Blue Marine Foundation

  • Media storm over fuel ‘subsidy’

    Media storm over fuel ‘subsidy’

    25th January 2024

    Two NGOs, Oceana and the Blue Marine Foundation, have launched a widely reported attack on the fuel tax exemption provided to the UK fishing industry, claiming that this is ‘threatening to empty the ocean of fish’. The attack follows a…

  • Defra threatened with legal action for exceeding ICES advice

    Defra threatened with legal action for exceeding ICES advice

    2nd October 2023

    The NGO Blue Marine Foundation has announced it is intending to take legal action against Defra. Its action, it says, aims to force Defra to restrict the issue of UK quotas to limits within ICES advice. In setting catch limits…

  • Blue Marine Foundation: Perspectives on crustacean potting

    Blue Marine Foundation: Perspectives on crustacean potting

    6th April 2023

    The Blue Marine Crab and Lobster Symposium last November brought together scientists, managers and fishermen to discuss the way ahead. Late last year, the Blue Marine Foundation hosted an intense one- day Crab and Lobster Symposium attended by a range…

  • Whelk symposium seeks fishers’ views

    Whelk symposium seeks fishers’ views

    16th June 2022

    The NGO Blue Marine Foundation is hosting a free online Whelk Symposium on 22 June, from 2-6pm, to share current knowledge and support ongoing work to safeguard the long-term health of UK whelk populations and sustainable fisheries. Speakers and presenters…

  • Fisheries APPG tackles ‘inclusive’ management of MPAs

    Fisheries APPG tackles ‘inclusive’ management of MPAs

    9th March 2022

    Over 120 attendees tuned in to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Fisheries’ first event of 2022, which took place on 22 February and was entitled ‘Fisheries and Protected Areas’. Participants at the APPG event heard from speakers from across…

  • Sussex seabed survey launched

    Sussex seabed survey launched

    15th February 2022

    Sussex Wildlife Trust and the Blue Marine Foundation, as part of a collaboration within the Sussex Kelp Restoration Project, are asking Sussex fishers to participate in a survey on sedimentation of the seabed in the area, following growing concerns about…

  • LIVE Lobster store boosts sustainable East Devon fishery

    LIVE Lobster store boosts sustainable East Devon fishery

    14th February 2020

    Joint-funded by the Blue Marine Foundation and Dorset and East Devon FLAG, a new storage facility for live lobsters will soon be in operation at Axmouth harbour in East Devon. Phil Lockley reports Officially opened on 14 January, the lobster…


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