Notice is hereby given that East Anglia ONE North Limited of 3rd Floor 1 Tudor Street, London, EC4Y 0AH (“the Applicant”) intends to apply to the Secretary of State for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 for the construction and operation of the East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm, an offshore wind generating station, located approximately 36km from Lowestoft and 42km from Southwold and covering an area of approximately 208km2, together with associated development to connect the generating station to the national grid.
The proposed DCO would, amongst other things, authorise:
- Up to 67 offshore wind turbines and their foundations with a maximum hub height of 175m above lowest astronomical tide (LAT), maximum rotor diameter of 250m and maximum tip height of up to 300m above LAT;
- Up to four High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) offshore electrical platforms and their foundations to aggregate the power from the wind turbines and convert it into a suitable form for export to shore;
- Up to one offshore construction, operation and maintenance platform and its foundations;
- Up to one offshore meteorological mast and its foundations;
- Subsea cables connecting the wind turbines, the meteorological mast and offshore platforms;
- Up to two offshore subsea export cables to bring electricity from the offshore electrical platforms to landfall located north of Thorpeness in Suffolk;
- Works at landfall to connect the offshore export cables to the onshore cables including transition bays;
- Up to six underground cables and up to two fibre optic cables, of approximately 9km in length, with jointing pits, commencing at the landfall and running in a northern direction towards Sizewell Gap, turning to a south westerly direction towards the B1122 (south of Aldringham), turning to a westerly direction towards Grove Road, and turning north to the onshore substation;
- A new onshore substation in the vicinity of Grove Wood, Friston and a connection into the National Grid infrastructure;
- National Grid infrastructure in the vicinity of Grove Wood, Friston to facilitate a connection into the main transmission network including a new National Grid substation and National Grid overhead line realignment works;
- Associated or ancillary works including improvements to highways, verges and private access roads, construction compounds, construction of a temporary haul road, landscaping and drainage works;
- If required, the permanent and/or temporary compulsory acquisition of land and/or rights and overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land;
- If required, the temporary stopping up, alternation or diversion of streets;
- The application and/or disapplication of legislation including inter alia legislation relating to compulsory purchase; and
- Such ancillary, incidental and consequential provisions, permits or consents as are necessary and/or convenient.
The proposed works are an environmental impact assessment (“EIA”) development for the purposes of The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. This means that the proposed works constitute development for which an Environmental Impact Assessment is required and the proposed application for a DCO will be accompanied by an Environmental Statement. The Applicant has prepared Preliminary Environmental Information which contains documents, plans and maps showing the nature and location of the East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm and which can be inspected free of charge from 11th February 2019 until 26th March 2019 at the locations and times set out below
Venue | Opening Hours | |
Leiston Town Council
Council Offices Main Street Leiston Suffolk IP16 4ER |
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
0900 – 1230, 1400 – 1645
0900 – 1230, 1400 – 1645 Closed 0900 – 1230 0900 – 1230 Closed Closed |
Aldeburgh Library
32 Victoria Road Aldeburgh Suffolk IP15 5EG |
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
0900 – 1300
0900 – 1300 0900 – 1300, 1500 – 1800 0900 – 1300 0900 – 1300 1000 – 1230, 1300 – 1530 1000 – 1230, 1300 – 1530 |
Woodbridge Library
New Street Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 1DT |
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
1000 – 1600
0930 – 1930 0900 – 1730 0900 – 1730 0900 – 1930 0900 – 1700 1000 – 1600 |
Suffolk County Council
Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich Suffolk IP1 2BX |
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
0900 – 1700
0900 – 1700 0900 – 1700 0900 – 1700 0900 – 1700 Closed Closed |
Orbis Energy Centre
Orbis Energy Centre Wilde St Lowestoft NR32 1XH |
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
0830 – 1700
0830 – 1700 0830 – 1700 0830 – 1700 0830 – 1700 Closed Closed |
Public Information Days will also be held by the Applicant on the following dates and locations:A reasonable copying charge may be made for the reproduction of information. Further details in relation to the Project and a copy of the Preliminary Environmental Information and other documents referred to above can also be found on the Applicant’s website
Date | Town/Village | Address | Time |
16/02/2019 | Friston | Friston Village Hall, Church Road, Friston, Saxmundham, IP17 1PU | 1000 – 1600 |
18/02/2019 | Aldeburgh | Aldeburgh Church Hall, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh, IP15 5EA | 1400 – 1900 |
20/02/2019 | Leiston | Sizewell Sports and Social Club, King George’s Avenue, Leiston, IP16 4JX | 1400 – 1900 |
21/02/2019 | Orford | Town Hall, Market Hill, Orford, Woodbridge, IP12 2NZ | 1400 – 1900 |
22/02/2019 | Knodishall | Knodishall Village Hall, School Road, Knodishall, IP17 1UD | 1400 – 1900 |
23/02/2019 | Thorpeness | Thorpeness Country Club, The Benthills, IP16 4NU | 1000 – 1600 |
25/02/2019 | Southwold | Stella Peskett Hall, Mights Road, Southwold, IP18 6BE | 1400 – 1900 |
27/02/2019 | Friston | Friston Village Hall, Church Road, Friston, Saxmundham, IP17 1PU | 1400 – 1900 |
28/02/2019 | Thorpeness | Thorpeness Country Club, The Benthills, IP16 4NU | 1400 – 1900 |
01/03/2019 | Aldeburgh | Aldeburgh Church Hall, Victoria Road, Aldeburgh, IP15 5EA | 1400 – 1900 |
02/03/2019 | Knodishall | Knodishall Village Hall, School Road, Knodishall, IP17 1UD | 1000 – 1600 |
04/03/2019 | Southwold | Stella Peskett Hall, Mights Road, Southwold, IP18 6BE | 1400 – 1900 |
09/03/2019 | Leiston | Sizewell Sports and Social Club, King George’s Avenue, Leiston, IP16 4JX | 1000 – 1600 |
Any response or representation to the publication of this notice must be made in writing to:
ScottishPower Renewables East Anglia ONE North, RTLY-RLGH-GKSE FREEPOST, 25 Priestgate, Peterborough, PE1 1JL
or via email at:
Responses must (i) be received by the Applicant on or before 26th March 2019 (ii) be made in writing, (iii) state the grounds of the response or representation and (iv) indicate who is making the response or representation, and (v) give an address to which correspondence relating to the response or representations may be sent.
Consultation responses may be made publicly available; however, the Applicant will not share individuals’ data (although the Applicant may indicate the general area of an individual’s location for context).