The purpose of the proposed byelaw is to protect subtidal mud, subtidal sand and sea pen and burrowing megafauna communities within the section of West of Walney Marine Conservation Zone inshore of 12 nautical miles.
Copies of the draft byelaw, draft byelaw impact assessment and accompanying marine protected area assessment, including maps and coordinates of the areas, and questions to consider are available on the MMO website ( or by calling 0300 123 1032, emailing, or from one of the following locations:
MMO Preston, Lutra House, Dodd Way, Walton Summit, Preston, PR5 8BX
MMO Whitehaven, Fish Hall, North Harbour, North Shore, Whitehaven, Cumbria, CA28 7XY
Any person wishing to make representation must do so by 13th July 2018. Please send comments in writing to or to Marine Conservation Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Newcastle, NE4 7YH.