From consultation with the Coast Guard, An Garda Síochana, RNLI, and representation of fishermen, it has been decided to organise a co-ordinated sea search from Achill Island (Mayo) to Aranmore Island (Donegal) for missing crew members of rescue helicopter 116 – Ciaran Smith and Paul Ormsby – on Saturday 8th April, commencing at approximately 9am.
Safety is paramount in this entire operation, for this reason we are asking all vessels intending to engage in the sea search to check in on the morning of the search with their local RNLI Lifeboat or Coast Guard vessel. Upon completion of search, all vessels must report back to the lifeboat or coast guard vessel to confirm completion of search. This is to ensure that all vessels return safely to harbour.
It will be mandatory for crew of all vessels involved in the sea search to wear life jackets and operate within normal safety procedures. We would also ask for your co-operation to obey any instructions given by the RNLI or Coast Guard.
Enquires to:
- Eamon – 087 774 3404/
- Piaras – 086 811 4308
- Gerry – 087 805 4246
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