Regulation 4 The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: prescribed forms and procedure) Regulations 2009
Regulation 13 The Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
Notice of proposed application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Drax Power Project
Notice is hereby given that Drax Power Limited of Drax Power Station, Drax, Selby Y08 8PH (the “Applicant”) proposes to make an application (the “Application”) under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) to authorise the construction, operation and maintenance of up to two gas-fired generating units each with (subject to technology and commercial considerations) battery energy storage on land within the existing Drax Power Station site with associated development, including a new underground gas pipeline to provide fuel from the National Transmission System (“NTS”) and connection to the existing 400kV national Grid substation (“the Repower Project”).
The Repower Project would comprise the repowering of up to two existing coal-powered generating units (units 5 and 6) at Drax Power Station with new gas turbines that would operate in both combined cycle and open cycle modes. Each repowered unit would have a new capacity of up to 1,800MW, replacing existing units each with a capacity of up to 660MW. Each repowered unit would (subject to technology and commercial considerations) be connected to its own battery energy storage facility with a capacity of up to 100MW. The total combined capacity of the Repower Project is, therefore, up to 3,800MW. Should only one unit be repowered then the capacity would be up to 1,900MW. Each repowered unit would include up to two gas turbines and up to two Heat Recovery Steam Generators. It is proposed that some of the existing infrastructure in the Drax Power Station site would also support the proposal including the steam turbine and cooling solution. The fuel supply for the gas fired generating units is natural gas which would be supplied via a new gas pipeline from the gas transmission network to the east of the Drax Power Station site. The electricity generated by the gas fired generating units would be exported from the units to a new banking facility on the Drax Power Station site, from which an underground cable connection would transport the electricity to the existing 400kV substation. Various highway powers to temporarily close highways and, for example, remove highway furniture will also be sought. The Repower Project also includes such infrastructure as is integral and necessary for the generation of electricity.
As the total combined capacity of the Repower Project is up to 3,800MW, it is a “Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project”. The Applicant must therefore apply to the Secretary of State for a DCO under the Planning Act 2008, in order to construct, operate and maintain the Repower Project.
The site for the proposed Repower Project comprises approximately 233ha of land compromising:
• Land predominantly within the curtilage of the existing Drax Power Station and within the ownership of Drax Power Ltd; and
• Land along the route of the proposed new gas supply pipeline options. Two routes are currently under consideration, both of which are approximately 3km in length and cross agricultural land to the east of Drax Power Station.
The proposed DCO would, amongst other matters, authorise up to two existing coal-powered generating units (units 5 and 6) at Drax Power Station to be repurposed with new gas turbines that can operate in both combined cycle and open cycle modes. The main elements of the Repower Project are explained further below:
Gas Turbines
It is proposed to construct up to four separate gas turbines (up to two per repowered unit). Air will be drawn into the compressor of the gas turbine and compressed. Fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. The mixture of fuel and compressed air is ignited, producing gases at a high temperature. As the gas expands, it rotates the turbine to produce electricity.
Heat Recovery Steam Generators
It is proposed to construct up to four Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) (up to two per repowered generating unit). The HRSGs recover the heat from hot flue gases from the gas turbines when operating in combined cycle mode. The heat is used to produce steam that will drive the existing steam turbines. Each HRSG will have a main stack, expected to be up to 120m in height. When operating in open cycle, the exhaust gas from each gas turbine will be sent direct to the atmosphere through a bypass stack, again up to 120m in height.
NOx Abatement Technology
NOx abatement technology may be included in the repowered units should there be a need to mitigate the amount of nitrogen oxide emissions from the plant.
Cooling Solution
Cooling for the new gas turbine generating units will be provided by the existing condensers for the steam turbines and existing cooling water infrastructure including reuse of the existing northern group of six cooling towers, cooling water make-up intake and cooling water outfall and other associated infrastructure.
Operation/maintenance and Control
The repowered units 5 and 6 would be operated and controlled from the current Drax control room which is situated onsite. The proposed generating equipment would be capable of responding to requests from National Grid to provide short-term additional generating capacity and other ancillary grid services, as well as selling electricity into the market. Gas generation allows the new units to respond rapidly to changing demands of the electricity market.
