GT R4 Limited, trading as Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind (the Applicant), intends to apply for consent to build and operate the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project, located approximately 54 km off the coast of Lincolnshire, England together with associated offshore and onshore infrastructure. The offshore export cables from the offshore wind turbines are proposed to make landfall south of Anderby Creek. From the landfall, the cables would continue underground to one of two different connection points – a connection to the existing overhead line circuits at Weston Marsh (north of Spalding) or to a proposed new National Grid substation (east of Alford).
We, the Applicant, intend to make an application to the Planning Inspectorate under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to authorise the proposed scheme.
Before submitting our application to the Planning Inspectorate, we are required to produce and publish a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC), setting out how we will consult the local community about our proposals. In October 2022, we published a SoCC in accordance with Section 47 of the Planning Act 2008. The SoCC sets out how we intended to consult with local communities within the vicinity of the Project.
In light of recent project developments, we have updated the SoCC. In preparing the updated SoCC we have consulted with Lincolnshire County Council, East Lindsey District Council, Boston Borough Council and South Holland District Council as the host Local Planning Authorities, and have also consulted with North East Lincolnshire Council, West Lindsey District Council, North Kesteven District Council, South Kesteven District Council, Peterborough City Council, Fenland District Council, Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, the Marine Management Organisation and the Planning Inspectorate. We are also required to make the updated SoCC available for inspection by the public and publish this notice stating where and when it can be accessed.
Please refer to the updated SoCC for full details on how we will be consulting the local community on our plans for the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project. The updated SoCC can be viewed from 18 January 2023 throughout the pre-application period along with our suite of consultation materials, online at:
Alternatively, paper copies of the SoCC can also be accessed (subject to availability and any COVID-19 restrictions in place at the time) from 25 January 2023 throughout the pre-application period at the following locations. Please contact the location beforehand to confirm provision of materials and opening hours.
If you are unable to access the SoCC, or you require it in another format such as large print, please contact the Applicant’s project team using the following contact details:
Freephone information line: 0808 175 2970
You can write to the Project free of charge at: FREEPOST ODOW (no stamp or further address details needed on the envelope)