Northumberland, North Eastern, Eastern and Kent and Essex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs)
Section 155 & 156 Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009
Pursuant to the above Act, the above IFCAs intend to apply to the Minister for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for the confirmation of the following byelaw within each district:
Each of the IFCAs intends to introduce a byelaw as follows:
Northumberland IFCA: Minimum Sizes Byelaw 2020
North Eastern IFCA: Byelaw XXXII Fish, Mollusc and Crustacea Minimum Size Byelaw 2019
Eastern IFCA: Minimum Sizes Byelaw 2019
Kent and Essex IFCA: Minimum Sizes Byelaw
These byelaws are intended to replace the Fish, Mollusc and Crustacea Minimum Size Emergency Byelaws 2019, implemented under s.157 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act. The intended effect of the byelaws is to ensure the continued protective effect of minimum size rules on fish stocks in the context of changes to European legislation, and to effectively maintain the conditions which existed immediately prior to the changes. This will be achieved through the prevention of the removal of pre-spawning fish and shellfish from fisheries which are below the minimum size, established within European legislation, in relation to commercial and non-commercial fisheries and to enable the effective enforcement of such.
Each IFCA will introduce a separate version of the byelaw within the corresponding district. There are variations between the wording of the byelaws to reflect local circumstances.
As the byelaws will maintain the protective effect of measures which were already in place prior to their amendment by the European Commission, no additional impact to commercial and non-commercial fisheries stakeholders are anticipated.
The full text of the above byelaws, associated Impact Assessments and further information can be inspected at, or obtained from the following
Northumberland IFCA: 8 Ennerdale Rd, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 4RT. Tel: 01670 797676; email:; website:
North Eastern IFCA: Town Hall, Quay Rd, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO16 4LP. Tel: 01482 393515; email:; website:
Eastern IFCA: 6 North Lynn Business Village, Bergen Way, King’s Lynn, PE30 2JG. Tel: 01553 775321; email:; website:
Kent and Essex IFCA: Paragon House, Albert Street, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9HD. Tel: 01843 585310; email:; website:
Any person wishing to comment, support or object to the byelaws must do so in writing before 12pm on 6th April 2020, to the CEO of the relevant IFCA at the above addresses and send a copy to:
Marine Conservation and Enforcement Team, Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, NE4 7HY,