The Planning Act 2008 – Section 48 ‘Duty to publicise’
The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 – Regulation 4 (as amended)
The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 – Regulation 13 Notice of Proposed Application for a Development Consent Order for the Keadby 3
Low Carbon Gas Power Station Project
1). Notice is hereby given that Keadby Power Station, Trentside, Keadby, Scunthorpe, United Kingdom, DN17 3EF, intends to submit an application (the ‘Proposed Application’) to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (the ‘SoS’) for a Development Consent Order (‘DCO’) under Section 37 ‘Applications for orders granting development consent’ of the Planning Act 2008 (the ‘PA 2008’), to authorise the construction, operation and maintenance of a low carbon Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power station with a capacity of up to 910 megawatts electrical (‘MWe’) gross output and associated development (together the‘Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Project’or‘the Project’).
2). The land required for the Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Project (the ‘Project Site’) comprises land at and in the vicinity of the existing Keadby power stations (Keadby 1 and Keadby 2) near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire, at grid reference 482351 411796. In total the Project Site extends to approximately 79.7 hectares (‘ha’).
3). The Project Site also includes space required for water, gas and electrical connection corridors, waterborne transport off-loading area, construction laydown areas and land at Keadby 1 and Keadby 2 to utilise existing connections and other associated infrastructure.
4). The Project will comprise a low carbon gas fired power station with a gross electrical output capacity of up to 910MWe and associated buildings, structures, works and plant, including:
- a carbon capture enabled electricity generating station including a CCGT plant with integrated cooling infrastructure, and carbon dioxide capture plant (CCP) including conditioning compression equipment, carbon dioxide absorption unit(s) and stack(s), and associated utilities, various pipework, water treatment plant, wastewater treatment, firefighting equipment, emergency diesel generator, control room, workshops, stores and gatehouse, chemical storage facilities, other minor infrastructure and auxiliaries/ services, and natural gas receiving facility (all located in the Proposed Power and Carbon Capture (PCC) Site);
- natural gas pipeline from the existing National Grid Gas high pressure (HP) gas pipeline within the Proposed Development Site to supply the Proposed PCC Site including an above ground installation (AGI) for both National Grid Gas’s apparatus and the Applicant’s (Gas Connection Corridor);
- electrical connection works to and from the existing National Grid 400kV Substation (Electrical Connection Area to National Grid 400kV Substation) for export of electricity;
- electrical connection works to and from the existing Northern Powergrid 132kV Substation (Potential Electrical Connection to Northern Powergrid 132kV Substation) for supply of electricity at up to 132kV to the Proposed PCC Site during start-up, and associated plant and equipment;
- Water Connection Corridors to provide cooling and make-up water including:
- underground and/ or overground water supply pipeline(s) and intake and outfall structures within the Stainforth and Keadby Canal (Canal Water Abstraction Option);
- In the event that the canal abstraction option is not available, works to the existing Keadby 1 power station cooling water supply pipelines and intake structures within the River Trent, including temporary cofferdam (River Water Abstraction Option);
- Works to and use of an existing outfall and associated pipework for the discharge of return cooling water and treated wastewater to the River Trent (Water Discharge Corridor);
- towns water connection pipeline from existing water supply within the Keadby Power Station for potable water;
- Above ground carbon dioxide export infrastructure comprising:
- compressor station; and
- National Grid above ground infrastructure compound;
- New permanent access from A18, comprising the maintenance and improvement of an existing private access road from the junction with the A18 including the replacement of a private bridge and installation of a layby and gatehouse, and an emergency vehicle access road comprising the maintenance and improvement of an existing private track running between the Low Carbon Gas Power Station and Chapel Lane, Keadby and including new private bridge;
- temporary construction and laydown areas including contractor facilities and parking;
- temporary retention, improvement and subsequent removal of an existing Waterborne Transport Offloading Area and an Additional Abnormal Indivisible Load Route;
- landscaping and biodiversity enhancement measures and security fencing and boundary treatment
- associated development including:
- surface water drainage systems;
- pipeline and cable connections between parts of the site;
- hard standings and hard landscaping;
- soft landscaping, including bunds and embankments;
- external lighting, including lighting columns;
- gatehouses and weighbridges;
- closed circuit television cameras and columns and other security measures;
- site preparation works including clearance, earthworks, works to protect buildings and land, and utility connections; – accesses, roads, roadways and vehicle and cycle parking;
- pedestrian and cycle routes; and
- permanent laydown and turnaround areas for maintenance.