Battery Energy Storage Facility
Each new gas turbine generating unit would be connected to its own battery energy storage facility, which would each have a capacity of up to 100MW and which would support the repowered units in providing fast and flexible electricity export and other ancillary services to the National Grid.
The plant will be designed to operate for up to 25 years after which the continued operation of the repowered units will be reviewed. If it is not appropriate to continue operation, the repowered units will be decommissioned.
The Repower Project includes associated development, including:
• Gas Pipeline – a circa 3km pipeline connecting the generating units to the Gas transmission network. The pipeline would extend eastwards from the Drax Power Station site and include supporting infrastructure such as a Minimum Offtake Connection (MOC), Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) Trap Facility (PTF) and on site Pressure Reduction and Metering Station (PRMS). Whilst the intention is to obtain authorisation to acquire the land, construct and operate the gas pipeline under the DCO, a separate planning application may be made for the pipeline to Selby District Council. However, the DCO application would seek compulsory acquisition powers for the pipeline should voluntary agreements with landowners not be obtained for the gas pipeline route.
• Electrical connection – For both repowered units the output from each generating unit would be banked using Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) housed in a new building close to the generating units. Connection from the GIS banking buildings to the existing National Grid 400kV substation would be by either:
– An underground cable; or
– An underground cable that terminates in a new cable sealing end compound outside of the boundary of the existing National Grid 400kV substation and is connected to the existing equipment using overhead conductors.
• The existing electrical connection for each steam turbine will remain unchanged.
• Carbon Capture Readiness – the gas turbine generating units will be designed to be carbon capture ready, with the appropriate area of land provided to meet this requirement.
• Switchyard and Transmission Plant Works in existing 400kV National Grid Switchyard – as these works are within the existing 400kV switchyard which is owned and operated by National Grid, they may be undertaken by National Grid, but are currently included in the proposed redline.
• Construction Laydown – several areas within the Power Station Site and adjacent area have been identified for use as a temporary construction laydown.
• Temporary bridge – an area of land owned by Drax has been identified for use as construction laydown and/or contractor car parking. This area is separated from the Drax Power Station site by New Road, which is a public highway. In order to avoid staff crossing this road on foot a new, temporary pedestrian bridge will be constructed linking the contractor laydown/car parking area with the Drax Power Station site.
• Potential temporary crane on jetty – the existing Drax Jetty on the River Ouse may be used for loading and unloading of large plant and equipment up to the Jetty’s current rating of 200 tonnes. Some works may be required to enable the transfer of large plant and equipment from river barges to land transport. These works would comprise: location of a mobile crane alongside the jetty, associated security lighting, fencing and storage and welfare facilities and laydown areas. In the event the jetty cannot be used, material will be brought to site by road instead.
• Demolition and relocation of existing facilities – in order to construct the new generating units and associated facilities, it is proposed to demolish and relocate existing facilities at the Drax site. This would include the Turbine Outage Stores, Learning Centre, contractor’s compounds and welfare facilities (temporary), sludge lagoons and a squash court. Some of these works may be undertaken in 2018 as part of ordinary site reconfiguration works, but in any event the works would be included in Drax’s environmental assessment of the proposed Repower Project.
• Other ancillary works – it may be necessary to remove and restring some of the existing overhead lines during the construction phase of the development. These works would be led by National Grid.
• Highway Powers – powers to carry out some highway works may be necessary in order to transport Abnormal Indivisible Loads (AIL) from the M62 to the Drax Power Station site. These powers are likely to include the temporary stopping up of roads and removal of barriers. The land will be reinstated to its former condition once the AILs are delivered to site. No development is proposed.
The Application would seek the authorisation of the Repower Project through the DCO. The DCO would include powers required to construct and operate the project including compulsory acquisition powers for the permanent acquisition of land and/or rights over land. The DCO may also include (if required) powers for the temporary occupation of land, the extinguishment or overriding of easements and other rights over or affecting land required for the Repower Project, the application and / or disapplication of legislation relevant to the Repower Project, highway powers and tree and hedgerow removal, amongst other matters.
