Regulation 9 of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 (as amended)
Regulation 16 of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
Notice is hereby given that the Planning Inspectorate (on behalf of the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) has accepted an application made by Norfolk Boreas Limited (the Applicant) of 1st Floor, 1 Tudor Street, London, EC4Y 0AH for a Development Consent Order (DCO) under the Planning Act 2008 (the Application). The Application was made on 11 June 2019 and accepted for examination on 4 July 2019 (Reference: EN010087).
Summary of the Project
The Application relates to the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm located approximately 73km from the coast of Norfolk (at the closest point) (the Project). The Project, located in the southern North Sea, would cover an area of approximately 725km2. Offshore cables transmitting power from the Project would make landfall south of Happisburgh. From there underground cables would continue approximately 60km to an onshore project substation, and connect into the National Grid substation near Necton, Norfolk.
The Project is the second offshore wind farm proposal being developed by Vattenfall in this part of the southern North Sea. With the same proposed export capacity of up to 1.8GW (1,800MW), the Norfolk Vanguard Project (also classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project), submitted its DCO application to the Planning Inspectorate in June 2018 (Norfolk Vanguard). Vattenfall aims to optimise synergies in relation to the development, construction, operation and eventual decommissioning of the two projects, enabling overall impacts to be reduced. If both projects secure consent and progress to construction, these synergies will be realised by the Applicant implementing Scenario 1 for the Project (as described in Table 1 below). However, the Applicant needs to consider the possibility that Norfolk Vanguard may not be built, and in this case the Applicant would implement Scenario 2 for the Project (as described in Table 1 below).
The proposed DCO would, amongst other things, authorise offshore components including:
- Up to 180 wind turbine generators and associated foundations, with a maximum turbine hub height of 198.5m, a maximum rotor diameter of 303m and a maximum tip height of 350m, to give a combined export capacity of up to 1,800MW;
- Up to two offshore electrical platforms, and an offshore service platform, both with associated foundations;
- Scour protection, as required, for foundations and cables;
- The construction of a network of subsea array cables connecting the wind turbines to each other and to the offshore electrical platforms; and interconnector cables connecting the offshore electrical platforms to each other or, in the event of Scenario 1, project interconnector cables connecting an offshore electrical platform in Norfolk Boreas with an offshore electrical platform within Norfolk Vanguard;
- Up to two pairs of export cables from the offshore electrical platforms to the shore; and
- Up to two meteorological masts and their associated foundations, up to two LiDAR buoys, two wave buoys and a number of navigational buoys.
The onshore project area would be from the point at which the offshore cables come ashore (the Landfall) at Happisburgh South, Norfolk, to the existing Necton National Grid Substation. The cable route from landfall to the onshore project substation is approximately 60km. The key landfall and onshore components would, amongst other things, comprise the following:
- Up to two pairs of subsea export cables laid in ducts installed under the cliff by long Horizontal Directional Drilling;
- Up to two onshore transition pits to house the connection between the offshore cables and the onshore cables;
- Onshore connection works, subject to different scenarios dependent on whether Norfolk Vanguard proceeds to construction, as described in Table 1:
Table 1: Summary of the two scenarios described in the Application:
Scenario 1
Norfolk Vanguard proceeds to construction and installs ducts and carries out other shared enabling works to benefit Norfolk Boreas |
Scenario 2
Norfolk Vanguard does not proceed to construction and Norfolk Boreas proceeds alone. Norfolk Boreas undertakes all works required as an independent project |
i Pulling up to two pairs of cables and associated communication cables through pre-installed ducts
ii. 12km (approx.) running track alongside the cable route iii. 300m extension to the access road installed by Norfolk Vanguard to the onshore project substation. |
i. Cable duct installation and pulling up to two pairs of cables and associated communication cables through ducts
ii. Trenchless crossings at various roads, railways and sensitive habitats iii. Mobilisation areas and compounds for trenchless crossings iv. 60km (approx.) running track alongside the cable corridor v. A47 junction improvement works to install a right turn/filter and new exit at the Spicers Corner junction vi. 1.8km access road to the onshore project substation vii. Modification to the existing overhead line network in the vicinity of the Necton National Grid substation. |
- Jointing pits and link boxes to facilitate cable pulling, at intervals along the cable route;
- Cable logistics area near Oulton to allow for the storage of cable drums and associated materials close to the cable corridor;
- Construction of an onshore project substation in proximity to the existing Necton National Grid Substation together with associated equipment and a temporary construction compound;
- Extension to the existing Necton National Grid Substation;
- Up to 12 400kV underground cables between the new onshore project substation and the existing Necton National Grid Substation;
- Temporary construction areas and access roads, together with works to secure vehicular and/or pedestrian means of access including the creation of new tracks, footpaths, and/or widening, upgrades, creation of bell mouths, creation of temporary slip roads and improvements to existing tracks, footpaths and roads;
- Planting to provide screening for permanent infrastructure;
- The permanent and/or temporary compulsory acquisition (if required) of land and/or rights for the Project;
- Overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land for the Project;
- The application and/or disapplication of legislation relevant to the Project including inter alia legislation relating to compulsory purchase; and
- Such ancillary, incidental and consequential provisions, permits or consents as are necessary and/or convenient.
