall, Richard gained his skipper’s ticket.

In 2019, he joined Waterdance Ltd to skipper the new-build 15m vivier-crabber Nichola of Ladram. Last year, following three highly successful years with the Nichola, he moved to the new Winter of Ladram E 24, in the design of which he played an instrumental role.

In his nomination, Richard is described as ‘the most driven of skippers, rarely missing a single day and taking on all weather’.

“His approach to the job is highly professional, and he manages the gear supply, preparation, fishing plans and sales relationship of the two crabbers. Richard is the complete skipper package of tenacity, organisation, people management and skill,” the nominator said.

Adam Cowan-Dickie

With three older brothers already fishing, it was perhaps inevitable that Adam Cowan-Dickie would follow suit. “It was just a natural progression for me to go to sea,” he told FN.

Thirty-eight years of fishing later and now the skipper of the Margaret of Ladram E 198, Adam’s passion hasn’t diminished. “When you start catching, and you hit the fish, there is no better feeling in the world.”

Adam is keen to embrace new technology and methods, and has recently trialled the Sumwing beam trawl, which showed a number of benefits, including improved catch quality.

“People want to know where their fish comes from, and how it’s caught. We’re trying to fish for the future, and want people to know this. With the Sumwing, there’s minimal impact. The fish are top-quality – there’s not a scale off them.

“We’ve got to think of the future. I’m coming to the end of my fishing career, and I want to leave something behind.”

That legacy will include port and vessel records: last year Adam and his crew broke the Brixham port record, landing 277 boxes of sole which sold for £155,000 – breaking his own previous record, set in 2019.

On hearing of his nomination, Adam said: “I’m really shocked. I feel very proud just to be nominated. I’m blown away, to be honest.”

Andrew Bremner

“My grandfather started the business, and my father then took over from him, and now it’s me who has taken over from my father,” said Andrew Bremner, who skippers the whitefish vessel Boy Andrew WK 170.

Andrew admits it wasn’t always set in stone that he would follow the family tradition. “It wasn’t 100% that I was going to go to sea – but I always knew that if I never did, I would regret it for the rest of my life.

“So I kept going – and I’m glad I did, because I now could not see myself doing anything else.”

Andrew has now skippered the Scrabster-based Boy Andrew for six years. With a crew of eight, all local to Caithness, he says that he enjoys the responsibilities of being skipper. “I enjoy my making my own decisions, trying to find fish – it’s great. It’s a tremendous feeling if you go and you get a big trip.”

Andrew was nominated for ‘being a top earner since taking over from his father’.

On hearing of his nomination, Andrew said: “It’s good to know that I am doing a good job, and you’re doing well at what you set out to do.

“It’s a great sense of self-achievement. Your work is being noticed by other people.”

Darren McClements

Darren McClements is skipper of the prawn trawler Golden Ray B 963, fishing out of Portavogie in Northern Ireland.

In his nomination, Darren, the third generation of his family to go to sea, is described as ‘undertaking leading work for the industry that fully deserves the recognition that the award would bestow on him, his dedicated crew and the Golden Ray’.

That work includes involvement in a range of partnerships and projects, including a novel supply agreement with Whitby Seafoods, participation in trials of SafetyNet Technologies’ Pisces lights, and working with AFBI and Northern Ireland Gear Trials.

“I’m coming to the end of my career. To be truthful, I likely would have finished about a year ago, but I became involved in all these different projects,” said Darren, who started fishing at the age of 15.

“In the last two years we’ve spent almost half a million on the boat, trying make things easier for the crew. I’ll certainly finish fishing in the next couple of years, and I’d like to leave the industry a little bit better than it was. We need to do these improvements – it has to happen.”

On hearing of his nomination, Darren said: “I’m just doing what I enjoy doing. To be nominated is a lovely thing to maybe finish the career on.”


This category will recognise a UK or Ireland-based fisherman, under 30 years of age on 31 December, 2022, who has demonstrated outstanding skill, commitment and determination to succeed in the industry.

Sponsored by Seafish

Harvey Buchan

Coming from a family of fishermen, 18-year-old Harvey Buchan is proud to continue the tradition.

