A note from Andy Read, editor of Fishing News…
You’ll see a new-look Fishing News next week with the launch of our redesign, which has been six months in the planning.
Along with a fresh look, we will be expanding from 28 pages to 32, and bringing you some new features and columns.
The changing look reflects changing times – in particular, the fact that these days ‘everyone is a journalist’. The new design should allow us to do better justice to the many pictures we receive from readers, that all too often have had to be squeezed into a single column, due to lack of space in our pages.
The additional space will also provide more opportunity for extra features. One strength Fishing News has, in a world ever more dominated by soundbites and ‘news’ without any substance behind a grabby click-bait headline, is the space we give to careful analysis of an issue, or a detailed look at a new boat or fishing gear. The new format, we hope, will strengthen this kind of coverage.
Although we have always been ‘the voice of the industry’, this hasn’t always been on the masthead. For decades after our launch in 1913 we were in fact ‘the organ of the industry’. How times change. We would no longer get away with that on the front cover.
We will remain exactly that however.
The voice, that is. Not the organ. Ed.