
  • New Issue: Fishing News 29.11.18

    New Issue: Fishing News 29.11.18

    27th November 2018

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Quota reallocation pledge – Soph-Ash-Jay 3 joins JAS-N at Burnmouth – ‘No link between fisheries and trade’, says government – KFO encouraged by UK-EU declaration – Bass not a discards species…

  • Holderness netters

    Holderness netters

    27th November 2017

    Yorkshire beach-netters have cause for complaint. John Worrall reports. And here’s another bit of administrative daftness. On the Holderness coast of Yorkshire, there is a commercial fishery that ticks just about every box that anyone with a feel for the environment could…

  • Anglers attack bass fishery

    Anglers attack bass fishery

    28th August 2017

    SOS calls for further draconian measures to be imposed on commercial fishermen. No consideration given to the time new management measures now in place need to work through -70% reduction in bass landings this year on south coast. Bass anglers…

  • Frustration as French trawlers target bass off Portsmouth

    Frustration as French trawlers target bass off Portsmouth

    12th June 2017

    Static-gear fishermen from Portsmouth and Selsey have voiced their concerns and frustration about two French trawlers that appeared to be specifically targeting bass off the south coast of England over the Bank Holiday weekend of 27-29 May, reports David Linkie.…

  • MMO under fire over bass fishing applications

    MMO under fire over bass fishing applications

    15th May 2017

    The MMO has rejected 261 applications for authorisations to fish bass under the new 2017 regulations, reports Tim Oliver. It received 661 applications, of which 377 had been approved and 261 rejected as of 8 May, while 23 were still…

  • Bass fishermen hit by fishing go-ahead delay

    Bass fishermen hit by fishing go-ahead delay

    28th March 2017

    Hundreds of bass fishermen who have had to appeal to the MMO to gain authorisation to fish for bass in 2017 have been told they will have to wait until 21 April to know whether or not they can fish, reports…

  • Bass track record hope

    Bass track record hope

    17th March 2017

    Brussels queries UK bass track record rules. Aim is to stop extra fishing pressure Commission tells LIFE. The European Commission is questioning the transfer of bass track records from the licence to the boat and the inability to transfer track…

  • Call to fight bass track record rules

    Call to fight bass track record rules

    20th February 2017

    Safety risk as new boat orders cancelled. A North Wales fisherman is calling on UK inshore bass fishermen to form a group to fight the new ‘ridiculous and discriminatory’ 2017 bass regulations imposed after the December Council, and possibly mount…

  • Open Letter from The Warsash Inshore Fishermen’s Group

    Open Letter from The Warsash Inshore Fishermen’s Group

    25th October 2016

    To: Sec. State, DEFRA Andrea Leadsom NFFO (Chairman Tony Delahunty) Permanent Sec. Clare Moriarty SouthernIFCA (+Committee) Minister of Fisheries, Mr.George Eustice MP Madeleine Moon, MP for Bridgend Suella Fernandes, MP for Fareham Ref: The Inshore Commercial Bass Fishery This letter…

  • Bass tagging studies show ‘jaw dropping’ movements

    Bass tagging studies show ‘jaw dropping’ movements

    14th March 2016

    A CEFAS scientist says returns from tagged bass show that bass migrate over even longer distances than was previously thought. Dr Ewan Hunter, who is leading a four-year CEFAS bass-tagging project, said the return rate from the tagging experiments was ‘fantastic’.…

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