Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) – call for project ideas for 2019/20
Pursuing a variety of collaborative approaches, including the Fisheries Science Partnership, Defra is committed to working with the fishing industry, stakeholders and scientists for the sustainable management of UK fisheries.
We are inviting FSP project proposals for the next financial year, subject to confirmation of funding for 2019/20. Project ideas should be practical, able to deliver a real solution, come from fishermen and meet at least one of the FSP objectives set out on the FSP GOV.UK website.
The FSP panel will be particularly interested to see proposals that will help the implementation of CFP reform, especially innovative approaches to the phased introduction of the demersal landing obligation. Examples include, but are not restricted to:
- mixed-fishery and regional approaches
- selectivity improvements (including new gear)
- discard-survivability studies
- spatial adaptations
- emerging issues in support of the Advisory Councils (ACs)
For further information or to submit an idea:
- Visit the Cefas website at GOV.UK:
- Contact the FSP Contracts Office: Tel: 01502 527798;
- Discuss with your fishing industry representatives
All ideas will be considered, but submission of an idea is no guarantee that the idea will be funded. Suitable ideas will be commissioned through a competitive tendering process.
Deadline for receipt of proposals (to the FSP Contracts Office): Friday 1st February 2019