Horizon Nuclear Power Wylfa Limited
1) Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (‘Secretary of State’) has accepted an application for a Development Consent Order (‘DCO’) made by Horizon Nuclear Power Wylfa Limited (‘Applicant’) of Sunrise House, 1420 Charlton Court, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AE under the Planning Act 2008. The application was submitted to the Secretary of State (via the Planning Inspectorate) on Friday 1 June 2018 and accepted for examination on 28 June 2018. The reference number for the application is EN010007.
Summary of the project
2) The Applicant seeks a DCO to authorise the construction and operation of Wylfa Newydd, a new nuclear power station on Anglesey with a capacity of up to 3100 megawatts, and associated development (‘Wylfa Newydd DCO Project’). The principal components of the Wylfa Newydd DCO Project are:
a) The Power Station which includes two UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactors, the Cooling Water System, supporting facilities, buildings, plant and structures, radioactive waste and spent fuel storage buildings and a connection to the national grid.
b) Other on-site development including landscape works and planting, drainage, surface water management systems, public access works including temporary and permanent closures and diversions of public rights of way, new Power Station Access Road and internal site roads, car parking, construction works and activities including construction compounds and temporary parking areas, laydown areas, working areas and temporary works and structures, temporary construction viewing area, diversion of utilities, perimeter and construction fencing, and electricity connections.
c) Marine Works comprising:
- Permanent Marine Works including the Cooling Water System, the Marine Off-loading Facility, breakwater structures, shore protection works, surface water drainage outfalls, waste water effluent outfall (and associated drainage of surface water and waste water effluent to the sea), fish recovery and return system, fish deterrent system, navigation aids and dredging.
- Temporary Marine Works including temporary cofferdams, a temporary access ramp, temporary navigation aids, temporary outfalls and a temporary barge berth.
d) Off-site Power Station Facilities: comprising the Alternative Emergency Control Centre, Environmental Survey Laboratory and a Mobile Emergency Equipment Garage.
e) Associated Development comprising:
- the Site Campus for worker accommodation within the Wylfa Newydd Development Area;
- temporary Park and Ride facility at Dalar Hir for construction workers;
- temporary Logistics Centre at Parc Cybi;
- the A5025 Off-line Highway Improvements;
- Wetland habitat creation and enhancement works at Tŷ Du, Cors Gwawr and Cae Canol-dydd.
3) The DCO application also seeks various other powers including provisions permitting the compulsory acquisition of interests and rights in land, the temporary use of land, interference with rights and the closure or diversion of streets and other public rights of way including the permanent closure of Cemlyn Road.
Environmental Impact Assessment
4) The proposed development is an Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’) development under the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009. The application is therefore accompanied by an Environmental Statement (‘ES’) documenting the findings of the EIA undertaken.
Copies of the Application documents
5) A copy of the Application Form and all its accompanying documents including the draft DCO, ES, plans and maps (‘Application documents’) are available for inspection, free of charge at the following venues (opening days and times vary as listed):
The Anglesey Business Centre
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Bryn Cefni Business Park
Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7XA
Friday 6 July to Monday 13 August
Mon to Fri 9am – 5pm
Wylfa Newydd Site Office
Cemaes Bay
Anglesey, LL67 0AA
Friday 13 July to Monday 13 August
Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am – 4pm
6) The Application documents are also available to view online on the Planning Inspectorate’s website:
7) The Application documents are available free of change on USB or DVD upon request to the Applicant. Hard copies of the complete Application are also available and may be purchased at the cost price of £8,000. Individual documents can be requested in hard copy and will be charged at the following rates:
- A4 (black and white) – 10 pence per sheet
- A4 (colour) – 20 pence per sheet
- A3 (black and white) – 20 pence per sheet
- A3 (colour) – 40 pence per sheet
8) To request a USB, DVD or printed copies of the Application document(s) or individual documents please contact the Applicant on wylfaenquiries@horizonnuclearpower.com or Freephone 0800 954 9516.
Commenting on the Application
9) Any representations (giving notice of any interest in, or objection to, the Application) must be made on the Planning Inspectorate Registration and Relevant Representation Form, which is available through the project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website at: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/wales/wylfa-newydd-nuclear-power-station/
10) If you would like a hard copy of the Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form, please telephone 0303 444 5000.
11) Representations can be made in Welsh or English.
12) Completed forms should be returned to: The Planning Inspectorate, National Infrastructure Directive, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN. The Planning Inspectorate’s reference number for the Application (EN010007) should be quoted in any correspondence.
13) The Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination (December 2016) provides further guidance on how to register and make a relevant representation. It is available online at: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Advice-note-8-2v3.pdf
14) Please note that representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 23:59 on Monday 13 August 2018. All representations will be made public by the Planning Inspectorate.
