Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (c.23)
Notice of proposal to make a byelaw to prohibit fishing activity within specified areas for the conservation of habitats and species within Allonby Bay Highly Protected Marine Area (HPMA); Dolphin Head HPMA; North East of Farnes Deep HPMA.
The purpose of the proposed byelaw is to conserve the designated feature of the sites.
The proposed byelaw prohibits the use of fishing gear throughout each of the three sites to protect and allow full recovery of all species and habitats and associated ecosystem processes within the site boundary, including the seabed and water column.
The proposed byelaw also requires that vessels present within the specified areas must have all fishing gear inboard, lashed and stowed.
Finally, the proposed byelaw will also amend the proposed draft MMO “Marine Protected Areas Bottom Towed Fishing Gear Byelaw 2023” specifically the specified area detailed in schedule 10. This is to avoid overlap and dual regulation of bottom towed gears in the Offshore Brighton MCZ specified area where it overlaps with the Dolphin Head HPMA management area specified in the proposed HPMA byelaw.
Copies of the draft byelaw and draft impact assessment, including maps and coordinates of the areas, and questions to consider, are available on the MMO website (, by calling 0300 123 1032, or by emailing
Copies of the byelaw may also be inspected at any MMO office. Please contact MMO using the details below if you wish to inspect a copy of the draft byelaw at an MMO office.
Please respond no later than 14 September 2023. You can respond by completing our online survey by visiting: If you are not able to access the survey, you can respond via the details below.
We are asking all stakeholders to use email rather than post if possible.
By email:
By telephone: 0300 123 1032
In writing: Marine Conservation Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7YH