Lower Thames Crossing – application for Development Consent (planning inspectorate reference Tr010032) planning act 2008 notice of public Consultation on proposed Changes To an accepted application for a Development Consent order
An application for a development consent order (“the Application”) was submitted by National Highways to the Secretary of State c/o the Planning Inspectorate on 31 October 2022 and was accepted for examination on 28 November 2022. The reference number applied to the Application is Tr010032). An Examining Authority was appointed to conduct the examination of the Application on 2 December 2022.
Notice is hereby given that National Highways Limited of Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4LZ (“the Applicant”) is holding a public consultation (“the minor refinement consultation”) on a small number of proposed changes to the Application (“the Proposed Changes”), details of which are set out in this notice.
Summary of the project
The Application is for the proposed Lower Thames Crossing (“the Project”), which is a proposed new road connecting Kent, Thurrock and Essex through a tunnel beneath the River Thames. The Project’s main proposals include:
- Approximately 14.5 miles (23km) of new road, with a maximum speed limit of 70mph, connecting to the existing road network from the A2/M2 to the M25;
- Two new tunnels, one southbound and one northbound;
- Improvements to the M25, A2 and A13, where the Lower Thames Crossing connects to the road network;
- New structures and changes to existing ones (including bridges, buildings, tunnel entrances, viaducts, and utilities such as electricity pylons) along the length of the new road; and
- A free-flow charging system, where drivers do not need to stop but pay remotely, similar to that at the Dartford Crossing.
In addition, any necessary rights and powers will be sought to ensure delivery of the Project, including compulsory acquisition of land and interests/rights in land.
The Project is an Environmental Impact Assessment development, as defined by the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. This means that the proposed works constitute development for which an Environmental Impact Assessment is required. An Environmental Statement containing information about the likely significant environmental effects of the Project was submitted as part of the Application.
Copies of the application
The Application, including the Environmental Statement, together with the application form and its accompanying documents, drawings, plans and maps, is available for inspection free of charge on the section relating to the Application on the Planning Inspectorate’s website under the ‘Documents’ tab: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/ projects/south-east/lower-thames-crossing/. These documents will be available to view
on that website for at least the duration of the Examination. The Examining Authority has published a draft Examination Timetable, which can be found at: https://infrastructure. planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/ipc/uploads/projects/TR010032/TR010032- 002083-Rule%206%20letter%20%282-part%20PM%29.pdf
Details of the development consent process and how to participate are set out in
the Planning Inspectorate’s ‘Advice Note Eight: Overview of the nationally significant infrastructure project process for members of the public and others’, which is available to view free of charge at https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/legislation-and- advice/advice-notes/advice-note-eight-overview-of-the-nationally-significant-infrastructure- planning-process-for-members-of-the-public-and-others/.
Summary of the proposed Changes
The Proposed Changes have arisen as part of our ongoing engagement and discussions with stakeholders and would result in improvements to the Project overall through a reduction in environmental impacts and the amount of land needed to deliver the Project.
The Proposed Changes are minor in nature and do not result in a material change to the Project or the assessment conclusions reported in the Environmental Statement submitted with the DCO application.
The following table outlines the Proposed Changes to the DCO application:
Full descriptions of each of the proposed changes, together with explanations of why they are proposed and an appraisal of the impacts of those changes, are provided in the Minor Refinement Consultation document. The Minor Refinement Consultation document and response form can be viewed on our website: https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/ ltc/minor-refinement-consultation-2023/
Responding to this publicity
Any person can respond to the consultation.
An online feedback form will be available from 00.01 on wednesday 17 may 2023 on our website: https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/ltc/minor-refinement-consultation-2023.
The deadline for responding is 23:59 on Monday 19 June 2023.
Consultation materials on demand
For those unable to access the internet, a printed copy of the consultation document and response form, as well as a pre-paid return envelope, are available to order free of charge (one pack per household), using one of the following methods:
- By emailing National Highways via info@lowerthamescrossing.co.uk
- By phoning National Highways on 0300 123 5000
You can also use these contact details if you are having difficulties understanding or accessing the consultation materials, or you have any questions about the consultation.
It is also possible to send a printed response form or letter to the following address: Consultation Response, LTC, Pilgrims Lane, Chafford Hundred, Grays, RM16 6RL.
Unless using a pre-paid envelope supplied by National Highways, respondents are required to pay appropriate delivery charges for responses sent to this address.
A response can also be sent to this dedicated email account: consultationresponses@lowerthamescrossing.co.uk.
National Highways cannot guarantee that responses sent to any other address will be received.
National Highways’ consideration of valid responses will be described in a Change Submission request, which will include a Consultation Report that will be submitted to the Examining Authority and published in due course.
National Highways’ policy on managing personal data can be found at https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-work/lower-thames-crossing/privacy-notice/.
Read more public notices at Fishing News here.