Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has accepted an application made by Alternative Use Boston Projects Ltd (“the Applicant”) of 26 Church Street, Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 2LY (Company Number 11013830), under Section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 (“the Application”) for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”). The Application was submitted by the Applicant on 23 March 2021 and accepted for examination on 20 April 2021. The Planning Inspectorate reference number is EN010095.
Summary of the Proposed Development
The Proposed Development will authorise the construction, operation and maintenance of a power-generation plant, knowna s the Boston Alternative Energy Facility, substantially within the Riverside Industrial Estate, Boston, Lincolnshire (“the Proposed Development”).
The Proposed Development would comprise—
- a wharf and associated infrastructure (including re-baling facility, workshop, transformer pen and welfare facilities);
- a refuse derivedfuel (“RDF”) bale contingency storage area, including sealed drainage, with automated crane system for transferring bales;
- conveyors ystem running in parallel to the wharf between the RDF storage area and the RDF bale shredding plant. Part of the conveyor system is open and part of which is under cover (including thermal cameras);
- a bale shredding plant;
- a RDF bunker building;
- a thermal treatment plant comprising three nominal 34 MWe (megawatts electrical) combustion lines (circa 120 MWth (megawatts thermal)) and associated ductwork and piping, transformer pens, diesel generators, three stacks, ash silos and ash transfer network; and air pollution control residues (“APCr”) silo and transfer network;
- a turbine plant comprising three steam turbine generators, make-up water facility and associated piping and ductwork;
- an air-cooled condenser structure, transformer pen and associated piping and ductwork;
- a Lightweight Aggregate (“LWA”) manufacturing plant comprising four kiln lines,two filter banks with stacks, storage silos for incoming ash, APCr, and binder material (clay and silt), a dedicated berthing point at the wharf, silt storage and drainage facility, clay storage and drainage facility, LWA workshop, interceptor tank, LWA control room, aggregate storage facility and plant for loading aggregate / offloading clay or silt;
- electrical export infrastructure;
- two carbon dioxide (CO2) recovery plants and associated infrastructure, including chiller units;
- associated site infrastructure, including site roads, pedestrian routes,car parking,site workshop and storage, security gate, control room with visitor centre and site weighbridge; and
habitat mitigation works for Redshank and other bird species comprising of improvements to the existing habitat through the creation of small features such as pools/scrapes and introduction of small boulders within a Habitat Mitigation Area.
The Application will also seek authorisation for the compulsory acquisition of interests in land, the temporary use of land, and the overriding of easements and other rights.
Environmental Impact Assessment
The Application is an Environmental Impact Assessment development (“EIA development”) as defined by The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The Application is therefore accompanied by an Environmental Statement.
Copies of Application Documents
The application form and its accompanying documents, plans and maps, including the Environmental Statement and draft DCO, are available to view electronically and download, free of charge, on the project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s National
Infrastructure Planning website, being a website maintained by or on behalf of the Secretary of State: east/boston-alternative-energy-facility-baef/?ipcsection=docs
The documents will be available on the website until at least Friday 18 June 2021.
The documents will also be available to view on the project website: from Tuesday 4 May 2021 until at least Friday 18 June 2021.
On request, a USB containing these documents can be provided free of charge. Whilst it is preferable to send these documents on a USB, hard copies of the documents can also be made available, however, a charge will be made for hard copies to cover printing, postage and VAT at 20%, up to a maximum of £5,000. Please contact the Applicant for details regarding payment methods and stating whether you would like to receive copies of the suite of application documents or individual documents.
The Applicant can be contacted by the following means—
Telephone: 0800 0014 050
By writing to: Freepost RTLY–RLGH–GKSE, Boston Alternative Energy Facility, 25 Priestgate, Peterborough, PE1 1JL
Making representations about the proposed DCO
Any person may make representations on the Application to the Secretary of State (including giving notice of any interest in, comment on, or objection to the Application) by registering with the Planning Inspectorate as an Interested Party. All representations relating to the Application must be made on the Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form and give the grounds on which it is made. The Planning Inspectorate has issued detailed advice on registering as an interested party and making a relevant representation, to which you are advised to have regard. This Advice Note (8.2–HowtoRegistertoParticipateinan Examination) is published on the National Infrastructure Planning website under ‘Legislation and Advice’ and can be found at: content/uploads/2013/04/Advice-note-8-2v3.pdf
The Registration and Relevant Representation Form will be made available by the Planning Inspectorate once the registration/ representation period has opened on the relevant page for the Application via the National Infrastructure Planning website: east/boston-alternative-energy-facility-baef/
If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the Planning Inspectorate’s helpline on:03034445000, quoting the name of the Application and the Planning Inspectorate’s reference number EN010095.
Alternatively, you can request a hard copy of the registration form by telephoning the Planning Inspectorate on 0303 444 5000 quoting the name of the Application and the Planning Inspectorate’s reference number EN010095. Completed forms should then be sent to the Planning Inspectorate by post or email to— Post: The Planning Inspectorate, Major Applications & Plans,3D, Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN The period during which you can submit a Relevant Representation to the Planning Inspectorate begins on Wednesday 5 May 2021, being the calendar day after the date this Section 56 Notice is first published and will end on Friday 18 June 2021. Representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 23:59 on Friday 18 June 2021.
All representations must include details of the maker’s name, address and telephone number, along with an outline of the points intended to be made at the examination stage. Please ensure that you quote reference number EN010095 in all correspondence with the Planning Inspectorate about the Application.
Please note that any submitted representations to the Planning Inspectorate will be published on the National Infrastructure Planning website for the Application and will be subject to their privacy policy which can be viewed at:
Further information about the Application may be obtained from the Applicant by using the following contact details—
Telephone: 0800 0014 050
Any details you provide to the Applicant via telephone or e-mail will be subject to its privacy policy, which is available to view at:
Alternative Use Boston Projects Ltd
4 May 2021