Notice is hereby given that CEMEX UK Marine Ltd (CEMEX) and Hanson Aggregates Marine Ltd (HAML), have applied to the Marine Management Organisation to undertake a regulated activity under Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The project requires an environmental impact assessment (“EIA”) consent and is subject to the requirement for an EIA under the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2007 (“the EIA Regulations”). An environmental statement has been prepared by the applicant.
The application is for a marine licence to permit continued marine aggregate extraction and associated survey requirements at Area 473, located in the East English Channel, approximately 30 km offshore of Eastbourne, south England, for a further 15 years. The proposal for Area 473 is for a Marine Licence that would allow an extraction of up to 30,000,000 tonnes of aggregate over a 15 year period, with a maximum total single year extraction of 4,000,000 tonnes.
A copy of the application, environmental statement and other documents required by the EIA Regulations can be viewed on line in the MMO’s Public Register at for a period of 42 days from the date of the first notice (27/05/2021)
In light of the current public health situation surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19) a hard copy of the application and supporting documents will not be available in a public place at this time.
If printed copies of the above documents are requested, a charge not exceeding reasonable copying costs may be payable.
Representations in respect of the application should ordinarily be made by:
– Visiting the MMO public register at https://marinelicensing. search?area=3 and accessing the ‘Public Representation’ section of case reference MLA/2021/00173;
However, we will also accept representations via the following formats:
– By email to; or alternatively
– By letter addressed to Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH
During the period of alternative working practices in relation to Covid-19, it is the MMO’s strong preference that representations are sent to us electronically, either to the MMO’s Public Register or via email.
In all cases, correspondence must:
– Be received within 42 days of the date of the first notice (27/05/2021);
– Quote the case reference MLA/2021/00173; and
– include an address to which correspondence relating to the representation or objection may be sent.
Representations received from members of the public will be dealt with in accordance with Schedule 5 of the EIA Regulations. Copies of written representations received by MMO will be sent to the applicant and may also be made publicly available. The MMO is an appropriate authority under the EIA Regulations. In determining the application, the MMO as appropriate authority will make the EIA consent decision for the project. The MMO will also make a decision whether to grant regulatory approval (for a marine licence) under Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.