1, Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of Stage (SoS) for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has accepted an application (the ‘Application’) for a Development Consent Order (DCO) made by Keadby Generation Limited (the ‘Applicant’ and part of SSE Plc) whose registered office is Keadby Power Station, Trentside, Keadby, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, DN17 3EF under Section 31 of the Planning Act 2008 (the ‘PA 2008’). The Application was received by The Planning Inspectorate (who acts on behalf of the SoS) on 1 June 2021 and accepted for examination on 28 June 2021. The reference number assigned to the Application by The Planning Inspectorate is EN010114.

2, The Application is seeking development consent for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Project (‘the Proposed Development’) on land at, and in the vicinity of, the existing Keadby Power Station, Trentside, Keadby, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, DN17 3EF (the ‘Proposed Development Site’).

Summary of the Proposed Development

3, The Proposed Development Site (the ‘Order Limits’) is located within and near to the existing Keadby Power Station site near Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire and lies within the administrative boundary of North Lincolnshire Council. The majority of land is within the ownership or control of the Applicant (or SSE Plc associated companies) and is centered on grid reference 482351, 411796. The Proposed Development Site extends to approximately 69.4 hectares and includes all land and crossings required to construct and operate the Proposed Development including: land and existing connection and cooling water routes associated with Keadby 1 Power Station; the existing National Grid 400kV Substation; an existing track lying to the north of the Keadby 2 Power Station connecting parts of the existing Keadby wind farm and Chapel Lane; an Internal Drainage Board drain adjoining the track; part of Chapel Lane, a public highway; areas of canal embankment and river embankment (including land below mean high water springs in the tidal River Trent, part of the UK marine area); the temporary use of an existing wharf adjoining the River Trent and an existing temporary haul route between that and the existing Keadby Power Station site; the re-use of an existing private bridge crossing of the canal and railway (the ‘North Pilfrey Bridge’) and an existing laydown area nearby; an existing access track running between the Keadby Power Station site and the A18 and agricultural land east of this for temporary construction laydown purposes; and land adjoining the A18 encompassing two existing private bridge crossings of the Hatfield Waste Drain.

4, The Proposed Development will comprise the following:

  • a carbon capture equipped electricity generating station of up to 910 megawatts gross electrical output including a combined cycle gas turbine plant (Work No. 1A) with integrated cooling infrastructure (Work No. 1B), and carbon dioxide capture plant including conditioning and compression equipment, carbon dioxide absorption unit(s) and stack(s) (Work No. 1C), natural gas receiving facility (Work No. 1D), supporting uses including control room, workshops, stores, raw and demineralised water tanks and permanent laydown area (Work No. 1E), and associated utilities, various pipework, water treatment plant, wastewater treatment, firefighting equipment, emergency diesel generator, gatehouse, chemical storage facilities, other minor infrastructure and auxiliaries/services (all located in the area referred to as the ‘Proposed Power and Carbon Capture (PCC) Site’ and which together form Work No. 1);
  • a natural gas pipeline from the existing National Grid Gas high pressure gas pipeline within the Proposed Development Site to supply the Proposed PCC Site including an above ground installation for National Grid Gas’s apparatus (Work No. 2A) and the Applicant’s apparatus (Work No. 2B) (the ‘Gas Connection Corridor’);
  • electrical connection works to the existing National Grid 400kV Substation for the export and import of electricity (Work No. 3A) (the ‘Electrical Connection Area to National Grid 400kV Substation’);
  • electrical connection works to the existing Northern Powergrid 132kV Substation for the supply of electricity at up to 132kV to the Proposed PCC Site, and associated plant and equipment (Work No. 3B) (the ‘Potential Electrical Connection to Northern Powergrid 132kV Substation’);
  • water connection corridors to provide cooling and make-up water including:-  underground and/ or overground water supply pipeline(s) and intake structures within the Stainforth and Keadby Canal, including temporary cofferdam (Work No. 4A) (the ‘Canal Water Abstraction Option’);
    –  in the event that the canal abstraction option is not available, works to the existing Keadby 1 power station cooling water supply pipelines and intake structures within the River Trent, including temporary cofferdam (Work No. 4B) (the ‘River Water Abstraction Option’);
    –  works to and use of an existing outfall and associated pipework for the discharge of return cooling water and treated wastewater to the River Trent (Work No. 5) (the ‘Water Discharge Corridor’);
  • towns water connection pipeline from existing water supply within the Keadby Power Station to provide potable water (Work No. 6);
  • above ground carbon dioxide compression and export infrastructure comprising an above ground installation (AGI) for the undertaker’s apparatus including deoxygenation, dehydration, staged compression facilities, outlet metering, and electrical connection (Work No. 7A) and an AGI for National Grid Carbon’s apparatus (Work No. 7B);
  • new permanent access from the A18, comprising the maintenance and improvement of an existing private access road from the junction with the A18 including the western private bridge crossing of the Hatfield Waste Drain (Work No. 8A) and installation of a layby and gatehouse (Work No. 8B), and an emergency vehicle and pedestrian access road comprising the maintenance and improvement of an existing private track running between the Proposed PCC Site and Chapel Lane, Keadby and including new private bridge (Work No. 8C);
  • temporary construction and laydown areas including contractor facilities and parking (Work No. 9A), and access to these using the existing private roads from the A18 and the existing private bridge crossings, including the replacement of the western existing private bridge crossing known as ‘Mabey Bridge’) over Hatfield Waste Drain (Work No. 9B) and a temporary construction laydown area associated with that bridge replacement (Work No. 9C);
  • temporary retention, improvement and subsequent removal of an existing Additional Abnormal Indivisible Load Haulage Route (Work No. 10A) and temporary use, maintenance, and placement of mobile crane(s) at the existing Railway Wharf jetty for a Waterborne Transport Offloading Area (Work No. 10B);
  • landscaping and biodiversity enhancement measures (Work No. 11A) and security fencing and boundary treatments (Work No. 11B); and
  • associated development including: surface water drainage systems; pipeline and cable connections between parts of the Proposed Development Site; hard standings and hard landscaping; soft landscaping, including bunds and embankments; external lighting, including lighting columns; gatehouses and weighbridges; closed circuit television cameras and columns and other security measures; site preparation works including clearance, demolition, earthworks, works to protect buildings and land, and utility connections; accesses, roads, roadways and vehicle and cycle parking; pedestrian and cycle routes; and temporary works associated with the maintenance of the authorised development.

