Notice under The Planning Act 2008

The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

Postponement of Part 2 of the Preliminary Meeting

Procedural Decisions

Request for Further Information

Notice is hereby given that Thurrock Power Limited (‘the Applicant’) of 1st Floor, 145 Kensington Church Street, London, W8 7LP, has made an application to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (‘the Application’) for a Development Consent Order (‘DCO’) under Section 37 Planning Act 2008, as amended (‘the Act’) to authorise the construction, operation and decommissioning of a gas fired flexible electricity generation plant and battery storage facility in Thurrock, Essex (‘the Proposed Development’).

The application was submitted to the Secretary of State, via the Planning Inspectorate (‘the Inspectorate’), on Wednesday 27th May 2020 and accepted for examination on 24th June 2020. The reference number applied to the application by the Inspectorate is EN010092.

Due to the nature and size of the Proposed Development, it is classified as Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’) development under the Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. The application is therefore accompanied by an Environmental Statement, which provides a detailed description of the Proposed Development and the findings of the EIA undertaken.

Summary of the Thurrock Flexible Generation Plant Development

The Proposed Development is located on land south west of Station Road near Tilbury, Essex. The British National Grid coordinates are TQ662766 and the nearest existing postcode is RM18 8UL.

The Proposed Development consists of: reciprocating gas engines with net electrical output totalling 600 MW, batteries with net electrical output of 150 MW and storage capacity of up to 600 MW, associated electrical and control equipment, creation of temporary and permanent private access routes for construction and access in operation including a permanent causeway for the delivery of abnormal indivisible loads by barge, a gas pipeline connection to the gas national transmission system, an electrical export connection via underground cables to the immediately adjacent National Grid Tilbury Substation, and habitat creation or enhancement for protected species translocation and biodiversity gain.

Request for Further Information

The Examining Authority has requested further information from the Applicant, as set out in a letter dated 2nd November 2020, which can be viewed on the Thurrock Flexible Generation Plant Development project page on the Inspectorate’s website:

The further information requested by the Examining Authority is set out in Annex A to the letter of 2nd November 2020 and relates to the following topics:

  • Shipping and Navigation
  • Saltmarsh Creation
  • Impact of the causeway and its maintenance beyond the lifetime of the Proposed Development
  • Update of the Habitats Regulations Assessment Report
  • Flood Risk
  • Cultural Heritage

Postponement of Part 2 of the Preliminary Meeting

Further to requesting the above information, the Examining Authority has taken the procedural decision to postpone Part 2 of the Preliminary Meeting until Tuesday 16th February 2021, to allow the further information to be prepared, submitted, consulted upon and for Interested Parties to be given the opportunity to comment.

Copies of the Environmental Statement and Further Information

The Environmental Statement and further information, together with all other application documents, are available to view electronically and download free of charge in the ‘pre-examination documents’ section of the Inspectorate’s website for the Proposed Development:

and in the ‘Documents’ section of the Applicant’s website:

If you have any queries relating to the Environmental Statement and/or further information, or require any other additional information, please telephone the Applicant on: 0207 186 0580 or email:

Please note that the further information requested by the Examining Authority will be available for inspection on the above-mentioned websites from Thursday 17th December 2020.

Hard copies of the application documents can be requested but will be subject to a maximum charge of £250 for each copy. Requests for hard copy documents can be made in the following ways:

How to Respond

Any person may respond to the further information provided. All responses must be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate via email to: and must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 11.59pm on Monday 25th January 2021.

All responses should quote the Inspectorate’s project reference: EN010092 and must include details of the maker’s name, address and telephone number.

All responses submitted will be published on the project page of the Inspectorate’s website as soon as practicable after the deadline for submission of responses and will be subject to their privacy policy, which can be viewed at:

Thurrock Power Limited

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