
  • 2021 Seafish fleet survey researchers’ diaries: Sunny days

    2021 Seafish fleet survey researchers’ diaries: Sunny days

    2nd September 2021

    Juan Carlos Paredes Esclapez reports from the North East of England In my last article, I remarked on how different things seemed since 2019, when Joe, Oscar and I were on the quayside for our last pre-Covid fleet survey. We’re…

  • EU looks at alternative low-emission engines

    EU looks at alternative low-emission engines

    1st September 2021

    The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) has told the EU Commission that modern engines have a much lower environmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions because of IMO legislation. The Commission is seeking feedback on a project looking at…

  • Fishing News Awards 2021 virtual trophy presentation

    Fishing News Awards 2021 virtual trophy presentation

    20th August 2021

    In June, we held our annual Fishing News Awards, which recognise the achievements of fishermen, companies, products and initiatives across the UK and Irish fishing industry. Due to the restrictions imposed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we followed…

  • Stability on smaller vessels

    Stability on smaller vessels

    29th July 2021

    The new Code of Practice for Small Fishing Vessels, due to come into force in the next few months, will include new stability requirements. The MCA survey team explain the implications for owners of vessels old and new. Since October…

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