Notice is hereby given: Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (IFCA) intends to apply to the Minister for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for the confirmation of the Live Wrasse Fishing (Limited Permit) Byelaw 2018, and the Whitsand and Looe Bay Marine Conservation Zone (Fishing Restrictions) Byelaw 2018.
Live Wrasse Fishing (Limited Permit) Byelaw 2018
This byelaw restricts fishing for live wrasse by limiting it to a maximum of five permit holders, and sets other provisions such as minimum sizes for wrasse, closed fishing periods and closed fishing areas. The aim is to appropriately manage fishing for live wrasse such that it can be maintained as a small scale, commercially viable fishery.
Whitsand and Looe Bay Marine Conservation Zone
(Fishing Restrictions) Byelaw 2018
This byelaw protects features of the Whitsand and Looe Bay MCZ by prohibiting the use of bottom towed gear in the majority of the site. This new byelaw supersedes a byelaw which Cornwall IFCA took to public consultation in January 2017, but which was not confirmed by Defra.
How to comment or object
A full text of the above byelaws and associated Impact Assessments can be inspected at, or obtained from our office (address below). Copies can be requested in person, by letter or by phone, and are also available via the Cornwall IFCA website at
Any person wishing to object to or comment on the above byelaws must make representations in writing by 23:59 hours on 9 August 2018, to both the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and Cornwall IFCA at the following addresses:
MMO: Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 7YH
Cornwall IFCA: Chi Gallos, Hayle Marine Renewables Business Park, North Quay, Hayle, TR27 4DD