Section 48 Planning Act 2008


Regulation 4 of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 (as amended)

Notice publicising a proposed application for a development consent order (DCO)

Notice is hereby given that Norfolk Boreas Limited of First Floor, 1 Tudor Street, London, EC4Y 0AH (the Applicant) proposes to apply to the Secretary of State under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 for the above-mentioned Development Consent Order (the Application).

The Application relates to the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm located approximately 73km from the coast of Norfolk (at the closest point) (the Project). The Project, located in the southern North Sea, would cover an area of approximately 725km’. Offshore cables transmitting power from the Project would make landfall south of Happisburgh. From there buried cables would continue approximately 60km underground to an onshore project substation, and connect into the National Grid substation near Necton, Norfolk.

The Project is the second offshore wind farm proposal being developed by Vattenfall in this part of the southern North Sea. With the same proposed export capacity of up to 1.BGW (1,800MW), the Norfolk Vanguard Project (also classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project), submitted its DCO application to the Planning Inspectorate in June 2018 (Norfolk Vanguard). Vattenfall aims to optimise synergies in relation to the development, construction, operation and eventual decommissioning of the two projects, enabling overall impacts to be reduced. If both projects secure consent and progress to construction, these synergies will be realised. However, the Applicant needs to consider the possibility that Norfolk Vanguard may not be built, and therefore both scenarios are proposed to be included in the Application. Further details on the two scenarios to be included in the Application are set out in table 1 (see below).

A further explanation of the relationship between the Project and Norfolk Vanguard is included within the Non-Technical Summary accompanying the Preliminary Environmental Information publicised in accordance with this consultation.

The proposed DCO would, amongst other things, authorise offshore components including:

  1. Between 90-200 wind turbines with associated foundations, each having a rated capacity of between 9MW and 20MW with a maximum turbine hub height of 198.5m, a maximum rotor diameter of 303m and a maximum tip height of 350m, to give a combined export capacity of up to 1,800MW;
  2. Up to two offshore electrical platforms, deploying HVDC electrical current; and an offshore accommodation platform, both with associated foundations:
  3. Scour protection, as required, for foundations and cables;
  4. The construction of a network of subsea array cables connecting the wind turbines to each other and to the offshore electrical platforms; and interconnector cables connecting the offshore electrical platforms to each other, or project interconnector cables connecting an offshore electrical platform in Norfolk Boreas with an offshore electrical platform within Norfolk Vanguard;
  5. Up to two pairs of export cables, with a maximum length of 500km, from the offshore electrical platforms to the shore; and
  6. Up to two meteorological masts and their associated foundations, up to two LiDAR buoys, two wave buoys and a number of navigational buoys.

The onshore project area would be from the point at which the offshore cables come ashore (the Landfall) at Happisburgh South, Norfolk, to the existing Necton National Grid Substation. The cable route from landfall to the onshore project substation is approximately 60km. The key landfall and onshore components would, amongst other things, comprise the following:

  1. Up to two pairs of subsea export laid in ducts installed under the cliff by long Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). An additional drill is included in the impact assessment worst case scenarios where applicable, to provide a contingency in the unlikely event of a HDD failure;
  2. Up to two onshore transition pits to house the connection between the offshore cables and the onshore cables.
  3. Onshore connection works, subject to different scenarios dependent on whether Norfolk Vanguard proceeds, as described in Table 1:

Table 1: summary of the two scenarios described in the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR)

Vattenfall table 1
  1. Jointing pits and link boxes to facilitate cable pulling, at intervals along the cable route;
  2. Cable logistics area near Oulton to allow for the storage of cable drums and associated materials close to the cable corridor;
  3. Construction of an onshore project substation in proximity to the existing Necton National Grid Substation together with associated equipment and a temporary construction compound;
  4. Extension to the existing Necton National Grid Substation;
  5. Up to 12 400kV underground cables between the new onshore project substation and the existing Necton National Grid Substation;
  6. Temporary construction areas and access roads, together with works to secure vehicular and/or pedestrian means of access including the creation of new tracks, footpaths, and/or widening, upgrades, creation of bell mouths, creation of temporary slip roads and improvements to existing tracks, footpaths and roads;
  7. Planting to provide screening for permanent infrastructure;
  8. The permanent and/or temporary compulsory acquisition (if required) of land and/or rights for the Project;
  9. Overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land for the Project;
  10. The application and/or disapplication of legislation relevant to the Project including inter alia legislation relating to compulsory purchase; and
  11. Such ancillary, incidental and consequential provisions, permits or consents as are necessary and/or convenient.

The Project is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development. Accordingly, the Applicant will be making a Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) available during the consultation period.

Electronic copies of the PEIR, which comprises a detailed set of documents, including maps, figures, and photomontages describing the Project, as well as a set of plans showing the overall location of the Project and a much shorter non-technical summary (NTS), may be accessed and are available free of charge from Wednesday 31st October 2018 to Sunday 9th December 2018 at the listed locations (below):

Vattenfall table 2

*The opening times of the locations listed ore ot the discretion of those in control of the building ond could vory to the times set out in this notice. The orgonisotions ond locations providing access to documentation os port of this consultation ore not in ony woy offilioted with the Project or the Applicant ond ore on independent ond neutral party to the opp/icotion process.

**Hord copies of the full PEIR ore ovoiloble to view only ot Derehom ond North Wolshom Libraries.

The documents relating to the proposed Project will be available to view at the above locations free of charge from the

beginning to the end of the consultation period, which runs from Wednesday 7th November 2018 until Sunday 9th December 2018 at 11.59pm.

The preliminary environmental information will also be on display and members of the Project team will be available to answer queries at public information events being held by the Applicant at the following locations and times:

Vattenfall table 3

Paper copies of the PEIR and NTS can be provided on request from or from the Applicant at the address provided below at a cost of:

  • Non-Technical Summary of Preliminary Environmental Information – £22
  • Full Preliminary Environmental Information Report with annexes – £2,600
  • A set of (A4) Indicative Cable Corridor Plans/Maps – £15

USB device copies can be provided free of charge and are available on request.

Any responses to or other representations in respect of the Project can be made in writing:

  2. By email to:
  3. Through completion of a consultation questionnaire available at the public events noted above and drop in locations (also noted above). Digital versions of the questionnaire can be accessed via the Project website

If you have queries about the consultation process, please call 0800 019 3517.

The Applicant is consulting on the proposed Project. Any response or representation in respect of the proposed Project MUST (i) be received by the Applicant before 11.59 pm on 9th December 2018 (ii) state in writing the grounds of the response or representation (iii) indicate who is making the response and representation, and (iv) include an address to which correspondence relating to the response or representations may be sent.

Your comments will be analysed by the Applicant and any appointed agent of the Applicant. Personal details will be held securely by the Applicant and any appointed agent of the Applicant in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation but please be aware that responses will be used in connection with the Application and may be made public.