“It’s all I have ever wanted to do since I was young,” he told FN. “I like being at sea, and the feeling of being away.”

Harvey completed his training course at NESCol in his third year at the academy, and it was during his fourth year, when Covid restrictions saw colleges close, that his dream became a reality and he began working on the trawler Favonius PD 17.

Harvey says that becoming a skipper is the ultimate goal, but he is keen to learn all aspects of his trade first. “You’ve got to work at it. Just now I’m doing my best to learn the engineroom side of things. It’ll be a case of learning everything first.”

Describing him as a ‘real asset to the business’, Harvey’s nominator said: “Harvey has been a quick learner, hard worker and had a keen interest in the engineering side of the job. He takes pride in how his fish are packaged and laid out in the market, and strives to achieve a high standard, as well as the presentation and quality of the prawns we land.”

On hearing of his nomination, Harvey said: “It was a bit of a surprise when I heard, but I am really chuffed.”

Robbie Jamieson

Twenty-six-year-old Robbie Jamieson from Whalsay has skippered the whitefish trawler Defiant LK 371 since 2021.

With a young shareholder crew, the youngest being just 20 years of age, and the oldest aged 29, Robbie, who gained his skipper’s ticket in 2018, is certainly making his mark in Shetland.

“It all seems to be going well,” he told FN. “It has been a really tough year with the fuel prices, but apart from that, it has been pretty good so far. The fishing side of things has been really good, and with fuel prices starting to come down, things are looking bright.”

Last year, Robbie led the Defiant to its first £100,000 landing – the vessel’s biggest week of 2022.

In his nomination, Robbie was described as leading his young crew and steering the vessel through ‘turbulent economic times, without the experience of more seasoned skippers’.

The person who nominated him said that he had shown ‘tenacity’ in leading the trawler to a ‘remarkable achievement from a remarkably young crew, during a very difficult year’.

On hearing of his nomination, Robbie told FN that he was ‘really surprised’.

Jordan Sturtridge

Nineteen-year-old Jordan Sturtridge fishes out of Brixham on the Nancy Margaret BM 76, and is in his second year of fishing full-time.

“I’ve wanted to be a fisherman since I was little,” he told FN. “I work for my dad, and fishing has run through generations of my family as well.”

With a 16.5m skipper’s ticket already under his belt, and with ambitions to complete his Class 2 next year, Jordan’s career is already well underway.

“I like everything about the job,” he said. “We fish for a wide variety of fish. We have just started changing over to scalloping now. I like the suspense of not knowing what you’re going to catch.”

Jordan has also helped convert the Nancy Margaret from six-a-side scalloping from riggers to seven-a-side with derricks, and making her multipurpose as a twin-rigger. “I helped to change our boat around from six dredges to seven dredges, so it’s better fishing for us now,” he said.

In his nomination, Jordan is described as showing a real ‘determination and hunger for the job’ and ‘really thinking about methods used’. He ‘is learning fast’.

On hearing of his nomination, Jordan said: “I feel amazing, really. Just knowing that my work is appreciated, and I can see that, hopefully, the future is going to get better and better.”

James Hawkes

The transition from running a charter boat to being a commercial fisherman hasn’t been easy for 25-year-old James Hawkes. However, with a strong work ethic and eagerness to innovate and learn, his career is starting to take off.

James, who has been commercially fishing for just over two years, began his career fishing on the Katy B out of Shoreham-on-Sea. “We did whelking, netting and some potting as well,” he told FN.

“That first year was a steep learning curve, to say the least. A few of the guys down in Shoreham helped me out, but it was pretty much ‘work it out as you go’.”

Last summer, James upgraded to the K II SM 29, a 10m aluminium cat, which he skippers and co-owns with his uncle. Two years into his career, things are becoming a little easier.

“We’re starting to keep up with the other boats, which is nice. I try to be as diverse as possible. I’m whelking at the minute, and we’ve still got our lobster and crab pots out – and we’ll see what the summer brings. We try to change with the times as much as possible, instead of focusing on one thing.”

In his nomination, James was described as being extremely hardworking – ‘watching him grow in confidence and overcome so many hurdles has been amazing’.