15) Further information about the Wylfa Newydd DCO Project may be obtained from Horizon at:
Address: FREEPOST Wylfa Newydd
Email: wylfaenquiries@horizonnuclearpower.com
Website: www.horizonnuclearpower.com
Telephone: 0800 954 9516

- Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (‘Secretary of State’) has accepted an application for a Development Consent Order (‘DCO’) made by Horizon Nuclear Power Wylfa Limited (‘Applicant’) of Sunrise House, 1420 Charlton Court, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AE under the Planning Act 2008. The application was submitted to the Secretary of State (via the Planning Inspectorate) on Friday 1 June 2018 and accepted for examination on 28 June 2018. The reference number for the application is EN010007.
Summary of the project
- The Applicant seeks a DCO to authorise the construction and operation of Wylfa Newydd, a new nuclear power station on Anglesey with a capacity of up to 3100 megawatts, and associated development (‘Wylfa Newydd DCO Project’). The principal components of the Wylfa Newydd DCO Project are:
- The Power Station which includes two UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactors, the Cooling Water System, supporting facilities, buildings, plant and structures, radioactive waste and spent fuel storage buildings and a connection to the national grid.
- Other on-site development including landscape works and planting, drainage, surface water management systems, public access works including temporary and permanent closures and diversions of public rights of way, new Power Station Access Road and internal site roads, car parking, construction works and activities including construction compounds and temporary parking areas, laydown areas, working areas and temporary works and structures, temporary construction viewing area, diversion of utilities, perimeter and construction fencing, and electricity connections.
- Marine Works comprising:
- Permanent Marine Works including the Cooling Water System, the Marine Off-loading Facility, breakwater structures, shore protection works, surface water drainage outfalls, waste water effluent outfall (and associated drainage of surface water and waste water effluent to the sea), fish recovery and return system, fish deterrent system, navigation aids and dredging.
- Temporary Marine Works including temporary cofferdams, a temporary access ramp, temporary navigation aids, temporary outfalls and a temporary barge berth.
- Off-site Power Station Facilities: comprising the Alternative Emergency Control Centre, Environmental Survey Laboratory and a Mobile Emergency Equipment Garage.
- Associated Development comprising:
- the Site Campus for worker accommodation within the Wylfa Newydd Development Area;
- temporary Park and Ride facility at Dalar Hir for construction workers;
- temporary Logistics Centre at Parc Cybi;
- the A5025 Off-line Highway Improvements;
- Wetland habitat creation and enhancement works at Tŷ Du, Cors Gwawr and Cae Canol-dydd.
- The DCO application also seeks various other powers including provisions permitting the compulsory acquisition of interests and rights in land, the temporary use of land, interference with rights and the closure or diversion of streets and other public rights of way including the permanent closure of Cemlyn Road.
Environmental Impact Assessment
- The proposed development is an Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’) development under the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009. The application is therefore accompanied by an Environmental Statement (‘ES’) documenting the findings of the EIA undertaken.
Copies of the Application documents
- A copy of the Application Form and all its accompanying documents including the draft DCO, ES, plans and maps (‘Application documents’) are available for inspection, free of charge at the following venues (opening days and times vary as listed):
The Anglesey Business Centre
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Bryn Cefni Business Park
Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7XA
Friday 6 July to Monday 13 August
Mon to Fri 9am – 5pm
Wylfa Newydd Site Office
Cemaes Bay
Anglesey, LL67 0AA
Friday 13 July to Monday 13 August
Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm and Saturday and Sunday 10am – 4pm
- The Application documents are also available to view online on the Planning Inspectorate’s website:
- The Application documents are available free of change on USB or DVD upon request to the Applicant. Hard copies of the complete Application are also available and may be purchased at the cost price of £8,000. Individual documents can be requested in hard copy and will be charged at the following rates:
- A4 (black and white) – 10 pence per sheet
- A4 (colour) – 20 pence per sheet
- A3 (black and white) – 20 pence per sheet
- A3 (colour) – 40 pence per sheet
- To request a USB, DVD or printed copies of the Application document(s) or individual documents please contact the Applicant on wylfaenquiries@horizonnuclearpower.com or Freephone 0800 954 9516.
Commenting on the Application
- Any representations (giving notice of any interest in, or objection to, the Application) must be made on the Planning Inspectorate Registration and Relevant Representation Form, which is available through the project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website at: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/wales/wylfa-newydd-nuclear-power-station/
- If you would like a hard copy of the Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form, please telephone 0303 444 5000.
- Representations can be made in Welsh or English.
- Completed forms should be returned to: The Planning Inspectorate, National Infrastructure Directive, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN. The Planning Inspectorate’s reference number for the Application (EN010007) should be quoted in any correspondence.
- The Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination (December 2016) provides further guidance on how to register and make a relevant representation. It is available online at: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Advice-note-8-2v3.pdf
- Please note that representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 23:59 on Monday 13 August 2018. All representations will be made public by the Planning Inspectorate.
- Further information about the Wylfa Newydd DCO Project may be obtained from Horizon at:
Address: FREEPOST Wylfa Newydd
Email: wylfaenquiries@horizonnuclearpower.com
Website: www.horizonnuclearpower.com
Telephone: 0800 954 9516