The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 – Regulation 9 ‘Publicising an accepted application’
The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 – Regulation 16 ‘Accepted application – publicity and consultation for EIA development’
Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN070009
The Application
- Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State (SoS) for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has accepted an application (the ‘Application’) for a Development Consent Order (a ‘DCO’) made by H2 Teesside Limited (the ‘Applicant’), whose registered office is Chertsey Road, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex, TW16 7BP, under Section 55 of the Planning Act 2008 (the ‘PA 2008’). The Application was received by the Planning Inspectorate (which acts on behalf of the SoS) on 25 March 2024 and accepted for examination on 22 April 2024. The reference number assigned to the Application by the Planning Inspectorate is EN070009.
- The Application seeks development consent for the construction, operation and maintenance of the H2Teesside Project (the ‘Proposed Development’) on land within Teesside and County Durham.
Summary of the Proposed Development
3, The Proposed Development Site (the ‘Site’) lies within the administrative boundaries of the boroughs of Redcar and Cleveland south of the River Tees and Stockton-on-Tees north of the Tees on Teesside and within the borough of Hartlepool in County Durham, also north of the Tees. The Site extends to a total area of approximately 507 hectares. National Grid references for the Site are provided below:
- Mid-point – 454721 523554
- North – 451309 526476
- East – 458760 521587
- South – 457001 520748
- West – 446938 521613
4. The Proposed Development will be one of the UK’s largest blue hydrogen production facilities with a capacity of up approximately 1.2 gigawatts (‘GW’) thermal, representing more than 10% of the Government’s hydrogen production target of 10 GW by 2030. This equates to the production of approximately 160,000 tonnes of low carbon hydrogen per annum, with approximately two million tonnes of CO2 being captured and stored each year. The Proposed Development comprises the following main elements:
- a hydrogen production facility of up to approximately 1.2 GW thermal lower heating value, including two carbon capture enabled hydrogen units each of 600 megawatts thermal (it is envisaged that the hydrogen production facility will be constructed in two phases);
- a natural gas supply connection;
- electrical connection works;
- water supply connection works;
- wastewater disposal works;
- a hydrogen distribution network;
- a high pressure carbon dioxide export pipeline;
- gas (oxygen and nitrogen) connections;
- temporary construction and laydown areas and contractor compounds;
- access and highways improvement works; and
- replacement land
5. All of the above elements of the Proposed Development are included in the scope of the Application.
6. The Proposed Development’s hydrogen production facility and its ancillary development (all on the ‘Main Site’), including its carbon capture and compression facilities, will be located on part of the Foundry, which forms part of Teesworks, within the borough of Redcar and Cleveland. The Main Site is adjacent to the Northern Endurance Partnership (NEP) infrastructure. The CO2 captured from the hydrogen production processes will be transported by pipeline to the NEP infrastructure for onward transport and storage within the Endurance storage site.
7. The natural gas, electrical and water connections required for the hydrogen production processes will be located to the east and south-east of the Main Site within the borough of Redcar and Cleveland. The hydrogen distribution network will extend either side of the River Tees to several potential industrial offtakers, including north of the Tees into the boroughs of Stockton-on-Tees and Hartlepool. A map showing the location of the Proposed Development forms part of the Application and can be inspected on the H2Teesside Project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website under the ‘Documents’ tab: https://national-infrastructure- EN070009/documents
8. The Application seeks powers, if required, for the permanent and/or temporary compulsory acquisition of land and/or rights in land for the Proposed Development; the extinguishment and/or overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land required for the Proposed Development; and/or the temporary occupation of land required for the Proposed Development; the application and/or disapplication of legislation relevant to the Proposed Development as may be required; permanent and temporary changes to the highway and public rights of way network as may be required; tree and hedgerow removal; and such ancillary, incidental and consequential works, provisions, permits, consents, waivers or releases as are necessary and/or convenient for the successful construction, operation and maintenance of the Proposed Development.
Environmental Impact Assessment
9. The Proposed Development is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development under ‘The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017’. The Application therefore includes an Environmental Statement (ES) documenting the findings of the EIA undertaken.
Inspection of the Application Documents
10. The application form and its accompanying documents, drawings, plans and maps (including the draft DCO and the ES) comprising the Application (the ‘Application Documents’) can be inspected free of charge by downloading them from the H2Teesside Project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website under the ‘Documents’ tab: https://national-infrastructure- EN070009/documents
11. The Application Documents will remain on the website until at least 1 July 2024.
12. For enquiries in relation to the Application Documents, and if you require alternative methods for inspecting the Application Documents, please email: or telephone: 0800 080 3028 and you will be offered a paper copy of Application Guide and ES Non-Technical Summary free of charge (all other Application Documents, including plans, reports, and any chapters, appendices and plans from the full ES, will be charged based on page count up to a maximum of £250) or a USB device containing the Application Documents free of charge. Any details you provide to us via email or telephone will be subject to our Privacy Notice: http://
13. Digital copies of the Application Documents will also be available to view free of charge at the following inspection locations until at least 1 July 2024:
Commenting on the Application
14. Any representations (giving notice of any interest in, or objections) about the Application must be made to the Planning Inspectorate using its Registration and Relevant Representation Form. This Form is available to complete on the H2Teesside Project page of the Planning Inspectorate’s website: https://national-infrastructure- EN070009/register/register-have-your-say
15. A paper copy of the Registration and Relevant Representation Form can also be obtained from the Planning Inspectorate and returned by post. If you request a paper copy of the Form from the Planning Inspectorate, please ensure there is enough time for the Form to be sent to you and for you to post it back to the Inspectorate before the deadline for responding expires.
16. If you require guidance, or other methods, to obtain and complete a Planning Inspectorate Registration and Relevant Representation Form, please telephone the Planning Inspectorate on 0303 444 5000 or email The postal address for the Planning Inspectorate (for the return of forms) is: The Planning Inspectorate (National Infrastructure Directorate), Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
17. Any Registration and Relevant Representation Form must be received by the Planning Inspectorate no later than 1 July 2024.
18. Further information about registering as an Interested Party is available in Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination on the Planning Inspectorate website at: government/publications/nationally-significant- infrastructure-projects-advice-note-eight-overview-of- the-nationally-significant-infrastructure-planning- process-for-members/ nationally-significant-infrastructure-projects-advice- note-82-how-to-register-to-participate-in-an- examination
19. Representations will be made public and will be subject to the Planning Inspectorate’s Privacy Policy at:
H2 Teesside Limited
May 2024