Andrew Harvey

Twenty-seven-old-year Andrew Harvey fishes out of Fraserburgh on the Orion BF 432, with his father Brian and brother Simon – who was runner-up in the Over-10m Fisherman of the Year category at last year’s Fishing News Awards.

Before joining the Orion as an engineer deckhand, Andrew spent six years learning his trade as a marine engineer at Macduff Shipyards. “I’ve always had an interest in the mechanical side, and that’s why I went to serve my time, to become an engineer on the boat. I enjoy the maintenance side of it, and looking after the boat,” he told FN.

After gaining the necessary amount of sea time, Andrew returned to college to study for his Class 2 ticket – with his next aim to become skipper. “When my dad stops, I will hopefully go skipper.”

An unfortunate accident last year failed to stop his career from progressing. “The chain of a trawl door broke my foot,” he said. “It was six to eight weeks’ recovery. It happened in April, but I was back fishing again by the middle of June.”

In his nomination, Andrew is described as always giving 100% and being an ‘excellent engineer and deckhand who loves his job’.

“It’s the shock of my life,” said Andrew, on hearing of his nomination. “But I’m really pleased.”


This award will recognise the most outstanding new entrant to complete a commercial fishing training course in 2022, who has demonstrated consistently high levels of application, commitment, understanding of the industry, practical skills and safety awareness.

Sponsored by Sunderland Marine

Emma Scott

Emma Scott fishes out of Eriskay, a small harbour on the island of South Uist, in the Outer Hebrides, on the family vessel Isabella CY 464. “From about September until the start of May we fish for brown crab, and then in the summer months it’s lobster, and crayfish if the weather is nice,” she said.

In her nomination, Emma is described as working strings of 40 pots ‘in all weather conditions without complaining’. She also helps when the boat is out of the water, and has ‘a good work ethic and lots of input to new ideas’.

“Fishing has always interested me,” Emma told FN. “I’ve been doing it since I was tiny – ever since I could walk, really, going out with my dad, who has been a full-time fisherman for a few years now.

“We have just finished a refit. We’ve been working every day, 14-hour shifts, for a month.”

On hearing of her nomination, Emma, who is working towards her skipper’s ticket with the ultimate aim of going it alone, said: “I think it was my dad who nominated me. He told me after he did it, and I was like ‘Oh no!’ – I didn’t know what to expect.

“I’ve had some time to think about it,” she added. “And I’m feeling better about it now!”

Harry McLean

Unusually for our industry, it was friends, and not family, who inspired Harry McLean into a career in fishing. “Quite a few of my friends are involved in fishing, but I’ve no family links at all,” Harry told FN. “Fishing is something that I’ve always been interested in, and hearing my pals speaking about it, I just decided to go for it full-time.”

Harry, who fishes on the scalloper Rois Mhairi OB 45, has been full-time for just under a year now, and is enjoying the freedom, and variation, that the role brings. “The boat’s home port is Oban, but we’ve been down in the English Channel, just now we’re fishing Ullapool, then we’re working on the east coast. Then we’ll try and get back down to the Channel for May.

“I like the lifestyle fishing brings,” he told FN. “You’re at home, and then you’re going to the boat and you’re at sea for four weeks. I like being away for that amount of time.”

Harry says his aim is to ultimately become a skipper, and he is currently working towards his skipper’s ticket.

On hearing of his nomination, Harry said: “It’s great – someone has thought enough of me to nominate me after being in the job for such a short period of time. It feels good.”


This award benchmarks best practice at fishing ports, harbours and landing areas of all sizes throughout the UK and Ireland in 2022, recognising excellence in services and amenities for the industry.


Photo: Tony Fitzsimmons

“Brixham prides itself on the service it provides to vessels landing at the market, and the quality of fish offered to the buyers,” said one of the multiple people nominating England’s top port in this category.

Brixham’s fishmarket continued to develop during 2022; the value of fish sold through the market hit a new record high at £60,800,000, and last autumn saw the port achieve its first £2m week. Prices achieved were at an all-time high, and increasing numbers of fishermen from ports around the south and southwest chose to consign their catches to Brixham.