The Project is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development for the purposes of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 and accordingly an Environmental Statement accompanied the Application.
A hard copy of the Application form and accompanying plans, maps and other application documents may be inspected free of charge from 16 July 2019 until at least 1 September 2019 at the following location, open during the hours set out below:
Deposit location | Opening times* |
North Walsham Library
New Road, North Walsham, |
Mon – Fri: 10:30am – 7:00pm;
Sat: 10:30am – 4:00pm. |
A copy of the full application is available on USBs at the following locations from 16 July 2019 until at least 1 September 2019. Individuals may view the application on the USBs and/or provision is made for interested parties to sign for a USB to take away to review at their convenience.
Deposit location | Opening times* |
Aylsham Library
7 Hungate Street, Aylsham, NR11 6AA |
Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri: 10:00am – 7:00pm;
Wed: 2:00pm – 7:00pm; Sat: 10:00am – 4:00pm. |
Dereham Library
59 High Street, Dereham, NR19 1DZ |
Mon – Fri: 9:30am – 7:00pm;
Sat: 9:30am – 4:00pm. |
Norwich Millennium Library
The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1AW |
Mon – Fri: 10:00am – 7:00pm;
Sat: 9:00am – 5:00pm. |
North Walsham Library
New Road, North Walsham, NR28 9DE |
Mon – Fri: 10:30am – 7:00pm;
Sat: 10:30am – 4:00pm. |
North Norfolk District Council
Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN |
Mon, Tues and Thurs: 8:30am – 5:00pm;
Wed: 10:00am – 5:00pm; Fri: 8:30am – 4:30pm |
Broadland District Council
Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth Road, Norwich, NR7 0DU |
Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 5:00pm. |
Breckland District Council
Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, NR19 1EE |
Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 5:00pm. |
Norwich City Council
St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH |
Mon – Fri: 9:00am – 4:00pm. |
Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF |
Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri: 9:00am – 5:00pm;
Thurs: 9:00am – 5:00pm (except the first Thursday of each month when the closing time is 3:00pm). |
Swaffham Library
The Pightle, Swaffham, PE37 7DF |
Tues and Thurs: 10:00am – 7:00pm;
Fri: 1:00pm – 7:00pm; Sat: 10:00am – 4:00pm. |
*The opening times of the locations listed are at the discretion of those in control of the building and could vary to the times set out in this notice. The organisations and locations providing access to documentation are not in any way affiliated with the Project or the Applicant and are an independent and neutral party to the application process.
Copies of the documents are also available online to view through the Planning Inspectorate’s website at Paper copies can be provided on request from or from the Applicant at the address above for a charge of £8,896 plus VAT for the full suite of documents. USB device copies can be provided free of charge and are available on request.
Any responses to, or other representations in respect of, the Project must be made on a Registered and Relevant Representation Form which can be completed online at: Alternatively, if you would prefer to fill in a hard copy paper form you can contact the Planning Inspectorate to request one by telephoning 0303 444 5000. Completed forms should be returned to The Planning Inspectorate, National Infrastructure Directorate, Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN. The Planning Inspectorate reference for the Application (EN010087) should be quoted in any correspondence.
The Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Notice 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination provides further guidance on how to register and make a relevant representation and can be accessed via the following link:
If your interests in land are not affected or your organisation is not on a list of prescribed bodies, please note that if you want to remain informed of the examination process and entitled to make representations you must fill in a Registration and Relevant Representation Form to register as an interested party even if you do not wish to make a substantive representation at this point.
Any representation or response must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 11:59pm on 1 September 2019.
Please be aware that the Planning Inspectorate is required by law to make the information that you provide in any representation publicly available.