Seafood Cornwall Training (SCT) is running a 15-day Introduction to Commercial Fishing course in July, based in Newlyn, Cornwall.
SCT manager Clare Leverton told Fishing News: “The new development this year is that Seafish is funding an extra component to give some onboard experience to trainees.
“This means that we are looking for skippers to take trainees as freelance share-fishermen. Our instructors and the local fleet are really pushing this part of the course because we want to make sure that our trainees are confident and can take on a deck role straight away.”
The idea is to improve the retention of fishermen in the fleet, and so SCT will be offering the Seafish subsidy (provided by the EU and MCA) towards the extra costs of taking a deckhand for a learning experience.
“We expect skippers to offer good safety information about their vessels and to engage their new hand in all fishing operations, as well as making the trainee welcome as part of the crew to do their share of the work,” said Clare Leverton.
The course runs from 3-21 July, and SCT is now taking applications for the course and for two ‘taster events’ on 26 May and 16 June.
To apply, or for further information, call: 01736 364324 or visit
Under-16.5m skipper’s tickets
Seafood Cornwall Training (SCT) provides courses to fishermen who want qualifications beyond the basic level and who are working towards their under-16.5m skipper’s ticket. Courses are provided in Newlyn at SCT’s training hub, plus further afield at Cornish fishing ports. They include five-day Navigation and Bridge Watchkeeping, Intermediate Stability, Safety Awareness and Risk Assessment plus VHF.
“We don’t yet offer the engine course requirement for the skipper’s ticket, but we are very lucky to announce that we have received a grant from SeafarersUK towards the costs of a training workshop for the Marine Engine training requirement,” said SCT manager Clare Leverton.
“SCT will pilot the MCA’s approved engine course this month as part of the programme for experienced fishermen working towards their under-16.5m skipper’s ticket. Once we get this up and running, we will be advertising courses throughout the year.
“Skippers and their crews can benefit from theory and practical hands-on experience of diesel engines and systems.”
Clare Leverton said SCT is looking forward to adding to its programme of courses.
Read more from Fishing News here.