Considerable investment planned for the next few years includes additional storage facilities, extended market and office facilities, and ongoing upgrades to berths. The long-term strategy is to not only look at continued developments for the fishmarket, but to develop the port by potentially providing a dry dock and constructing a Northern Arm to protect the harbour from bad weather.


Photo: David Albutt

Cullivoe has ‘long punched above its weight in terms of importance to the fishing industry’, says the nomination for this Shetland port.

“As the UK’s most northerly fish landing port, and despite there being a surrounding population of less than 200 people, Cullivoe is always listed among the top 15 ports in the whole of the UK for fish and shellfish landings, as well as supporting burgeoning angling, farmed salmon and tidal energy industries.”

With landing services, an ice plant, fuel and store supplies all on offer, as well as safe, secure and accessible berthing and anchorage in times of poor weather, vessels of all kinds are well catered for. The port of Cullivoe also opened a new 28-berth marina and breakwater in 2022, to be largely used by local under-10m fishing vessels.


7 June 2018 Various colourful fishing trawlers tied up in the calm waters of Kilkeel Harbour in County Down Northern Ireland

Kilkeel is described in its nomination as ‘the unsung hero of the Northern Ireland industry’. “We have a dynamic young harbour master, Danielle Rooney, but supporting her we have the whole community working with the Northern Ireland Fishery Harbour Authority to dredge the harbour and redevelop an outer harbour that will make us the best small-boat port in the Irish Sea.

“Everyone in Kilkeel has rallied round, so we have processors, slipways, boatbuilders, all willing to invest in the future of the port, for fishermen, offshore guardwork, charter boats and leisure boats. The redevelopment plan is all in place, and gives everyone in the fishing here confidence to invest ourselves in the future.”

The first steps in this redevelopment are due to begin this spring, ‘and will be a sign that the harbour board is confirming the long-term future of Kilkeel as a premier fishing port’.


This award celebrates innovation and excellence in the build and facilities of a new demersal, pelagic or shellfish vessel that entered service in the UK or Irish fleet in 2022. This category will be decided by an expert panel of industry judges.

Sparkling Star UL 290

Photo: AJ Bruce

The 27.8m twin-rigger Sparkling Star, for Kinlochbervie skipper James Corbett, joined the Scottish fleet last March. Built by Parkol Marine Engineering to an SC McAllister design, the vessel features a double chine hull, transom stern, bulbous bow and full-length shelterdeck. The deck layout and equipment were designed to allow the vessel to carry a wide variety of gear, enabling it to rapidly switch fishing activity.

FN feature: 21 April, 2022

Day Dawn FR 90

Photo: Mike Upton

Built by Parkol Marine Engineering to an SC McAllister design, the 22.2m twin-rig trawler Day Dawn was delivered to Fraserburgh skippers Chaz and Martin Bruce last April. The vessel features a Caterpillar propulsion package designed to improve fuel efficiency and give quieter running with less vibration, enhancing crew comfort.

FN feature: 19 May, 2022 

Celestial Dawn BF 109

Built by Macduff Shipyards for George Hepburn and partners, the 22.75m twin-rigger Celestial Dawn joined the North East Scotland fleet last June. The vessel was the first built to a new hull design that was developed by the yard and Macduff Ship Design for improved fuel efficiency and seakeeping, and also features deck layout innovations for more efficient working.

FN feature: 7 July, 2022

Winter of Ladram E 24

Photo: Mike Upton

Designed by SC McAllister and built by Parkol Marine Engineering, the 21m vivier crabber Winter of Ladram joined the Waterdance fleet last August, and is skippered by Richard Carroll out of Salcombe. With a hull design based on that of the Parkol-built Amanda of Ladram, the vessel features a large deck area midships for handling the gear, and has over 3m of headroom under the shelterdeck for stowage of pots.

FN feature: 15 September, 2022

Euroclydon GY 77

Built by Macduff Shipyards for Stuart MacDougall, the 17.4m vivier crabber Eurocyldon joined the Grimsby fleet last September. A new design of vivier crabber that was developed between the yard and Macduff Ship Design with the focus on crew comfort and safety, enabling the vessel to work right through the winter months, it also boasts much improved fuel efficiency.

