Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State has accepted an application (“the Application”) by Norfolk County Council of County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH (“the Council”) for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”). The Application was submitted by the Council to the Secretary of State, c/o The Planning Inspectorate (“the Inspectorate”), on 30 April 2019 and was accepted for examination on 28 May 2019. The reference number assigned to the Application by the Inspectorate is TR010043.
Description of the Scheme – If made, the DCO would authorise the construction, operation and maintenance of the Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing (“the Scheme”), which comprises the following principal elements:
- A new dual carriageway road, crossing the River Yare in an east-west orientation, comprising:
- A new double-leaf bascule bridge providing an opening span to facilitate vessel movement within the river. This would include structures to support and accommodate the operational requirements of the bridge-opening mechanism, including counterweights below the level of the bridge deck. The bridge would be supported on driven piles;
- New substructures, supported by driven piles, to support the double leaf bascule bridge within the existing quays either side of the river and within the river itself, requiring new permanent “knuckle” walls, creating cofferdams in the waterway to accommodate their construction;
- A new five-arm roundabout connecting the new dual carriageway road with Suffolk Road, William Adams Way and the western end of Queen Anne’s Road. Sections of the new five arm roundabout would be supported on driven piles where deep soft ground is encountered;
- A single-span bridge over Southtown Road, with reinforced earth embankments joining that bridge to the new roundabout at William Adams Way. Southtown Road bridge and the reinforced earth embankments would be supported on driven piles;
- A single-span bridge to provide an underpass on the eastern side of the river, with reinforced earth embankments joining that single span bridge to South Denes Road. The underpass and reinforced earth embankments would be supported on driven piles; and
- A new signalised junction connecting the new road with A1243 South Denes Road.
- The closure of Queen Anne’s Road, at its junction with Suffolk Road, and the opening of a new junction onto Southtown Road providing vehicular and pedestrian access to residential properties and the MIND Centre and Grounds at the eastern end of Queen Anne’s Road;
- Revised access arrangements for existing businesses onto the local highway network;
- Dedicated provision for cyclists and pedestrians which ties into existing networks;
- Implementation of part of a flood defence scheme along Bollard Quay that is proposed to be promoted by the Environment Agency, and works to integrate with the remainder of the flood defence scheme;
- A control tower structure located immediately south of the crossing on the western side of the river. The control tower would facilitate the 24/7 operation of the opening span of the new double-leaf bascule bridge;
- A plant room located on the eastern side of the river for the operation of the opening span of the new double-leaf bascule bridge;
- The demolition of an existing footbridge on William Adams Way;
- Associated changes, modifications and/or improvements to the existing local highway network;
- Additional signage, including Variable Message Signs (VMS) at discrete locations, to assist the movement of traffic in response to network conditions and the openings / closings of the double-leaf bascule bridge;
- The relocation of existing allotments to compensate for an area to be lost as a result of the Scheme and other works, including those at the MIND Centre and Grounds; and
- New public realm, landscape, ecology and sustainable drainage measures.
The Scheme also includes works to facilitate the construction, operation and maintenance of the above elements including:
- Creation of temporary construction sites and accesses from the public highway;
- Provision of new utilities and services and the diversion of existing utilities;
- Provision of drainage infrastructure, lighting and landscaping;
- Demolition of a number of existing residential and commercial/business properties; and
- Provision of vessel waiting facilities to the north and south of the new crossing, either as floating pontoons or additional fendering to the existing berths, including any dredging and quay strengthening works that may be required.
The DCO would authorise the compulsory acquisition of land together with interests and rights in land and confer power to use land permanently and temporarily. The DCO would also make provision for various ancillary matters, including the stopping up of and alterations to lengths of streets and the provision of traffic regulation measures. In relation to the construction, operation and maintenance of the new bridge, the DCO would include provision in relation to navigation of the River Yare, removal of vehicles and fallen loads and a scheme of operation and byelaws.
Environmental Impact Assessment – The Scheme is an Environmental Impact Assessment development for the purposes of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. Accordingly, an Environmental Statement accompanied the Application.
Copies of the Application Documents – A paper copy of the Application form and its accompanying documents, plans and maps, including the Environmental Statement may be inspected free of charge from 17 June 2019 to 4 August 2019 at the times and locations set out below.
Venue Details | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Great Yarmouth Library – Tolhouse Street, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2SH | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 7:30pm | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 4:30pm | Closed |
Gorleston Library – Lowestoft Road, Gorleston-on-Sea, Great Yarmouth NR31 6SG | 9:30am –
5pm |
9:30am –
8pm |
9:30am –
5pm |
9:30am –
8pm |
9:30am –
5pm |
9:30am –
4pm |
Closed |
Kings Centre – 30 Queen Anne’s Road Southtown, Great Yarmouth NR31 0LE | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 5pm | 9am – 5pm | Closed | Closed |
These documents can also be viewed free of charge on Norfolk County Council’s website at and on the National Infrastructure Planning website at
Requests for paper copies of these documents or electronic copies on a memory stick can be made by e-mailing:- or telephoning:- 0344 800 8020. A charge of £5 will be made for electronic copies of the documents provided on a memory stick. A charge of £1500 will be made for a complete set of the documents in paper form. The charge will be reduced on a pro rata basis for paper copies of individual documents.
Responding to the Application – Any person may now make representations (giving notice of their interest in, or objection to, the Application).
Representations must be made by using the appropriate registration and relevant representation form provided by the Inspectorate. The form can be completed online and will be made available from 17 June 2019 at the Scheme’s page on the National Infrastructure Planning website (see
Alternatively, a paper copy of the form can be requested by telephoning 0303 444 5000 and quoting the name of the Scheme and the Inspectorate’s reference number (TR010043). A paper copy of the registration form submitted to the Inspectorate should be sent to The Planning Inspectorate, National Infrastructure Directorate, Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. The Inspectorate’s reference number for the Scheme (TR010043) should be quoted in any correspondence with the Inspectorate.
The Inspectorate provides guidance on how to register and make representations. It has produced Advice Note 8.2 “How to register to participate in an Examination”, which can be accessed from The National infrastructure Planning website at .
Deadline for Representations – Any representation must be received by the Inspectorate by 11:59pm on 4 August 2019. Please note that the Inspectorate is required to make representations available for public inspection and that your name and representation about the Application will be published on the National Infrastructure Planning website.
Tom McCabe – Executive Director of Community and Environmental Services, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Norwich, NR1 2DH.
14 June 2019