The Repower Project falls under Schedule 1 paragraph 2(1) (Thermal power stations and other combustion installations with a heat output of 300 megawatts or more) of the Infrastructure Planning (Environment Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (the ‘EIA Regulations 2017’) and is therefore “EIA Development”. The DCO application will be supported by an Environmental Statement (‘ES’) that will be prepared following the undertaking of an Environmental Impact Assessment (‘EIA’). The EIA will be undertaken in accordance with a ‘Scoping Opinion’ that has been issued under Regulation 10 of the EIA Regulations 2017 by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the SoS on 23rd October 2017. This Scoping Opinion sets out the scope of the environmental assessments that must be undertaken by the Applicant in order to adequately assess any potential significant effects. The ES will provide a detailed description of the Repower Project and its environmental effects, as well as other matters required by the EIA Regulations 2017. As part of this consultation, you can view the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (“PEIR”), which sets out the Applicant’s preliminary view of the likely significant effects based on the assessment undertaken to date. A non-technical summary of the PEIR is also provided. The Scoping Opinion, PEIR and non-technical summary can be viewed at:
The above documents and other information including plans and maps showing the nature and location of the Repower Project are available to view from 16th January 2018 until 27th February 2018 on the Project website and for inspection free of charge at the following locations and times:
Selby Library
52 Micklegate, Selby, YO8 4EQ
Mon – 9.30am – 7.30pm; Tues, Wed & Fri – 9.30am
– 5.30pm; Thurs & Sat – 9.30am – 12.30pm
Snaith Library
27 Market Place, Snaith, Goole, DN14 9HE
Tues – 2pm – 6pm; Thurs – 10am – 4pm;
Sat – 10am – 12noon
Goole Library
Carlisle Street, Goole, DN14 5DS
Mon & Wed – 9.30am – 7pm; Tues, Thurs & Fri
9.30am – 5pm; Sat – 9am – 4pm
North Yorkshire County Council
County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD
Mon to Thurs – 8am – 5.30pm; Fri – 8am – 4.30pm
Selby District Council (Access Selby)
Market Cross Shopping Centre, YO8 4JS
Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri – 9.30am – 4pm;
Wed – 10am – 4pm
Customer Service Centre,
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Cross Street, Beverley, HU17 9BA
Mon-Thurs – 9am-5pm; Fri – 9am-4pm
Copies of the Statement of Community Consultation (which sets out how Drax will carry out the statutory consultation exercise) will be available at the same locations and on the Project website at the earlier date of 2nd January 2018 until 27th February 2018.
Public exhibitions will be held at the following dates, times and locations:
Saturday 20th January 2018 (10am – 4pm)
Selby Town Hall, York Street, Selby, YO8 4AJ
Tuesday 23rd January 2018 (3pm – 8pm)
Drax Sports and Social Club, Main Road, Drax,
Selby, YO8 8PJ
Wednesday 24th January 2018 (2pm – 7pm)
Junction, 2 Paradise Place, Goole, DN14 5DL
Thursday 1st February (10am – 4pm)
Selby Town Hall, York Street Selby, YO8 4AJ
Friday 2nd February (9.30am – 1.30pm)
Hemingbrough Methodist Church Hall,
2 Main Street, Hemingbrough, Selby, YO8 6QE
The exhibitions will provide an opportunity for the local community and stakeholders to view the Project proposals, speak to the Project team and comment on the proposals in writing. Hard copy of all the consultation documents is available on request for a maximum copying charge of £200.00.
Hard copies of individual documents are also available on request. A USB of the documents is available on request for a charge of £25.00. The documents (or a USB) can be obtained by writing to the Freepost address below.
If you wish to respond to this notice in respect of the proposed Project, representations may be submitted in the following ways:
• Website
• Emailing
• Telephone 0800 731 8250
When making a response or representation, please include the name of the body or organisation, the main contact person and an address where correspondence about your response or representation can be sent.
All responses and representations on the Project must be received by Drax Power Ltd on or before 5pm on 27th February 2018.
Your comments will be analysed by Drax Power Ltd and any of its appointed agents. Copies may be made available in due course to the Secretary of State, the Planning Inspectorate and other relevant statutory authorities so that your comments can be considered as part of the DCO application process. We will request that your personal details are not placed on public record and will be held securely by Drax Power Ltd in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will be used solely in connection with the consultation process and subsequent DCO application and, except as noted above, will not be passed to third parties.
Read more public notices here.