FN feature: 13 October, 2022

Artemis BF 60

The latest addition to Scotland’s midwater fleet was handed over to the Wiseman Fishing Company of Banff and Northbay Fishing Company of Peterhead by Karstensens Shipyard last September. Skippered by Adam Wiseman, the 75.70m Artemis is designed for pumping pelagic fish at the stern. The focus of the design was on optimising working safety and comfort for the crew, catch-handling and storage, and fuel consumption.

FN feature: 3 November, 2022

Green Isle SO 500

Photo: Mike Upton

Delivered by Parkol Marine Engineering last autumn, the 22.7m Green Isle is designed to switch between demersal and pelagic trawling, enabling Greencastle skipper Michael Cavanagh to target seasonal fisheries for small pelagics, whitefish, prawns and tuna. The vessel is built to an SC McAllister design, and has RSW tanks that can convert to a standard fishroom as required.

FN feature: 24 November, 2022

Venture IV BF 326

Delivered by Macduff Shipyards just before Christmas 2022, the 34.50m single/twin-rig trawler Venture IV, for Whitehills skipper Mark Lovie, features a bespoke hull design and increased length to improve fuel efficiency and seakeeping, as well as better momentum through the sea in heavy weather. The vessel features four deck levels, and makes use of the additional space in its longer hull to increase crew comfort and working efficiency.

FN feature: 26 January, 2023 


This new category will recognise a ground-breaking innovation that has brought demonstrable benefit to the industry in 2022. Initiatives such as new websites, training schemes or campaigns as well as exciting new products or product developments are eligible for this category.

SHOUT 24/7

Carol Elliott

SHOUT 24/7 is a free confidential mental health support service for fishermen that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The service was identified by the SeaFit Programme, a joint health and wellbeing initiative between the Seafarers’ Hospital Society and the Fishermen’s Mission, as one that would enable free, confidential, round-the-clock support for fishermen who might be experiencing mental health problems.

In the nomination, the importance of the service is recognised. “Losing colleagues, friends and family in fatal accidents at sea can have profound long-term effects on entire fishing communities, as well as families.

“Carol Elliott, SeaFit programme manager, realised that even though there were two specialist counsellors working for the programme, there needed to be a way of reaching other areas.”

Carol Elliott said: “It is so important to be able to provide free confidential support at a time convenient to the fishermen.

“We all need to keep talking about mental health, and to reduce the stigma around asking for support. Having lost a friend to suicide, this project is very close to my heart.”

If a fisherman is feeling anxious, stressed or depressed, they can text ‘FISH’ to 85258 for free, confidential support.

Scottish Maritime Academy hybrid classroom

Christopher Bell.

When Covid-19 turned our world upside down, the Scottish Maritime Academy (SMA) in Peterhead, part of North East Scotland College, knew it had to rapidly adapt to continue delivering courses.

Initially, this was limited to lecturers using laptops with webcams to provide lessons. However, hybrid technology and digital skills have since developed to support in-person and remote delivery simultaneously, and in spring 2022 the SMA delivered its first hybrid class.

“The college always had the software to enable digital facilitation. That was all fast-tracked during Covid,” Christopher Bell, centre manager at SMA, told FN.

“Post-Covid, we saw the opportunity for us, and fishermen, to utilise this technology. The feedback was so good, there was a reduction in travel costs for fishermen, flexibility to work around their lifestyle and working rotas – it was a no-brainer for us to maintain the hybrid classroom.

“People don’t have to travel to Peterhead, don’t have to book accommodation, they can spend the weekend with their families. It’s a massive saving for the fishermen – and they can earn while studying.”

On hearing of the nomination, he said: “We’re immensely proud of the fishing industry, locally and across the UK. If we’re seen to be supporting the industry in a positive manner, then that means the world to us.”

SafetyNet Technologies CatchCam

Launched last year at the Pacific Marine Expo in Seattle, the CatchCam underwater video camera is designed to record fishing gear in action.

The camera, from SafetyNet Technologies (SNTech), a UK-based fishing tech company, enables fishermen to gain insight into their gear performance, such as catchability and the effectiveness of bycatch mitigation techniques, and make quick alterations as needed to improve catches, save time and costs or reduce environmental impact.

