Notice Publicising a Proposed Application for a Development Consent Order
Notice is hereby given that the Environment Agency (EA) and Surrey County Council (SCC) (the“Applicants”) (whose registered offices are at Horizon House, Deaney Road, Bristol, BS1 5QH and Woodhatch Place, 11 Cockshot Hill, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 8EF respectively) propose to make an application (‘the Application’) for development consent under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The River Thames Scheme has been designated as a project of national significance following Secretary of State direction under section 35 of the Planning Act 2008.
The Application relates to the River Thames Scheme which runs through Runnymede Borough (between Egham Hythe and Chertsey) and through Spelthorne Borough (between Littleton North lake and the Desborough Cut). The Application will also include other related works within Elmbridge Borough (at Desborough Island and Molesey Weir), London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (at Teddington Weir) and London Borough of Hounslow (temporary provision of car parks).
Once built, the flood channel will be considered in legal terms to be a‘flood defence structure’and it is intended that it will also be a‘main river’. Further information on what this means is contained in the statutory consultation brochure and on the consultation website set out below.
The Application will, among other things, seek development consent for:
- The creation of a new flood channel in two sections through the boroughs of Runnymede and Spelthorne, totalling over 5 miles (8.5km) long;
- Capacity improvements to the Sunbury, Molesey and Teddington weirs to increase the amount of water that can flow through them. This would involve installing more gates that can be opened when river levels rise;
- Capacity improvements to the River Thames through lowering the middle part of the bed of the River Thames downstream of Desborough Cut;
- New green open spaces associated with the flood channel, with access for local communities and facilities such as sports fields, accessible pathway network, nature play spaces and associated new landscape features;
- Priority areas for habitat creation, enhancement and mitigation, which link existing and new wildlife corridors, improve fish passage and build upon the network of existing wildlife sites;
- New or improved active travel provision associated with the flood channel corridor in areas of enhanced public connection, linking to the existing network and two new pedestrian and cycle bridges across the River Thames at Chertsey and Desborough Island;
- Changes to the road layout and utilities, including temporary diversions during construction;
- Associated infrastructure, mitigation and enhancement measures and other ancillary works;
- The temporary stopping up, alteration or diversion (if required) of any street and/or public rights of way;
- The compulsory acquisition and/or temporary possession (if required) of land and/or rights;
- The application and/or disapplication of legislation (as required) that is relevant to the Scheme;
- Such ancillary, incidental and consequential provisions, licences, property rights, permits and consents as are necessary and/or convenient for the purposes of the Scheme;
- Temporary construction features such as site compounds and materials processing and storage sites; and
- Temporary car parking for construction workers.
The River Thames Scheme is an Environmental Impact Assessment development (‘EIA development’) under The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. This means that it is a development for which an EIA is required, and as a result, a Preliminary Environmental Information Report (‘PEIR’) will be published as part of the consultation material. The Application for a DCO will be accompanied by a full Environmental Statement.
Information points
Printed copies of the consultation brochure will be available for collection and the non-technical summaries of the PEIR, flood modelling report, other environmental documents and map books available for inspection free of charge at the following locations during normal opening hours:
All consultation materials and information about the River Thames Scheme can be accessed free of charge on the Applicant’s website at and will continue to be available until at least 4th March 2024. A digital summary of the PEIR is also available on
One paper copy of the consultation brochure and feedback form will be sent free of charge to any UK address upon request during the consultation period. Other supporting documents including the PEIR, Non-Technical Summaries and supporting maps may incur a charge to cover the cost of printing and postage (maximum of £500). Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
We will also consider requests for alternative formats of documents, such as translations and large print, on a case-by-case basis (in discussion with the requester) to take into account individual circumstances.
The statutory consultation on the Scheme is scheduled to take place between 22nd January to 4th March 2024. To find out more about our Scheme and access to the full suite of documents associated with this consultation, please visit
Consultation events
We will be hosting a series of consultation events where you can speak with a Scheme representative and can view the consultation materials in person. Additionally, we will be hosting virtual events for those unable to attend the in-person consultation events. Should you wish to attend one of the virtual events, registration is required via the Scheme email address
Further details regarding dates and locations of the consultation events and virtual events can be found below:
Virtual events
Any person and/or organisation/ group with an interest in the proposals presented may comment or otherwise respond to this publicity.
Responses to the consultation can be submitted in the following ways:
1. Online feedback form: Hosted on Citizen Space with a direct link included in the Scheme website www.
2. Paper feedback form: Available at our public consultation events and returning it to the address below.
3. Written feedback: FREEPOST RTUK – RBLY – XUBT, RIVER THAMES SCHEME, 5 First Street, Manchester, M15 4GU
4. Email address: Responses must be received no later than 23:59 on the 4th March 2024.
Responses received after this time may not be considered.
The Environment Agency and Surrey County Council will consider and have regard to all responses when developing the Application once the consultation has closed. Responses will form the basis of a Consultation Report that will be one of the factors taken into consideration by the Planning Inspectorate when deciding whether the Application can be accepted for examination. Therefore, in providing any comment, it should be borne in mind that the substance of it may be communicated to others as part of the Consultation Report. Any responses that are published as part of the Consultation Report will have all personal details redacted. However, the Planning Inspectorate can request an unredacted copy of the responses. Further details can be found on our privacy notice on the Scheme website
If you have any queries about this notice, the Scheme or the consultation, please contact us using the details provided below.
• Telephone: Surrey County Council Contact Centre – 03456 009 009
• Email:
• Text (SMS): 07860 053 465 (for the deaf or hard of hearing community)
• Textphone: (via Relay UK): 18001 03456 009 009