Proposed Immingham Green Energy Terminal Development (“The Project”) Sections 47 and 48 of the Planning Act 2008
Notice is hereby given that ASSOCIATED BRITISH PORTS (“ABP”) of 25 BEDFORD STREET, LONDON, WC2E 9ES, the owner and operator of the Port of Immingham, North East Lincolnshire, DN40 2LZ (the “Port”), intends to make an application to the Secretary of State for Transport (the “Secretary of State”) under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 (“the 2008 Act”) for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) to authorise the Project, being the construction and operation of a new green energy terminal at the Port. If constructed, the development will be known as the IMMINGHAM GREEN ENERGY TERMINAL (“IGET”).
The Project will be located in North East Lincolnshire on the south bank of the Humber Estuary to the east of the Port of Immingham (“the Site”). The land-side works fall within the administrative boundary of North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC). The marine-side works, that extend seaward and fall beyond the local authority’s boundary, will be constructed within the Humber Estuary.
Under section 47 of the 2008 Act, ABP has a legal duty to consult the local community on the application for the DCO. From 9 January to 20 February 2023, ABP carried out a first Statutory Consultation with the local community on the Project, which adhered to a Statement of Community Consultation (“SoCC”) published at the time (the “First Statutory Consultation”). Since the First Statutory Consultation, ABP has been progressing the design work on the Project and refining the proposals taking into account the responses received to the First Statutory Consultation. As a result of further design work ABP has identified some changes to the proposals which they wish to consult on in a second round of Statutory Consultation (the “Second Statutory Consultation”) and has produced a second SoCC which it has agreed with NELC. The second SoCC sets out details about how the Second Statutory Consultation and any subsequent consultations on the Project will be undertaken, and how views on the Project can be submitted. This notice publicises where and when the second SoCC can be inspected, pursuant to section 47(6) of the 2008 Act.
Additionally, ABP has a duty to publicise the proposed application under section 48 of the 2008 Act in accordance with Regulation 4 of
the 2009 Regulations. In accordance with those provisions, this notice also summarises the main proposals and explains where the consultation documents can be viewed.
Summary of the Project
The Project would bring a new liquid bulk terminal and a green hydrogen production facility to the Port. The proposals include a new approach trestle and jetty infrastructure with a single berth, which constitutes a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project, and a new green hydrogen production facility, which would be occupied by ABP’s initial tenants, Air Products.
The Project would comprise:
a) On the marine side:
- A jetty, consisting of an approach trestle, approximately 1.2km in length, leading to a single berth, including loading platforms and berthing and mooring dolphins with link walkways; and
- Topside infrastructure on the jetty for the handling of bulk liquids, including loading arms and pipelines.
b) On the land side:
- A jetty access road and related infrastructure;
- Two operational sites supporting hydrogen production facilities (an East Site and a West Site);
- Pipework, pipelines and utilities (i) between the jetty and the green hydrogen production facility on the East Site and (ii) between the two green hydrogen production facility sites and (iii) between buildings and plant within the production operation facilities;
- Refrigerated ammonia storage tank (on the East Site);
- Hydrogen production units that convert ammonia to produce the green hydrogen (on both East and West Sites);
- Hydrogen liquefiers to liquify the hydrogen for temporary storage on the West Site;
- Loading bays to fill road tankers with liquified hydrogen which would then be distributed to hydrogen filling stations throughout the UK (on the West Site);
- A hydrogen refuelling station and bulk hydrogen trailer filling station;
- Ancillary buildings and works;
- Access from the public highway to the two hydrogen production sites;
- Temporary construction areas; and
- Various works (connections, diversions, protective works) to utilities including works on highways land.
It is anticipated that the DCO application for the Project will be submitted in Summer 2023 (the “DCO Application”).
The Project constitutes an Environmental Impact Assessment “EIA” development for the purposes of the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. ABP is, therefore, required to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment and will be submitting an Environmental Statement as part of the DCO Application containing environmental information.
In accordance with the 2008 Act, the Second Statutory Consultation on the Project will take place between Wednesday 24 May 2023 and Thursday 20 July 2023.
A Preliminary Environmental Information Report (“PEIR”) was prepared for the purposes of the First Statutory Consultation which considers the likely environmental impact of the Project during both construction and operation. An addendum to the PEIR has been prepared for this Second Statutory Consultation, focusing on the changes to the proposals since the First Statutory Consultation.
The PEIR addendum, the PEIR, a full list of changes to the proposals, the second SoCC and other related consultation documents including plans and maps will be available to view and download online from Wednesday 24 May 2023 to Thursday 20 July 2023 at:
Hard copies of the PEIR addendum, the PEIR and the second SoCC can also be inspected from Wednesday 24 May 2023 to Thursday 20 July 2023 at the Immingham Civic Centre, Pelham Rd, Immingham DN40 1QF open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, and at North East Lincolnshire Council Offices, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby DN31 1HU, open Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 4pm.
Alternatively, hard copies will also be available to view at the in-person consultation events at the dates and times specified in the table below.
ABP will be holding in-person consultation events:
If it is not possible to go ahead with the in-person consultation events, or due to national or local restrictions or unforeseen circumstances ABP has to make changes to the arrangements, the changes will be posted on the home page of the consultation website at:
All of the consultation documents, plans and
maps showing the nature and location of the changes to the Project, and a feedback questionnaire on the changes to the Project will be available to view and download free of charge from 09:00 on Wednesday 24 May 2023 at: documents. The documents will be available for inspection online until 23:59 on Thursday 20 July 2023.
Printed copies of all the documents and consultation materials can be provided upon request by calling us on Freephone 080 817 532 33. There may be a reasonable copying charge for hard copies of certain documents of up to £300. We will also provide copies of the documents on USB, which can also be requested via Freephone or picked up at the consultation events above.
You can also contact us on 080 817 532 33 if you have questions about the consultation documents, plans and maps, the consultation process, or to book a free of charge telephone surgery appointment to discuss the Project.
You can submit your views on the Project by either:
- Completing the online feedback questionnaire at: uk/feedback-form/
- Emailing: enquiries@imminghamget.
- Writing to: IGET, PO Box 76780 LONDON WC1A 9SJ
- Calling Freephone 080 817 532 33: to request a hard copy feedback questionnaire and pre-paid stamped addressed envelope be sent to you in the post (free of charge) and returning it to us.
All responses must be received by us in writing before 23:59 on Thursday 20 July 2023. Responses received after that time may not be considered. Please note that responses are likely to be made public but that contact/ personal details will be redacted.
After the Second Statutory Consultation period has come to a close, ABP’s project team will consider all comments received for both rounds of Statutory Consultation before finalising designs and submitting the DCO Application to the Secretary of State via the Planning Inspectorate in Summer 2023. Once the DCO Application has been submitted and accepted, key stakeholders, local people and other relevant bodies will be notified of a further opportunity to comment before a decision is made on the DCO Application by the Secretary of State.
If you would like any of the consultation materials provided in an accessible format, please contact the IGET team on 080 817 532 33 and we will be able to assist you.
More information about the Project and the Second Statutory Consultation can be found at:
Read more public notices at Fishing News here.