Tom Rossiter of SNTech, an ex-fisherman himself, told FN: “CatchCam helps fishermen take the guesswork out of fishing. By filming the fishing operation underwater, crews can see for the first time what is really going on. This leads to better decisions, fewer issues, and improved profitability.”

Since 2020, SNTech has worked with the industry to help develop CatchCam, with feedback and direction from fishermen.

“As fishermen face the relentless challenge to justify their livelihoods, CatchCam provides undisputable evidence and could be the difference between a fishery staying open or being closed for lack of evidence. Speculation rarely favours the fishermen – however, CatchCam helps to remove it,” said Tom Rossiter.

“It demonstrates what can happen when fishermen and engineers work together to develop ways to push commercial fishing into the future.”

Lorenz Magnum Pro HD Chart Controller

Described as being ‘one of the most effective ways of obtaining a large-screen chartplotter’, the Lorenz Magnum Pro HD Chart Controller is a simple-to-use device including an interface optimised for easy, fast and accurate management of data for tracks, routes and marks.

David Ash of Mantsbrite, the sole UK distributor of the device, told FN: “The Lorenz Magnum Pro HD using Navionics Platinum Plus charts is a cost-effective way of seeing a high-definition seabed image with relief shading.

“We have received extremely positive feedback from fishermen using the Magnum Pro HD for potting and netting due to the quality of information displayed and its ease of use.”

He sais that the Magnum Pro HD also has ‘dedicated keys for tracks, marks and events’, and that there is ‘no need to go into complicated menus for commonly used functions’.

“The relief shading shows a variety of features such as hard/soft ground, and in many cases wrecks are also visible with scour lines,” he added.

Lorenz Marine Electronics, which is based in Italy, says that the device, which is compatible with Navionics+ and Navionics Platinum+, is the ‘perfect mate for professional fisherman’.

UK Women in Fisheries

UK Women in Fisheries (UK WIF CIC) aims to highlight, support and promote the multiple roles that women play in the UK commercial fishing sector, be that in catching, the supply chain, businesses and families, organisations or associations, government, regulation and enforcement, or knowledge production and research.

Following a grant from The Seafarers’ Charity in December 2021, UK WIF has been able to run projects and activities to promote and support the work of women across the industry.

In working towards increasing knowledge, understanding and awareness about women’s lives, work and professional activities, UK WIF aims to ‘influence those with decision-making powers to better support our members and community’.

“By networking, we aim to offer the opportunity for women in fisheries (members of the network and others) to get to know each other, and develop new skills, knowledge and capacities to improve their private and working lives,” said UK WIF project co-ordinator Sarah Crosbie.

“Being nominated for this award is so important – it will shine a bright light, helping to highlight the challenges but also the many opportunities available for women employed in the sector.

“Research shows that women’s roles in fisheries are vital, from net to plate. UK WIF is here to recognise the work that women do, and support it.”


This category will recognise a UK or Irish company, person or organisation that has provided outstanding service to the fishing industry in 2022.

East Coast Maritime Training

East Coast Maritime Training (ECMT) is an approved training provider that has been delivering a wide range of courses for more than 40 years.

Over this period Kim Jensen and her husband Len have successfully trained thousands of UK fishermen, helping them to stay safe and further their careers.

In the nomination, ECMT is recognised for ‘keeping in contact with many of its fishers, offering advice, further training and an ear that listens to the multitude of problems that some have faced’.

“I am sure that each person trained would applaud this service,” said the nominator. “It would be fantastic if they could be recognised for their hard work and dedication to the industry.”

The nomination also praised the high success rate of the training, noting that more than 85% of its new-entrant fishers have gained employment after completing the Introduction to Commercial Fishing courses.

Kim Jensen told FN: “We are very proud of the achievements made by our past and present trainees, and for the long-term working relationship we have with crews, skippers and vessel owners.

“It would be an honour for ECMT to receive this award, which would mean that other people appreciate the hard work and dedication to training of our management, trainers and staff.”


Jerry Percy.

