Section 56 Planning Act 2008 Regulation 9 of The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Notice of Acceptance of an Application for a Development Consent Order A585 Windy Harbour to Skippool Improvement Scheme
Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State for Transport has accepted an application by Highways England Company Limited of Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, GU1 4LZ (“the Applicant”) for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) under the Planning Act 2008 (“the Application”). The Application was submitted by Highways England to the Secretary of State c/o the Planning Inspectorate (“PINS”) on 29 October 2018 and was accepted on 26 November 2018. The reference number applied to the Application by PINS is TR010035.
The DCO would authorise 4.85km (3 miles) long dual 2-lane carriageway bypass from Windy Harbour Junction to the Skippool Junction. (“the scheme”).
The DCO would authorise the compulsory acquisition of land, interests in land and rights over land, and the powers to use land permanently and temporarily for the construction, operation and maintenance of the scheme.
The DCO would make provisions in connection with a number of ancillary matters including: carrying out civil engineering or other works; the temporary stopping up of lengths of existing highways in the vicinity of the route; the classification of highways including the de-trunking and trunking of sections of highway; the compulsory acquisition and temporary possession of land for the construction, operation and maintenance of the scheme; the creation, suspension or extinguishment of, or interference with interests in or rights over land; carrying out specified excavation and boring operations in a specified area; carrying out surveys or taking soil samples; cutting down, uprooting, topping or lopping trees, hedgerows or shrubs or cutting back their roots; the removal, disposal and re-siting of apparatus; the diversion of non-navigable watercourses; the deeming of a marine licence; the making of traffic orders and the stopping up or diversion of highways; the discharge of water into inland waters; landscaping and mitigation works; and such incidental and consequential works and provisions as are necessary for the scheme.
The scheme is Environmental Impact Assessment development (“EIA development”) as defined by The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The Application is therefore accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
Copies of the application form and accompanying documents, plans and maps, including the Environmental Statement are available for inspection free of charge from 13 December 2018 until 31 March 2020 at the following locations and times.
Wyre Council
Civic Centre,
Breck Road,
Phone: 01253 891000
Opening Times: Mon-Fri 8:30am – 5pm
Wyre Council, Civic Centre is closed for Bank and Public Bank Holidays
Christmas and New Year 2018/9 – Closed between 21 December – 2 January
Thornton Library
Victoria Road East, Thornton-Cleveleys, FY5 3SZ
Tel: 0300 123 6703 Email:
Opening times:
Monday 9am-7pm
Tuesday 9am-5pm
Wednesday 9am -5pm
Thursday 9am-1pm
Friday 9am – 5pm
Saturday 9am-1pm
Sunday Closed
Thornton Library will be closed on bank and public holidays and some extra statutory dates. Please note that the public computers are switched off 10 minutes before the library closes.
Copies of the Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary are available to take away, free of charge, from these locations, or can be obtained by contacting the project team using the contact details at the end of this notice.
The application form and the accompanying documents, plans and Environmental Statement can also be viewed online at the National Infrastructure website for the
Copies may also be purchased from the project team using the contact details at the end of this notice. Copies of the suite of application documents can be obtained for a charge of £1650 (plus postage) for hard copies. On request, a USB containing these documents will be provided free of charge. Copies of individual documents are also available on request and a charge may apply.
Any person may make representations on the Application to the Secretary of State (ie: giving notice of any interest in or objection to the Application). Any representation relating to the Application must be submitted on a registration form and give the grounds on which it is made. PINS have issued detailed advice on registering as an interested party and making a relevant representation, to which you are advised to have regard. This advice notice (8.2 – How to Register to Participate in an Examination) can be found at:
The Registration and Relevant Representation form will be made available by PINS on the relevant page for the Application via the National Infrastructure website
Alternatively you can request a hard copy of the form by telephoning 0303 444 5000 quoting the name of the Application and PINS reference number TR010035. A completed hard copy form to be submitted to PINS should be sent to:
The Planning Inspectorate
Major Applications & Plans
Temple Quay House
Temple Quay
Please quote reference number TR010035 in all correspondence with PINS about this Application.
Representations must be received by PINS no later than 24 January 2019 Please note that any submitted representations to PINS will be published on the National Infrastructure website for the Application.
Further information about the Application may be obtained from Highways England as follows:
Post: David Hopkin c/o A585 Windy Harbour Project Team, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD
Telephone: 0300 470 2700