5.) The DCO will also seek, if required, the compulsory acquisition of land and/or rights in, on, under or over land required for the Project and the temporary occupation of land for the Project.
6.) Other powers that the DCO would seek, if required, include the extinguishment and/or overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land required for the Project; the application and/or disapplication of legislation relevant to the Project; tree and hedgerow removal; the temporary stopping up or diversion of public rights of way during construction works; the permanent and temporary alterations to the highway network for and in the vicinity of the Project Site, and such ancillary, incidental and consequential works, provisions, permits, consents, waivers or releases as are necessary and convenient for the successful construction, operation and maintenance of the Project.
7) The Applicant has notified the SoS in writing under Regulation 8(1)(b) of The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the ‘EIA Regulations’) that it intends to provide an Environmental Statement (‘ES’) in respect of the Project. The Project is therefore ‘EIA development’ for the purposes of the EIA Regulations and an ES will form part of the Proposed Application.
8) Documents relating to the Project, including a Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR”) and an addendum document describing changes made to the Project since the issue of the PEIR in November 2020 (‘Preliminary Information Report Addendum’) together with plans and maps showing the nature and location of the Project (together ‘the Consultation Documents’), are available to view or download free of charge from (the ‘Project Website’) from Wednesday 24th March 2021 to Saturday 1st May 2021. This comprises a single website page, and the Consultation Documents will be labelled “Publicity of Draft Application”.
9) Alternatively please telephone: Freephone 0800 2118194 (24hr voicemail service)or email: Any details you provide to us will be subject to our Privacy Notice at the Project Website. You will be offered a paper copy of the Consultation Documents free of charge (with the exception of the full PEIR which will be charged at a maximum of £200) or a USB stick containing the Consultation Documents which will be supplied and posted to you free of charge; please allow a week for receipt of documents via this method.
10). Due to the ongoing national restrictions to limit the spread of coronavirus we are not depositing copies of the Consultation Documents at any local public venues (such as libraries and community centres) and this approach is consistent with recent modifications made to Regulation 4 of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009.
11). Since the Section 48 notice in November 2020 SSE plc as the parent company of the then applicant, SSE Generation Limited, has carried out an internal restructuring and the application will be made by Keadby Generation Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of SSE plc.
Responding to this notice
12. If you wish to respond to this notice or make comments or representations in respect of the Project, these should be sent to the Applicant. Please include your name and an address where any correspondence relating to the Project can be sent. Comments and representations may be submitted in the following ways:
Post: FREEPOST KEADBY 3 (Please include your name and a postal or e-mail address)
Telephone: Freephone 0800 211 8194. This is a voicemail based service and can be called 24hrs. Please leave your name and a telephone number.
13). It is not necessary to re-submit comments previously submitted to SSE Generation Limited in response to the Section 48 Notices published in November 2020 in relation to the Project, since these have been and will be considered by the Applicant. Any comments received will be analysed by the Applicant and any appointed agent of the Applicant, and copies may be made available in due course to the SoS, the Planning Inspectorate and other relevant statutory authorities so that regard can be had to your comments. For certain parties, those who own an interest in land or are affected by the Project, the Applicant is under a statutory duty to publish names and addresses as part of its DCO application. In respect of other people we will request that your personal details are not placed on public record and these will be held securely by the Applicant in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation and used solely in connection with the consultation process and subsequent DCO application and, except as noted above, will not be passed to third parties. Please refer to our Privacy Notice at the Project Website.
14). Please note that all comments and representations must be received by the Applicant no later than Saturday 1 May 2021.
15). If you would like any further information in respect of this notice or the Project, please contact the Applicant using one of the contact methods set out above.
Keadby Generation Limited March 2021