The New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association (NUTFA) has been nominated for ‘services provided to the inshore fleet’.

During 2022, the organisation, led by Jerry Percy, provided support and guidance on a wide range of fronts, including the call for evidence on vessel monitoring prosecutions and the campaign to have fishermen included in the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit Scheme.

“Jerry has historically had small pockets of funding, and what I particularly like about him is that when the funding runs out, he carries on, self-funding,” said the nominator. “He provides an outstanding service, regardless of whether he is being paid. There are very few like him that are still within the industry.”

Describing the nomination as ‘a pleasant surprise’, Jerry Percy told FN: “So much of what we do runs in the background and goes unrecognised, whether in fisheries policy terms that I deal with or the legal, financial and health aspects of the inshore sector that Sarah Ready undertakes so effectively.

“The U10s and non-sector have never been under so much pressure on so many fronts as they are now, and we are often overwhelmed with calls for advice and support on a daily basis.”

On the possibility of winning the award, Jerry said it would be ‘recognition of NUTFA’s work and continuing efforts on behalf of our sector’.

APR Marine Fabrication

Plymouth-based APR Marine Fabrication was founded by Andy Rowe in 2015.

“I was brought up around fishing boats in the port of Looe, Cornwall,” Andy told FN. “When I left school I started an engineering course, then decided I wanted to do an apprenticeship. So I got an apprenticeship, welding, engineering and doing fabrication on the boats in Looe.”

Some years later, APR Marine Fabrication was established, after the company Andy was then working for closed its doors. “At first it was nerve-wracking. I’d never been self-employed before, but a lot of work was coming through my doors.”

Since then, Andy’s business has gone from strength to strength, as has its reputation. It was described in the nomination as ‘working tirelessly to support Plymouth’s fishing industry’.

“Never one to shy away from getting the job complete, Andrew’s phone is always on, and he will attend your vessel come hell or high water to ensure you boat is back to sea in the fastest possible turnaround,” said the nominator.

“Andrew deserves this award for his dedication to the industry – it’s an industry close to his heart and an industry he loves, and without the likes of Andrew Rowe there would be struggles for the industry moving forward.”

On hearing of the nomination, Andy said: “It’s unexpected, but feels great. I’m very happy.”

Brixham Trawler Agents

BTA managing director Barry Young.

2022 was another remarkable, record-breaking year for Brixham Trawler Agents (BTA), with its online auction selling more than £60m-worth of fish, a 39% increase on the previous year.

Adam Mudge, finance director at BTA, told FN the increase wasn’t just down to high prices and good weather, but also other factors, including new boats being built and landing at Brixham, boats from other ports swapping to Brixham as their preferred landing port, and more fish coming overland.

“All this has meant an increase in service levels provided by BTA to the fishermen and the buyers,” he said. “BTA provides all the necessary services a boat requires before a trip to sea. This will include the supply of ice and fuel, but also all the services after a fishing trip including landing assistance, sorting, grading and selling on the auction.

“This is then extended to settling all the boats and paying the owners and the crew. The settling includes paying the dues, commissions, the fuel and ice, and any other expenses requested by the owners. This service can be done within 24 hours of the auction sale.”

Of the nomination, Adam Mudge said: “After such an amazing year for the business, this is a real honour, and all the staff will be delighted to be recognised in this way.”


This award recognises achievement in improving environmental responsibility within the UK or Irish fishing industry in 2022, from projects that demonstrate an innovative response to an environmental sustainability issue and have gone above and beyond standard practice. The judges will particularly be looking for projects that have influenced a significant change in behaviour and/or inspired broader awareness and/or engagement. This category will be judged by a panel of industry experts.

Sponsored by The Fishmongers’ Company’s Fisheries Charitable Trust

Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation

Since 1999, the Shetland Islands has had unique local powers to manage its own shellfishing industry. Through a regulating order granted by the Scottish government, the Shetland Shellfish Management Organisation (SSMO) regulates and limits inshore fishing around Shetland to ensure sustainability, with licences, linked to annual scientific stock assessments, used to regulate fishing for species such as crab, whelks, lobster and scallops.