5, The DCO Application seeks powers of compulsory acquisition of interests and rights in land (including new rights and temporary use of land) within the Order Limits to enable the Proposed Development to be constructed, operated and maintained.

Environmental Impact Assessment

6, The Proposed Development is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development under ‘The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017’. The Application therefore includes an Environmental Statement (ES) documenting the findings of the EIA undertaken.

Copies of the Application Documents and Further Environmental Information

7, You are encouraged to view the application form and its accompanying documents, drawings, plans and maps (including the draft DCO and the ES) comprising the Application (the ‘Application Documents’) free of charge by downloading them either from the Planning Inspectorate’s Project Website or the Applicant’s Project Website.

8, Documents on the Planning Inspectorate’s Project Website can be found at humber/keadby-3-low-carbon-gas-power-station-project/ and the documents can be found by selecting the grey “Documents Tab” under the title which reads “Keadby 3 Low Carbon Gas Power Station Project”.

9, The Application Documents can be found on the Applicant’s Project Website at and can be located by scrolling down the page to the subheading which reads “DCO Application” and then selecting the drop-down list you require.

On clicking on a list title, each document in that category will be shown as a hyperlink. The drop-down list titles are:

  • Application Guide, Draft DCO, and overview documents.
  • Land Acquisition Information.
  • Plans and Drawings.
  • Reports and Other Documents.
  • Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary and Main Volume.
  • Environmental Statement Figures and Appendices.
  • Further Environmental Information (July 2021)

10, The Further Environmental Information has been compiled by the Applicant in response to advice issued by the Planning Inspectorate in its letter dated 28 June 2021 marked ‘Section 51 advice’ (available at the Planning Inspectorate’s Project Website). It is intended that it will be an examination document in due course, and has been published in advance to be read alongside the Application Documents.

11, The Application Documents and Further Environmental Information will be available on the Applicant’s Project Website until at least 2 September 2021.

12, Alternatively, please telephone: Freephone 0800 211 8194 (24hr voicemail service) or email: Any details you provide to us will be subject to our Privacy Notice at the Applicant’s Project Website. You will be offered a paper copy of the Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary and Application Guide free of charge (although all other Application Documents, and the Further Environmental Information, including plans, reports, and any chapters, appendices and plans from the full Environmental Statement, will be charged based on page count up to a maximum of £400) or a USB stick containing the Application Documents will be supplied and posted to you free of charge (one free USB stick per address); please allow a week for receipt of documents via this method.

13, Due to the ongoing national restrictions to limit the spread of coronavirus we are not depositing copies of the Application Documents at any local public venues (such as libraries and community centres) and this approach is consistent with the amendments made to Regulation 4 of ‘The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009’.

Commenting on the Application and the Further Environmental Information

14, Becoming an Interested Party gives you the right to make representations about the Application to The Planning Inspectorate. To become an Interested Party, it is necessary to register with The Planning Inspectorate, giving notice of any interest in or objection to the Application. This must be done using The Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form for this Application. This Form is available to complete at The Planning Inspectorate’s Project Website above, from 22 July 2021. A paper copy of the Form can also be obtained from The Planning Inspectorate and returned by post. If you request a paper copy of the Form from The Planning Inspectorate, please ensure there is enough time for the Form to be sent to you and for you to post it back to The Planning Inspectorate before the deadline for responding expires.

15, Please note that The Planning Inspectorate will publish all relevant representations that are submitted on its website for this application.

16, If you require guidance, or other methods, to obtain and complete a Planning Inspectorate Registration and Relevant Representation Form, please telephone The Planning Inspectorate on 0303 444 5000 or email The postal address for The Planning Inspectorate (for the return of Forms) is: The Planning Inspectorate (National Infrastructure Directorate), Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.

17, Any Registration and Relevant Representation Form must be received by The Planning Inspectorate no later than 2 September 2021.

18, Further information about registering as an Interested Party is available in Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination on The Planning Inspectorate website at Due to the coronavirus, The Planning Inspectorate is reviewing its procedures, and therefore please monitor that website for updates periodically and sign up for updates using the “sign up” link on that website.

19, Representations will be made public and will be subject to The Planning Inspectorate’s privacy policy at notices/customer-privacy-notice.

Keadby Generation Limited

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