
  • Ewing Brexit warning

    Ewing Brexit warning

    28th May 2019

    Scottish minister spells out Brexit downsides Strategy to get best possible deal Brexit is ‘the story that never ends’, but Scotland needs to get the best deal in the next 12 months, whatever happens, reports Tim Oliver This was the…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 23.05.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 23.05.19

    21st May 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – EU mussel exports threat – Industry achievements recognised at Fishing News Awards 2019 – Three fishermen rescued from burning trawler – ‘Pulse ban won’t be overturned’ – Danger of 20% whelk…

  • EU mussel exports threat

    EU mussel exports threat

    20th May 2019

    Brexit threat to live mussel exports to EU – UK won’t be able to meet new standards A mussel fishing and farming company in North Wales fears that it and other firms that export live mussels and other bivalve shellfish to…

  • Guide to No Deal exit

    Guide to No Deal exit

    9th April 2019

    No deal EU Exit guide for fishermen While the UK government is working to leave the EU with a negotiated deal, it continues to plan for all eventualities including a no deal departure. The UK government, Devolved Administrations and Marine…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 11.04.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 11.04.19

    9th April 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – ‘No CFP exit delay’ call – Fruitful Bough launched at Whitby – Kilkeel ‘Cookery School of the Year’ – New fisheries minister visits Peterhead – Scallop conference shows way ahead –…

  • ‘No CFP exit delay’ call

    ‘No CFP exit delay’ call

    8th April 2019

    ‘We must leave CFP by end of 2020’ – Federations’ message to minister at Westminster event Industry leaders and representatives told new fisheries minister Robert Goodwill, MPs and Lords last week that whatever else happens, they must not delay the…

  • New Issue: Fishing News 04.04.19

    New Issue: Fishing News 04.04.19

    2nd April 2019

    This week in Fishing News you will find: – Brexit stocks dangers – MPs: ‘Not everyone wants Brexit’ – NFFO elects new chairman – FFL in push for no-deal Brexit – Inshore groups welcome TCM for brown crab – 500…

  • Brexit stocks dangers

    Brexit stocks dangers

    1st April 2019

    Stable stocks as important as bigger shares A Scottish fishermen’s leader has warned that the huge benefits of increased fishing opportunities from Brexit must not come at the cost of weaker stocks, reports Tim Oliver The potential benefits from Britain…

  • Fishing vessels join Tyneside Brexit protest

    Fishing vessels join Tyneside Brexit protest

    29th March 2019

    A flotilla of fishing vessels took part in a demonstration and parade on Tyneside on Friday last week, to protest against the Brexit withdrawal deal, and to highlight that the government has capitulated to Britain having to obey all EU…


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