The only sustainable inshore scheme of its kind around the UK, the SSMO last year used its unique powers to introduce Scotland’s first formal ban on landing egg-bearing lobsters in a conservation move driven by local creel men. The practice, which was already avoided on a voluntary basis, is now explicitly prevented to help protect the spawning stock needed for a sustainable and futureproofed fishery.

FIND OUT MORE: ssmo.co.uk

 Journey Blue

Formed in 2020, Journey Blue set out to change behaviors in how abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear is managed, collected and recycled. It has two arms to its operations. One is an online ecommerce retailer selling outdoor, travel and adventure products made from and for the ocean. Alongside this, the Journey Blue Net Collect Programme is a community incentive company that offers a free recycling service to fishermen on the east coast.

Decommissioned shipping containers are placed harbourside for fishermen to deposit end of life gear. Currently operational in Scarborough and Whitby, Journey Blue is looking to roll the scheme out further afield following its success to date, having collected up to 5t of material so far. This has been fed back into manufacturing, forming a closed recycling loop.

FIND OUT MORE: journey-blue.com

Joe Redfern, Lobster Whitby Hatchery and North East Fishing Collective

“This is about much more than the sustainability of the Whitby lobster fishery,” said the nomination for Joe Redfern, manager of the Lobster Whitby Hatchery. “The hatchery was developed as a visitor centre, within the former fishmarket, finding a new fisheries use for the site, which otherwise could have become swallowed by more tourism development. It has kept fishing alive and at the centre of the town.

“As well as getting the sustainability message across locally and to the tourists, the hatchery has also helped Joe cement the wider group of fishermen and their supporters who formed the North East Fishing Collective, raising money to pay for independent reports on the devastating shellfish die-offs in the region over the past 18 months. They kept this issue in the public spotlight, when we had been totally abandoned by the local IFCA, Defra and the MMO.

“Joe deserves this award not just for promoting the sustainability of the lobster fishery in the region, but for fighting for the sustainability of shellfishing and fishermen’s jobs from Hartlepool down to Whitby.”

FIND OUT MORE: whitbylobsterhatchery.co.uk

Fishy Filaments 

Fishy Filaments takes end-of-life monofilament fishing nets and uses them to create an ultra-low-carbon supply of engineering-grade nylon for use in 3D printing and other applications. Since 2018, the company has been working directly with the commercial fleet in Newlyn, where it has printed replacement parts for the fish grader and box wash machines that would have otherwise have used virgin materials, and with larger carbon miles on delivery.

Building on the success of this pilot operation, the company aims to roll out nationally through the development and deployment of plastics recycling processes and the supply of recycled materials.

FIND OUT MORE: fishyfilaments.com

North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group

The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) has curated a novel take on a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) – the NAPA policy FIP. This aims to drive sustainability in North East Atlantic mackerel, Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting stocks over three years (2021-2024).

The approach uses commercial leverage to advocate for coastal states to collaborate and enact robust, science-based management strategies, following a decade of deadlock on multi-national management, leading to unilateral quota setting and overfishing, and the suspension of Marine Stewardship Council certification for these fisheries.

Whilst traditional FIPs focus on data collection or developing management strategies, the NAPA FIP targets policy change, with supply chain sourcing statements setting out the consequences of failure. It is urging all coastal states negotiators to establish binding fisheries management strategies and agree sustainable quota shares that follow scientific advice.

No one company or country buys enough North East Atlantic pelagics to wield sufficient commercial leverage to drive policy change – but collectively, NAPA members purchase around 100% of the herring TAC, 25% of the mackerel TAC and 70% of the blue whiting TAC, providing a model for a market-led approach to sustainable fisheries management.



Selected by an industry panel, the winner of this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award will be revealed at the awards presentation evening on 11 May. It will be awarded to an individual who, throughout their career, has been a true champion of UK or Irish commercial fishing.

Sponsored by the Scottish White Fish Producers’ Association

Now that you’ve read all of this year’s shortlists, it’s time to select your favourites. Click here to cast your votes for your chosen candidates.

The winners will be revealed in Aberdeen and on our social media channels on 11 May – and in a special feature in the 25 May issue of Fishing News.

Click here to book your tickets for the awards.