NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that further information has been published in relation to the application made by Norfolk Vanguard Limited (the Applicant) of First Floor, 1 Tudor Street, London, EC4Y 0AH for a Development Consent Order (DCO) under sections 14, 15 and 37 of the Planning Act 2008 (the Application). The Application was made on 26 June 2018 and accepted on 24 July 2018 (Reference: EN010079).
The Secretary of State, by way of letter dated 6 December 2019, extended the deadline for a decision on the Application and requested information and comments from the Applicant, Interested Parties, and Other Parties by 28 February 2020. The Secretary of State considers the information provided by the Applicant in response to the 6 December 2019 consultation letter to contain further environmental information (Further Information) and therefore invites comments from interested parties on the Further Information no later than 27 April 2020.
The Further Information is set out in the following documents:
- Summary Overview on HRA
- Applicant’s Response
- Applicant’s Response Appendix 1: B1149 traffic management drawings
- Applicant’s Response Appendix 2: Environmental assessment for trenchless crossing of B1149
- Additional Mitigation
- Additional Mitigation Appendix 1 Updated Collision Risk Modelling
- Additional Mitigation Appendix 2 Assessment of Additional Mitigation in HHW SAC
- Additional Mitigation Appendix 3 Cable Protection Decommissioning Evidence
- Additional Mitigation Appendix 4 BT Cable Recovery Letter of Comfort
- Consultation Overview
- Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton SAC Position Statement
- Outline Norfolk Vanguard Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton Special Area of Conservation Site Integrity Plan
- Outline Norfolk Vanguard Cable Specification Installation and Monitoring Plan for the Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton Special Area of Conservation
- Ornithology Position Statement
- Ornithology Position Statement Appendix 1: Headroom Calculations
- Habitats Regulations Derogation Provision of Evidence
- Derogation Appendix 1: Flamborough and Filey Coast SPA In Principle Compensation Measures for kittiwake
- Derogation Appendix 2: Aide-Ore Estuary SPA In Principle Compensation Measures for lesser black-backed gull
- Derogation Appendix 3: Haisborough, Hammond & Winterton SAC In Principle Compensation
- Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Strategy
- Draft Development Consent Order
- DCO Schedule of Changes Guide to the Application
- Note on Requirements.
The Further Information also includes a number of consent envelope modifications, including (but not limited to):
- A decrease in the maximum number of turbines from 180 to 158;
- An increase to the minimum draught height of turbines to: 35m (above Mean High Water Springs (MHWS)) for turbine models of up to and including 14.6MW capacity, and minimum draught height of 30m (above MHWS) for turbine models of 14.7MW and above;
- A commitment to no cable protection in the priority areas to be managed as reef within the HHW SAC, unless otherwise agreed with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) in consultation with Natural England; and
- A commitment to decommission cable protection at the end of the Norfolk Vanguard project life where it is associated with unburied cables due to ground conditions (where required for crossings this will be left in situ).
Summary of the Project
The Application relates to the construction, operation and maintenance of the Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm, with an electrical export capacity of up to 1,800MW and comprising up to 158 (previously 180) wind turbine generators and associated infrastructure, to be located approximately 47km offshore (at the closest point) (the Project). The DCO for the Project would, amongst other things, also authorise:
- Up to two accommodation platforms and associated foundations;
- Up to two meteorological masts and associated foundations;
- Up to two LIDAR measurement buoys and up to two wave measurement buoys;
- Up to two offshore electrical platforms and associated foundations;
- Subsea array cables and fibre optic cables, including offshore cable crossings, between the wind turbine generators and offshore electrical platforms;
- Up to four subsea export cables and fibre optic cables to transmit electricity from the offshore electrical platforms to shore;
- Scour protection around foundations and on array cables and export cables as required;
- Landfall at Happisburgh South with up to two transition jointing pits to join the offshore and onshore cables;
- Onshore transmission works consisting of up to four cables to be laid in ducts and up to four additional cable ducts for the Norfolk Boreas Offshore Wind Farm, and associated fibre optic cables laid underground within cable ducts, running from landfall at Happisburgh South to the onshore project substation;
- An onshore project substation to the east of the existing National Grid substation at Necton, Norfolk, to connect the onshore transmission works to the National Grid substation, together with surface water management, bunding, embankments, and boundary treatments at the onshore project substation site;
- Up to 12 400kV underground interface cables between the onshore project substation and the existing Necton National Grid Substation, and an extension to the Necton National Grid substation;
- Modification of the existing overhead line network in the vicinity of the existing Necton National Grid substation including the removal of one existing pylon and construction of two new permanent pylons and the installation of conductors, insulators, and fittings on the pylons;
- Permanent access connecting the A47 to the onshore project substation and the existing Necton National Grid substation;
- Temporary construction areas, working sites and mobilisation areas and access roads in connection with the cable route and onshore project substation and the existing Necton National Grid substation;
- Jointing pits, manholes, kiosks, marker posts, link boxes and other works associated with laying ducts and/or cables and fibre optic cables and/or pulling cables through cable ducts;
- The permanent and/or temporary compulsory acquisition (if required) of land and/or rights for the proposed Project;
- Overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land for the proposed Project;
- The application and/or disapplication of legislation relevant to the proposed Project including inter alia legislation relating to compulsory purchase; and
- Such ancillary, incidental and consequential provisions, permits or consents as are necessary and/or convenient.
Environmental Impact Assessment Development
The proposed works are environmental impact assessment (EIA) development for the purposes of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 and accordingly an Environmental Statement accompanied the Application.
Further Information
The Further Information can be viewed on the Norfolk Vanguard project page of the National Infrastructure Planning website:
The Further Information and the Environmental Statement will also be available for inspection free of charge at Dereham Library, 59 High St, Dereham, NR19 lDZ until 27 April 2020, but in the light of the current public health situation surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19), if you are planning to attend the library please check with the library in advance. Planning Inspectorate guidance is also available on the government website in relation to site visits, hearings, inquiries and events:
The documents are also available at and paper copies of the Further Information can be provided on request from for a charge of £686. USB device copies can be provided free of charge and are available on request.
Deadline for Response
Comments from interested parties on the Further Information must be received no later than 23:59 on 27 April 2020.
How to Respond
Consultation responses on the Further Information should be submitted by email to: Please also send any hard copy response to Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm, the Planning Inspectorate, 3D Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BSl 6PN.