If there’s one thing we know for sure about Fishing News readers, it’s just how enthusiastically you’ll greet news of yet another consultation.
But it’s been three and a half years since our last reader survey, so there’s now quite a lot we don’t know about you. And there’s been a lot of water under the keel since then: a new editor, a large number of new contributors, a redesign of the paper, new regular columns and features, and an increasing emphasis on analysing the news – not just reporting it.
We’ve gained many new readers in that period – but of course the traffic has not all been one way. So it’s time to ask you what we’re getting right, and what we could be doing better.
We also need to know who’s reading the paper – our assumptions about our readership may now be out of date, so we need to know who Fishing News readers are as we go into 2025. The founders of FN back in 1913 would be amazed to know that a little over a century later, 25% of the readership would be female, for example, or that an entire industry of NGOs, consultants and managers would have sprung up, all wanting to read about the fishing industry.
Please add your voice to the survey. This is especially important if you aren’t someone who would normally respond; the danger with surveys is that they canvass the opinions of the kind of people who fill in surveys, and aren’t actually representative of the whole readership. We need to hear from the silent majority who don’t normally speak out!
Whatever your opinions – whether you want to see changes, or you want us not to change – please share them. Otherwise there’s the risk that more vocal readers will steer the paper in a direction you don’t want.
Most of the questions can be answered by ticking boxes, so the survey won’t take you long to complete – and everybody who takes part can add their details to the draw to win £100 of Amazon vouchers (though you can of course respond anonymously if you prefer).
You can fill in the form below and or you can fill it out by hand in the most recent issue of the paper. The survey will close at midday on 2 January.
We’ll come back to you with the full results of the survey – the good, the bad and the ugly – as soon as we’ve had time to analyse your responses. Thank you for giving us your time, and your opinions, as we strive to keep ‘the voice of the industry since 1913’ relevant, 111 years after it was founded.
Take our reader survey now!