Free health checks and advice will be on offer in North Shields next month as the SeaFit programme returns with a Family Fun Day, reports Paul Scott.
The event, held in the grounds of the Old Low Light Heritage Centre at Clifford’s Fort, North Shields Fish Quay, will take place on Saturday, 7 May.
It will feature the Newcastle United Foundation, carrying out free health checks for fishermen and their families, Health Watch North Tyneside, emergency services including Northumbria Police Marine Unit and the Northumbria Police Community Engagement vehicle, and Tynemouth RNLI.
SeaFit programme manager Carol Elliott said: “It can be difficult for fishermen to make and keep health appointments when they need to be at sea, and we are looking at what we can do to reach even more fishing families with these much-needed services.”
As well as free health checks and advice, the event will also provide entertainment for children.
“This year we also have the Old Low Light volunteers providing children’s activities, including a magician and the Blue Light Choir able to perform in person, as well as other music,” said Carol Elliott.
Operated by the Mission and the Seafarers’ Hospital Society, the SeaFit programme covers all aspects of health and wellbeing, including health checks on the harbourside, health trainers in the community and free dental checks and treatment.
It also provides access to mental health and wellbeing support, and development of a network of physiotherapists trained to meet the specific needs of fishermen.
Mission superintendent Peter Dade said: “SeaFit has transformed the way we reach out to the fishing communities, meeting us on the quayside where we are, when it has been difficult, especially for the active fishermen, to keep to appointments.”
The SeaFit Family Fun Day is open from 10am to 3pm, with no booking required.
This story was taken from the latest issue of Fishing News. For more up-to-date and in-depth reports on the UK and Irish commercial fishing sector, subscribe to Fishing News here or buy the latest single issue for just £3.30 here.